Disease, Illness, Injury and Treatment / Tahumaero, Māuiui, Whara, Rongoā

English → Māori

A vocabulary list relating to various human conditions, diseases and injuries, including the treatment of those illnesses.

He rārangi kupu o ngā momo māuiui, ngā tahumaero me ngā whara ka pā ki a tātou te tangata, tae atu ki te rongoā i aua mate.

AIDS, acquired immune deficiency syndrome Noun

mate ārai-kore (takenga mai: mate - sickness; ārai - to ward off, protect; kore - negative)

Alzheimer's disease, alzheimers Noun

tuapaemahara (takenga mai: tua - beyond; pae - horizon, threshold; mahara - remember, memory) (kupu kē atu: mate wareware)

able-bodied Adjective

toiora (takenga mai: toiora - sound, uninjured)

abrasion, graze, grazed Noun, Intransitive Verb, Adjective

riwha (kupu kē atu: kohore)

abscess, boil Noun

whēwhē (kupu kē atu: mariao, tāpoa)

abuse survivor Noun

tūora tūkinotanga

accessible building Noun

whare tomopai

accessible toilet Noun

wharepaku tomopai

accessible, accessibility Noun, Adjective

tomopai (takenga mai: tomo - to enter, go in; pai - simple, easy) (kupu kē atu: whakatapoko)

accident Noun

aituā (kupu kē atu: hauata)

ache (of the body) Noun, Intransitive Verb


acid (drug) LSD Noun

pōau waikawa (takenga mai: pōau - to be confused, bewildered; pōau [whakapōauau] - narcotic drug; waikawa - acid)

acne Noun

mate huahua (takenga mai: mate - condition, disorder; huahua - pimple)

acrophobia, fear of heights Noun

mae tīkoke (takenga mai: tīkoke - high, tall, towering)

acupuncture, needling Noun, Transitive Verb

wero ā-ngira (takenga mai: wero - pierce, poke, injection; ngira [kupu mino] - needle) (kupu kē atu: haumanu ngira)

acupuncturist Noun

kaihaumanu ngira

acute pain Noun

mamae tārū (takenga mai: tārū - painful, acute, severe)

adaptive immunity Noun

awhikiri urutau

addict Noun

kiriwara (takenga mai: kiri - person, self; wara [warawara] - addiction)

addiction recovery Noun, Intransitive Verb

patu warawara (takenga mai: patu - to subdue; warawara - addiction) (kupu kē atu: whakamāui warawara)

addiction, addicted, addictive Noun, Adjective, Transitive Verb

wara, warawara ~hia

advanced cancer Noun

mate pukupuku maukaha (kupu kē atu: mate pukupuku mārō)

aged care facility Noun

whare tiaki kaumātua

aggressive tumour Noun

pukupuku rīrā (takenga mai: rīrā - strong)

agoraphobia Noun

mae ahoaho (takenga mai: ahoaho - open space)

air ambulance Noun

wakarangi tūroro

alcohol Noun


alcohol abuse Noun

raukoti waipiro

alcohol addiction Noun, Intransitive Verb

wara waipiro

alert, responsive, receptive Noun, Intransitive Verb

mauri tū

allergen Noun

matū whakapāwera (takenga mai: matū - substance, chemical; whaka - causative prefix; pāwera - allergy)

allergy Noun, Intransitive Verb

mate pāwera

allergy, allergic Noun, Transitive Verb, Adjective

pāwera ~tanga

alternative medicine, alternative remedy Noun

rongoā arokē

ambulance Noun

waka tūroro

amputate, amputation Noun, Transitive Verb

pōuto ~kia ~ nga (kupu kē atu: pororere)

anabolic steroid Noun

pūtaiaki whakapeto pūngao

anaesthetic Noun

rongoā whakarehu (takenga mai: rehu - to render unconscious) (kupu kē atu: whakarehu)

anaesthetic technician Noun

ringapū whakarehu

anaesthetic, anaesthetise Noun, Transitive Verb

(whaka) rehu ~a

anaesthetist Noun

rata whakarehu (takenga mai: rehu - to render unconscious) (kupu kē atu: tākuta whakarehu)

anguish, distress, distraught, dysphoria Noun, Intransitive Verb

auhi (kupu kē atu: ahotea, pākinikini, pākatokato)

antenatal care, prenatal care Noun

maimoa pirikōpū (takenga mai: maimoa - to cherish, care for; piri - e whai ana i tā te piripoho; piri - to be close; kōpū - womb)

antenatal service, prenatal service Noun

ratonga pirikōpū (takenga mai: ratonga - service; piri - e whai ana i tā te piripoho; piri - to be close, cling to; kōpū - womb)

anti-bacterial Noun, Adjective

patu huakita (takenga mai: patu - to kill, subdue; huakita - bacteria)

