Ko te tōpūtanga o ngā mahi katoa, o ngā wheako katoa, o ngā āhuatanga katoa ka ākona i te kura. Ka whai wāhi atu ki tērā, ko ngā wheako me ngā akoranga ka āta whakaritea e te kura, ko ngā wheako ka heipū noa mai, ko ngā kaupapa ako, ko ngā pūkenga, ko ngā uara me ngā waiaro ka hopukina, ka whakaakona, ka ākona rānei.
The combination of all activities, all experiences and all things that are learnt at school. This includes the experiences and lessons that are planned for by the school, the experiences that occur without planning, the topics of instruction, as well as the skills, values and attitudes that are acquired, taught or learned.
Kua tahuri te kura ki te waihanga i tā rātou ake marautanga, ko ngā tikanga o te haukāinga te tūāpapa.
Nō te tau 1996 i puta ai te marautanga ā-motu tuatahi mō ngā kura reo Māori.
Ko tāna i tohe ai, ka tino taea tonuhia he marautanga ā-kura, ahakoa te here a te kāwanatanga kia whāia te marautanga ā-motu.