He momo ako, he mātauranga e whakatenatenahia ai te ākonga kia āta mātai i tōna ao i runga i te whakaaro arohaehae ki te tika me te tōkeke o te porihanga.
A type of learning or education which encourages students to examine their world with a critical focus on the justness and fairness of society.
wete - to release, untie, set free
here - restriction, tie
He ako wetehere tana kaupapa e pūrangiaho ai ngā pēhitanga tātāmi e mau tonu ana i Aotearoa.
Mā te ako wetehere e pakari ai te whakaaro arohaehae o te ākonga.
Ko Paulo Freire o Parīhi tētahi o ngā mātanga nāna i kōkiri te ako wetehere, e tū tangata ai, e whai mātauranga ai te hunga e pēhia ana e ō rātou kāwanatanga.