anti-fungal Noun, Adjective

patu puruheka (takenga mai: patu - to kill, subdue; puruheka - fungus)

anti-inflammatory Noun, Adjective


anti-parasitic Noun, Adjective

patu pirinoa (takenga mai: patu - to kill, subdue; pirinoa - parasite)

anti-viral Noun, Adjective

patu huaketo (takenga mai: patu - to kill, subdue; huaketo - virus)

antibiotic Noun

rongoā paturopi

antibody Noun

paturopi (takenga mai: patu - subdue, kill; ropi [rauropi] - organism)

antigen Noun

akiaki paturopi (takenga mai: akiaki - to urge on; patu - to subdue, kill; ropi [rauropi] - organism; paturopi - antibody)

antiseptic ointment, antiseptic cream Noun

panikiri patuero (takenga mai: patu - to subdue, kill; ero - septic, pus)

antiseptic wipes Noun

muku patuero

antisocial personality disorder, sociopathy Noun, Intransitive Verb

mate haukiri tūhourangi (takenga mai: mate - disorder, condition, illness; haukiri - personality; tūhourangi - uncouth, ill-mannered)

arachnophobia, fear of spiders Noun

mae pūngāwerewere

aromatherapy Noun

haumanu ā-kakara

arrhythmia, abnormal rhythm (of the heart) Noun

kakapa hē (o te manawa)

artery bypass (surgery) Noun

(hāpara) ia-tuku autaki (takenga mai: hāpara [hāparapara] - surgery, operation; ia-tuku - artery; autaki - detour)

arthritis Noun

pona kakā (takenga mai: pona - joint; kakā - to be inflamed)

artificial immunity, passive immunity Noun

awhikiri horihori

asphyxia, suffocation, suffocate Noun, Transitive Verb

roromi ~a

assisted dying, euthanasia Noun

mate whakaahuru (takenga mai: mate - to die; whakaahuru - comfortable)

asthma, asthmatic Noun, Adjective

huangō (kupu kē atu: kume, tīmohu)

at risk child, underserved child Noun

tamaiti tokorepa (takenga mai: toko [tautoko] - support; repa [takarepa] - deficient, in deficit, falling short) (kupu kē atu: tamaiti tūraru)

athletes foot Noun

īhiwae (takenga mai: īhi - yeast)

atrial fibrillation, heart flutter Noun

manawa arowhaki (takenga mai: manawa - heart; arowhaki - to quiver, flutter)

attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, ADHD Noun

mate aro pīkari (takenga mai: mate - illness, sick, lacking; aro - to pay heed to; pīkari - attentively) (kupu kē atu: aroreretini, aroreretītā)

autism Noun

takiwātanga (kupu kē atu: mate takiwātanga)

autism spectrum disorder, ASD Noun

mate takiwātanga whānui

autopsy, post mortem Noun, Intransitive Verb

arohaenga tūpāpaku (takenga mai: arohae [arohaehae] - to appraise, critique; tūpāpaku - corpse, deceased)

aviophobia, fear of flying Noun

mae rere

Botulism Noun

poturimi (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)

bacteria, bacterial Noun, Adjective

huakita (takenga mai: hua – product, progeny, abundance; kita – anything very small)

bacterial infection Noun

poke huakita

bacterial meningitis Noun

kiriuhi uakakā huakita

balm Noun

hinu panikiri (takenga mai: hinu - oil; panikiri - skin lotion)

bandage Noun, Transitive Verb

tākaikai ~tia (kupu kē atu: tākai)

behavioural disorder Noun

mate whanonga

benign tumour, benign cancer, non-malignant tumour Noun

pukupuku ngū

bi-polar disorder Noun

māuiui whaiaro rua (takenga mai: māuiui - illness, disorder; whaiaro - self, personality; rua - two)

binge drinking Noun, Intransitive Verb

inu inati (takenga mai: inati - excessive, extreme)

biopsy, tissue sample Noun

tīpako pūtautau (takenga mai: tīpako - sample; pūtautau - tissue)

biphobia Noun

mae hōkakarua (takenga mai: hōkaka [hōkakatanga] - sexuality)

birth defect, congenital disorder Noun

mate whakawhānau

bleeding nose, blood nose Noun, Intransitive Verb


blepharitis, eye inflammation Noun

toretore (kupu kē atu: karu kakā)

blocked artery Noun

ia-tuku tūkati

blocked blood vessel Noun

ia-toto tūkati

blood bank Noun

pūranga toto (takenga mai: pūranga - to lie in a heap)

blood disease, blood disorder Noun, Intransitive Verb


blood donor Noun

kaituku toto

blood loss, loss of blood Noun, Intransitive Verb

mimiti toto (takenga mai: mimiti - reduced, diminished)

