Ko te mātauranga me ngā pūkenga matua hei ako mā te tamaiti, ka tohua e te pouako, e te kura, e tētahi mana mātauranga rānei, pērā i Te Mana Tohu Mātauranga o Aotearoa.
The essential knowledge and skills for a child to learn that are set out by a teacher, school or education authority, such as the New Zealand Qualifications Authority.
whāinga (whai) - to follow, pursue, aim at
pae - horizon, step of a ladder
tae - to achieve, arrive
paetae - achievement
Tirohia Te Marautanga o Aotearoa, kei reira ētahi whāinga paetae mō te reo hei āta whakaaroaro māu i a koe e whakamahere ana i ngā mahi ako.
Ki a au nei, kāore e tika ana tēnei whāinga paetae ki tēnei taumata o te kura, he uaua rawa.