Ko ngā āhuatanga, ko ngā whakapono e noho hira ana ki roto i te whatumanawa, i te hinengaro o te tangata, e tino aro nuitia ana rānei e te hapori. Ko ngā uara o te tangata e noho tūāpapa ana ki āna mahi, ki āna whanonga, ki te āhua o tana noho.
The characteristics and beliefs that have importance in the heart and mind of a person, or that the community are inclined towards. A person's values are a foundation which determines their actions, behaviours and their way of living.
Ko ētahi ka mau tonu ki ngā uara i pakeke ai rātou i ō rātou whānau, ko ētahi ka tahuri ki uara kē.
Kaua te tangata e whakahē, e whakaparahako, e arotoka ki ngā uara o iwi kē i runga i te kūare noa iho.
He aha ngā āhuatanga e tino uaratia ana e tō tātou kura?