blood sugar level Noun

pae hukatoto

blood transfusion Noun

whāngai toto

blood type Noun

momo toto

bloodclot Noun


blunt force trauma Noun

kohuki tukituki

blurred vision, poor eyesight, vision impaired Noun, Intransitive Verb, Adjective


body dysphoria Noun

auhi ā-tinana

body lice Noun

kutu tinana

body mass index, BMI Noun

tauine taumaharoa (takenga mai: tauine - ruler, scale; taumaha - weight; roa [tāroaroa] - height)

booster vaccine Noun

āraimate turuki (takenga mai: turuki - to come as a supplement, follow) (kupu kē atu: āraimate whakakaha)

bow legged Intransitive Verb, Adjective


bowel cancer Noun

mate pukupuku kōpiro

bowel surgery Noun

hāpara kōpiro

bradycardia, slow heartbeat Noun

manawa taitu (takenga mai: manawa - heart; taitu - slow, sluggish)

brain damage, brain disease Noun, Intransitive Verb

mate roro

brain surgery Noun

hāpara roro

break, broken (bone) Noun, Intransitive Verb

whati ~nga

breast cancer Noun

mate pukupuku ū (kupu kē atu: ūtaetae)

breast surgery Noun

hāpara uma

bronchitis Noun

pekahau kakā (takenga mai: peka - branch; hau - air; hau [arahau] - airway; kakā - inflamed)

bruise, bruised Noun, Intransitive Verb, Adjective


bulimia Noun, Intransitive Verb

mate whakaruaki (takenga mai: mate - sickness; whakaruaki - to make vomit) (kupu kē atu: pukuruaki)

burning pain Noun

mamae pāwerawera

Covid-19 Noun

Korona-19 (takenga mai: he kupu mino) (kupu kē atu: Kowheori, mate Korona)

callous, calloused Noun, Intransitive Verb, Adjective

pātio (kupu kē atu: raupā)

calmer, relaxant, pacify Noun, Transitive Verb, Adjective

whakamahuru ~tia (takenga mai: whakamahuru - to pacify)

cancer Noun

mate pukupuku

capillary Noun

ia-tōiti (takenga mai: ia [ia-toto] - blood vessel; tōiti - little finger or toe)

cardio-pulmonary resuscitation, CPR Noun

whakaora manawa

cardiovascular disease Noun

mate iaia manawa (kupu kē atu: mate ia-toto)

carpal tunnel Noun

pūio kawititanga ringa (takenga mai: pū - duct, tube; io - nerve; kawititanga o te ringa - wrist)

carpal tunnel syndrome Noun

mate pūio kawititanga ringa

cataract Noun

mate arotahi (takenga mai: mate - illness, disorder, condition; arotahi - lens [of the eye])

cataract surgery, cataract operation Noun

hāpara arotahi (takenga mai: arotahi - lens [of the eye])

catch lice, search for lice Transitive Verb

hākure ~a

cerebral palsy Noun, Intransitive Verb

mate roro tuarongo (takenga mai: mate - disorder, sickness; roro tuarongo - cerebellum) (kupu kē atu: mate whakatīmohea)

cervical cancer Noun

mate pukupuku wahakōpū

cervical screen, cervical test Noun

whakamātau wahakōpū

cervical smear, Pap smear Noun

okoi wahakōpū (takenga mai: okoi - to scrape) (kupu kē atu: okoi waha whare tangata)

chafe, chafing Noun, Intransitive Verb, Adjective

pahore (kupu kē atu: hikahika)

chemist shop Noun

toa rongoā

chemotherapy Noun

haumanu matū (takenga mai: haumanu - therapy; matū - chemical)

chickenpox Noun

koroputa hei (takenga mai: koroputa [koroputaputa] - smallpox; hei [heihei] - chicken)

chilblain Noun


child abuse Noun

tūkino tamariki

child abuse survivor Noun

tūora tūkino tamariki

child neglect Noun

whakahapa tamariki

childhood obesity Noun

(mate) mōmona tamariki

chill (illness) Noun


chiropractor Noun

kaikorohiti (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)

choke, choking Noun, Intransitive Verb


chronic illness, chronic disease, long-term illness Noun

mate tauroa

chronic pain Noun

mamae tauroa (takenga mai: tauroa - to extend [of time])

cigarette Noun

hikareti (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)

claustrophobia Noun

mae apiapi (takenga mai: apiapi - confined, restriced)

cleanliness, clean Noun, Adjective, Intransitive Verb

parukore (takenga mai: paru - dirt, dirty; kore - negative, not) (kupu kē atu: mā)

clear the throat, cough, phlegm Noun, Intransitive Verb

whawharo (kupu kē atu: wharo)

cleft lip, harelip Noun

ngutu riwha (takenga mai: riwha - scarred, defaced)

cleft palate Noun

pikiarero riwha (takenga mai: pikiarero - roof of mouth; riwha - scarred, defaced)

climate crisis Noun

tairaru āhuarangi

clinic, health clinic, health centre Noun

whare haumanu (takenga mai: haumanu - to revive, restore to health) (kupu kē atu: whare hauora)

clogged up, congested, congestion Noun, Intransitive Verb, Adjective


clot (blood), coagulate Noun, Intransitive Verb

tepe ~nga

cocaine Noun

kukarou (takenga mai: kuka - dry leaves; rou - intoxicated, as with tutu juice)

cognitive disorder Noun, Intransitive Verb

mate hirikapo

cold sore, fever blister Noun

hoipū kirikā (takenga mai: hoipū - blister; kirikā - fever)

cold turkey, abrupt cessation Intransitive Verb, Noun

keremutu (takenga mai: keremutu - to end abruptly)

collapse Noun, Neuter Verb

hinga (kupu kē atu: tanuku, porowhā)

coma, comatose Noun, Intransitive Verb

mauri ngaro

community health facility Noun

whare hauora ā-hapori

community well-being Noun

oranga hapori

complication (of an illness) Noun

mate āpiti (takenga mai: mate - illness, disorder; āpiti - as well as, in addition)

compulsive behaviour Noun

whanonga ākiroto (takenga mai: āki - to urge on, exhort, induce; roto - inside)

compulsive disorder, compulsive condition, obsessive disorder Noun, Intransitive Verb

mate ākiroto (takenga mai: āki - to urge on, exhort, induce; roto - inside) (kupu kē atu: mate takaauau)

concussion, concussed Noun, Intransitive Verb


conjunctivitis Noun

kirikamo kakā (takenga mai: kirikamo - conjunctiva; kakā - to be inflammed) (kupu kē atu: mate pīkaru)

conscious, cognizant Noun, Intransitive Verb

mauri oho

constipation, constipated Noun, Intransitive Verb

kōreke (kupu kē atu: kōroke, tina, mate kōreke)

contagious disease Noun

mate rere (takenga mai: mate - disease, illness; rere - escape, fly about) (kupu kē atu: mate horapa)

contaminate, contamination Noun, Adjective, Transitive Verb

tāhawa, tāhawahawa ~tia (takenga mai: tāhawahawa - contaminate with something tapu)

convulsion, spasm, seizure Noun, Intransitive Verb, Adjective


coroner Noun

kaitirotiro matewhawhati (takenga mai: kai - prefix denoting agent; tirotiro - to examine; matewhawhati - unexpected death, sudden death)

corticosteroid Noun

pūtaiaki patukakā (takenga mai: patu - to subdue; kakā - inflamation)

cosmetic surgery Noun

hāpara whakapaipai

cough Noun, Intransitive Verb

mare, maremare

cough, common cold Noun, Intransitive Verb

maremare (kupu kē atu: wharowharo)

counselling Noun

tohuora (takenga mai: tohu - to signal, guide, advise; ora - wellness, health, life) (kupu kē atu: whakamahereora)

counsellor Noun

kaitohuora (takenga mai: kai - prefix denoting person performing an action; tohu - to advise, guide; ora - health, well-being, life) (kupu kē atu: kaiwhakamahereora)

cramp Noun, Intransitive Verb

parerori (kupu kē atu: kokohu, uauawhiti)

crisis, predicament, serious problem Noun

tairaru (takenga mai: tai - prefix with a qualifying force; raru - problem, trouble, difficulty) (kupu kē atu: raru ki tai)

critical injury, severe injury Noun

whara hārukiruki

cross contamination Noun

tāhawa whitiwhiti (takenga mai: tāhawahawa - to contaminate; whitiwhiti - to transfer, exchange, swap)

cross-eyed Noun, Adjective

karu rewha

crutch (mobility aid) Noun

tiripou (kupu kē atu: turupou)

cystic fibrosis Noun

kukūtanga wē tinana (takenga mai: kukū - to be firm, stiff, thickened; wē - fluid; tinana - body)

Down's syndrome Noun

mate pūira kehe (takenga mai: mate - sickness, disorder, condition; pūira - chromosome; kehe - an odd number)

data driven Intransitive Verb, Adjective

aro raraunga (takenga mai: aro - to take heed of, consider; raraunga - data)

debilitated, debility, impaired Noun, Intransitive Verb, Adjective


defibrillation Noun, Intransitive Verb

whakahihiko manawa (takenga mai: whakahihiko - stimulate, electrify)

deformity in leg or foot, lame Noun, Intransitive Verb, Adjective

hape, hapehape (kupu kē atu: kopa)

degenerate, decline in health Intransitive Verb

tipuheke (kupu kē atu: tupuheke, paheke)

dehydrate, dehydration, dehydrated Noun, Adjective, Intransitive Verb

tauraki ~na ~tanga

delicacy specially prepared for a dying person Noun

ō matenga

delirium, delirious Noun, Intransitive Verb

mate kuawa (kupu kē atu: kutukutu ahi)

deluded, delusion Noun, Intransitive Verb, Adjective


dementia Noun, Intransitive Verb


dental technician Noun

ringapū niho

depressant, downer Noun

(pūroi) haupēhi (takenga mai: hau - essence, vitality; pēhi - to suppress)

depression (illness), misery Noun, Intransitive Verb

kōtonga (kupu kē atu: rāwakiwaki, poururu, mate pāpōuri, toimaha hārukiruki)

deranged, unbalanced, mentally distressed Noun, Intransitive Verb, Adjective


dermatologist Noun

mātanga kiri (takenga mai: mātanga - expert; kiri - skin)

dermatology Noun

mātaikiri (takenga mai: mātai - to inspect, examine; kiri - skin)

despondent, despondency, hopelessness Noun, Intransitive Verb, Adjective


developmental disorder, developmental disability Noun

mate whanake

developmental dyspraxia, developmental coordination disorder, clumsy child syndrome Noun

mate whanake neketahi (takenga mai: mate - illness, disorder; whanake - to develop, grow; neke - to move; tahi [reretahi] - coordination)

diabetes Noun, Intransitive Verb

mate huka (takenga mai: mate - sickness; huka - sugar)

diagnose, diagnosis Noun, Transitive Verb

tautohu ~tia ~nga (takenga mai: tautohu - to identify, specify) (kupu kē atu: whakatau māuiui)

diarrhoea Noun

tikotiko (kupu kē atu: koiangi, tororere)

die, death, dead Noun, Neuter Verb, Adjective

hemo ~nga (kupu kē atu: mate, pahemo)

dietary influence Noun

awenga whiringa kai

digestive disease, digestive disorder Noun

mate nakunaku kai

disabled, disability Noun, Intransitive Verb, Adjective

hauā (kupu kē atu: whaikaha, kopa)

disablism Noun, Adjective, Intransitive Verb

whakatoihara hauā (takenga mai: whakatoihara - discrimination, prejudice, intolerance; hauā - disabled) (kupu kē atu: aukatinga whaikaha)

disfigured, deformed Noun, Adjective


dislocate, dislocation (of a joint) Noun, Intransitive Verb, Adjective

pakoki (kupu kē atu: kounu)

divergent eyesight, divergent strabismus Noun

karu tīhoi

dizzy, dizziness, giddy Noun, Intransitive Verb, Adjective

takaānini (kupu kē atu: pāhoahoa, āmai, pōānini, pōātinitini, rorohuri, pōnitiniti)

doctor, physician Noun

rata (takenga mai: He kupu mino.) (kupu kē atu: tākuta [kupu mino])

domestic abuse survivor Noun

tūora riri ā-whare

domestic violence, famly violence, domestic abuse Noun

riri ā-whare (takenga mai: riri - anger, violence, rage; ā-whare - in-house)

dose, dosage Noun

pota (takenga mai: pota - fragment, small portion) (kupu kē atu: horopeta)

downstream (issues, effects etc) Adjective

reremuri (takenga mai: rere - to flow; muri - behind, coming after) (kupu kē atu: takamuri)

dressing (for a wound), apply a dressing Noun, Transitive Verb

tāpi ~a

drop-in clinic Noun

whare haumanu toronoa (takenga mai: toro - to visit; noa - just, merely)

drowsy, lethargic, lethargy, sleepiness Noun, Intransitive Verb

hinamoe (kupu kē atu: pōuruuru, hāmoemoe, kānewha, nenewha)

drug Noun


drug addiction Noun, Intransitive Verb

wara pūroi

drug overdose Noun, Intransitive Verb

kai pūroi inati

drug rehabilitation Noun, Intransitive Verb

patu wara pūroi (takenga mai: patu - to subdue; wara [warawara] - addiction; pūroi - drug)

drunk, drunkenness, intoxicated, intoxication Noun, Intransitive Verb, Adjective


dry cough Noun

mare pūtī (takenga mai: mare - to cough; pūtī - dry)

dry mouth Noun

waha pūtī

dull pain, aching pain Noun, Intransitive Verb, Adjective

māioio (takenga mai: māioio - weak, weary, aching)

dust mite Noun

ngārara puehu

dying breath, weakening breath Noun

manawa kiore

dying, close to death Intransitive Verb, Adjective


dysentery Noun

(mate) torohī

dysfunction, dysfunctional Noun, Intransitive Verb, Adjective

turingonge (takenga mai: turingongengonge - crippled, lame, malfunctioning)

e-cigarette, electronic cigarette Noun

īhikareti (takenga mai: ī - he rite te whakahua ki te pū Ingarihi nei, te 'e' mō te electronic; hikareti [kupu mino] - cigarette)

ear infection Noun

poke taringa

earache Noun

mamae taringa

eating disorder Noun, Intransitive Verb

māuiui pongakawa (takenga mai: pongakawa - to consume, devour, eat) (kupu kē atu: mate tahakai)

eczema Noun


elder abuse Noun

tūkino kaumātua

elder neglect Noun

whakahapa kaumātua

elective surgery Noun

hāpara whakarite

emaciated, starved, malnourished Noun, Intransitive Verb, Adjective


emergency department Noun

taiwhanga ohotata

emergency surgery Noun

hāpara ohotata

emotional disorder Noun, Intransitive Verb

mate kare ā-roto

emotional health Noun

hauora kare ā-roto

emotional suppression, bottle up emotions Noun, Intransitive Verb

pupuri kare ā-roto

emotional trauma Noun

kohuki kare ā-roto

emphysema Noun

miru pupuhi (takenga mai: miru - alveolus; pupuhi - swollen)

end of life tending and nursing, palliative tending and nursing Noun, Transitive Verb


endometriosis Noun

heke pūtau kōpū (takenga mai: heke - to migrate; pūtau - cell [of an organism]; pūtautau - tissue [of an organism]; kōpū - womb, uterus)

enema, suppository Noun

kuhitou (takenga mai: kuhi - to insert; tou - anus)

enlarged prostate Noun

repe ure uruhumu (takenga mai: repe ure - prostate gland; uruhumu - to swell, enlarge)

enthusiasm, enthusiastic Noun, Intransitive Verb, Adjective

ngākau whiwhita (kupu kē atu: kohara)

environmental crisis Noun

tairaru taiao

environmental well-being Noun

oranga taiao

epidemic disease, pandemic disease Noun

mate urutā (kupu kē atu: tahumaero urutā)

epidemiology Noun

mātai tahumaero (takenga mai: mātai - to inspect, examine; tahumaero - disease, illness)

epidural, spinal anaesthetic Noun

rehu tuaiwi

epilepsy, twitch violently Noun, Intransitive Verb


evidence based intervention Noun

hāpaiora whai taunaki

excruciating pain, intense pain Noun

mamae tārūrū (kupu kē atu: mamae hārukiruki)

executive dysfunction Noun, Intransitive Verb

mate auāki (takenga mai: mate - disorder, illness; au - I, me; āki - to encourage, urge on)

external bleeding Noun, Intransitive Verb

toto whakawaho

eye discharge, discharge from the eyes Noun


face mask Noun

maruhā (takenga mai: maru - to be covered, shaded, shield; hā - breath) (kupu kē atu: ārai kanohi)

faecal sample, stool sample Noun

tīpako hamuti (takenga mai: tīpako - to take a little here and there) (kupu kē atu: tīpako tūtae, tīpako tiko)

faint, pass out Noun, Intransitive Verb


family crisis Noun

tairaru ā-whānau

family doctor Noun

rata whānau (kupu kē atu: tākuta whānau)

family dysfunction Noun

turingonge ā-whānau

family well-being Noun

oranga whānau

fatigue, tired, exhausted, lethargic Noun, Intransitive Verb, Adjective

ruhi (kupu kē atu: ngoikore, ruha, hūhē, tūrohi, horotete, hinamoe)

fester, festering Intransitive Verb, Adjective

taematuku (kupu kē atu: taetae)

fetal alcohol spectrum disorder, FASD Noun

mate kukune (kai) waipiro whānui

fever, feverish Noun, Intransitive Verb, Adjective


financial crisis Noun

tairaru ohaoha

first aid course Noun

akoranga whakaora ohotata (kupu kē atu: akoranga oratata)

first aid kit Noun

tīpae rongoā (takenga mai: tīpae - small basket; rongoā - medicine, healing) (kupu kē atu: tīpae ohotata)

first aid officer Noun

āpiha whakaora

first aid, emergency aid Noun

whakaora ohotata (takenga mai: whakaora - to save, rescue, revive; ohotata - emergency) (kupu kē atu: whakaora whawhati tata)

food addiction Noun, Intransitive Verb

wara kai

food allergy, food intolerance Noun

pāwera kai

food poisoning Noun

paihana kai

freckle Noun


fungal infection Noun

poke puruheka

gallstone Noun

konga kouawai (takenga mai: konga [kongakonga] - fragment; kouawai - gall bladder)

gambling addiction Noun, Intransitive Verb

wara petipeti (takenga mai: petipeti [kupu mino] - gamble)

gangrene Noun

kikohunga (takenga mai: kiko - flesh; hunga - putrid, decayed)

gargle Transitive Verb, Adjective

whakararā ~tia

gastric reflux Noun

waipuku hokimuri (takenga mai: wai [waikawa] - acid; puku - intestine; hoki - to return; muri [whakamuri] - backward)

gender dysphoria Noun

auhi ā-ira (takenga mai: auhi - distressed, distraught, anguish)

general anaesthetic Noun

rehu whānui (takenga mai: rehu - to render drowsy or unconscious; whānui - broad, wide)

general practitioner, GP Noun

rata arowhānui (takenga mai: rata [kupu mino] - doctor; aro - to pay attention to, heed; whānui - general, widespread) (kupu kē atu: tākuta arowhānui)

genetic disorder, genetic condition Noun

mate ā-ira

genital surgery Noun

hāpara taihema

geriatric health Noun

hauora mātāpuputu

germ, pathogen Noun

moroiti tahumaero (takenga mai: moroiti - micro-organism; tahumaero - disease, sickness) (kupu kē atu: tukumate)

gibberish, talk unintelligibly Intransitive Verb, Adjective, Noun


glaucoma Noun


global development delay, GDD Noun

whanake tōmuri tukipū (takenga mai: whanake - to develop, grow; tōmuri - delayed, slow, late; tukipū - general, widespread)

glossophobia, performance anxiety, stage fright Noun

mae tū (takenga mai: tū - to stand)

glue ear, otitis media with effusion, OME Noun

taringa hoi (kupu kē atu: taringa kūtere, taringa pīpata)

goitre Noun


gout Noun

porohau (kupu kē atu: koute [kupu mino])

grief, sorrow, emotional pain Noun, Intransitive Verb

pāmamae (kupu kē atu: huamo)

growth hormone Noun

taiaki tupu

growth hormone deficiency Noun

kōpaka taiaki tupu

guide dog Noun

kurī arataki

gut health Noun

hauora kōpiro

gynacologist Noun

mātanga arowahine

gynaecology Noun

mātai arowahine

haemorrhage, bleeding Noun


halitosis, bad breath Noun


hallucinate, hallucination Noun, Intransitive Verb, Adjective

pohewa ~nga

hallucinogen, hallucinogenic Noun, Adjective

whakapohewa (takenga mai: pohewa - to fantisise, imagine)

hamstring strain Noun

riaka iohere kātete

hay fever Noun

ihu pāwera (takenga mai: ihu - nose; pāwera - allergic)

head lice Noun

kutu māhunga

headache Noun

(māhunga) ānini (kupu kē atu: pāhoahoa, ngāhoahoa, kotiuru)

heal, healed, healing (of a physical wound) Noun, Intransitive Verb


health barrier, barrier to health Noun

taupā hauora

health crisis Noun

tairaru hauora

health equity Noun

tautika hauora (takenga mai: tautika - to be even, level, equal)

health inequality Noun

ōrite-kore o te hauora

health inequity Noun

tautika-kore o te hauora

health procedure, medical procedure Noun

mahinga hauora (kupu kē atu: tukanga hauora)

health professional Noun

tūngaio hauora (takenga mai: tū - position, stance; tū - e whai ana i tā te tūao; ngaio - expert, clever, professional)

health sector, health profession Noun

rāngai hauora

health, healthy Noun, Adjective

hauora (kupu kē atu: waiora)

heart attack Noun


heart disease, heart condition Noun, Intransitive Verb

mate manawa

heart surgery Noun

hāpara manawa

heart transplant Noun

huaranga manawa

heart valve replacement Noun

whākapi takirere manawa

heartburn, indigestion Noun

koeha (kupu kē atu: taratarawai, tokopaha, tokopā, kunāwhea)

heat cramp Noun

parerori pūwera

heat exhaustion Noun

ruhi pūwera

heat rash Noun

kōpukupuku pūwera

heatstroke Noun, Intransitive Verb

mate pāwerawera

helpline Noun

waea āwhina

hematology, haemotology Noun

mātai toto (takenga mai: mātai - to examine; toto - blood)

hematoma Noun

uruhua (takenga mai: uruhua - bruise, hurt)

hemophobia Noun

mae toto

hepatitis Noun

atekakā (takenga mai: ate - liver; kakā - inflamed)

herd immunity Noun

awhikiri paerahi (takenga mai: pae - threshold; rahi - numerous, many)

heroin Noun

taimiri (takenga mai: tai - prefix with a qualifying force; miri - assuage, tranquillise)

high blood pressure Noun

toto pōrutu (takenga mai: pōrutu - dashing, surging of the sea)

high, inebriated Noun, Intransitive Verb

hurori (takenga mai: hurori - to stagger, roll about)

hip replacement Noun

whākapi hope

historical trauma Noun

kohuki aronehe

histrionic personality disorder Noun

mate haukiri whakameremere (takenga mai: mate - disorder, condition, illness; haukiri - personality; whakameremere - to show off, be flamboyant, showy)

hoarse, hoarseness Noun, Intransitive Verb, Adjective


holistic health Noun

hauora torowhārahi (takenga mai: toro - to extend; whārahi - wide, broad) (kupu kē atu: hauora tukupū)

holistic treatment, holistic remedy Noun

rongoā torowhārahi

holistic well-being, holistic wellness Noun

oranga torowhārahi (takenga mai: toro - to extend; whārahi - broad, wide) (kupu kē atu: oranga tukupū)

homophobia Noun

mae takatāpui (takenga mai: takatāpui - homosexual)

hormonal change Noun

huringa taiaki (kupu kē atu: panoni taiaki)

hormonal disorder Noun

mate taiaki

hormone therapy Noun

haumanu taiaki

hormone treatment Noun

rongoā taiaki

hospice Noun

puni pairuri (takenga mai: puni - encampment; pairuri - palliative care) (kupu kē atu: puni whakaahuru, hōhipera pairuri, whare pairuri)

hospital Noun

hōhipera ~tia (takenga mai: He kupu mino.) (kupu kē atu: hōhipere)

human immunodeficiency virus, HIV Noun

wheori ārai-kore (kupu kē atu: huaketo ārai-kore)

hygiene, cleanse Noun, Adjective, Transitive Verb

akuaku ~na (takenga mai: akuaku - scrape out, cleanse)

hyperthermia Noun, Intransitive Verb

mate pūwera (takenga mai: mate - sickness, condition, disorder; pū[pūtake] - source, origin; wera - heat)

hypothermia Noun

hauhauaitu (kupu kē atu: mangenge, hauaitu)

hysterectomy Noun

pokanga kōpū

ice gel Noun

hāpia tio

identity disorder Noun, Intransitive Verb

mate tuakiri

illegal drug, illicit drug Noun

pūroi taihara

immune system Noun

pūnaha awhikiri

immunity Noun

awhikiri (takenga mai: awhikiri – innermost defences of a pā; awhi – embrace; kiri – person, self)

immunocompromised, immune compromised Noun

awhikiri pahara (takenga mai: awhikiri - immunity; pahara - deficient) (kupu kē atu: raru awhikiri)

impacted ear wax, impacted cerumen Noun

tāturi hīnohi (takenga mai: tāturi - earwax; hīnohinohi - to be compressed, packed)

impulsive, headstrong, impetuous Intransitive Verb, Adjective

manawa rere

in doubt, uncertain, indecisive Noun, Intransitive Verb, Adjective

rangirua (kupu kē atu: ngākaurua)

inactive, restful, dormant Noun, Intransitive Verb

mauri noho

inactive, sedentary Adjective


incision (surgical) Noun, Transitive Verb

hae (poka) ~a ~nga

incoherent, confused Intransitive Verb, Adjective, Noun


incontinence Noun

mimi turunoa (takenga mai: mimi - urine; turu - to drip; noa - unintentional)

indigestion, heartburn Noun

tokopā (kupu kē atu: tokopaha, kunāwhea, koeha, taratarawai)

infect, infected, infection Noun, Neuter Verb

poke ~nga

infectious disease Noun

mate poke

inferior vena cava Noun

ia-auraki raro (takenga mai: ia-auraki - vein; raro - lower, below)

infirm, frail Adjective, Intransitive Verb

tārutu (kupu kē atu: wairuhi)

inflamed, inflammation Noun, Intransitive Verb, Adjective


inflatable band, inflatable cuff (for measuring blood pressure) Noun

tauri whakamakoha (takenga mai: tauri - band; tauri [tauri kōmore] - bracelet; whakamakoha - inflate)

influenza, flu Noun


informed consent Noun, Intransitive Verb

whakaae i runga i te mōhio

inhalant Noun

haumote (takenga mai: hau [haurehu] - gas; mote - to suck, draw in the breath) (kupu kē atu: whakangānga, rehu whakangā)

inhaler Noun

ngongō (takenga mai: ngongo - suck; huangō - asthma)

inherited condition, inherited disorder Noun

mate tuku iho

inject, injection Noun, Transitive Verb

wero ~a ~nga

injury, injured Noun, Neuter Verb

whara ~nga

innate immunity Noun

awhikiri taketake

inpatient Noun

tūroro tauroto

insomnia Noun

moe whēuaua (takenga mai: moe - to sleep; whēuaua - difficult)

intensive care unit Noun

taiwhanga whāomoomo (kupu kē atu: wāhanga whāomoomo)

intensive care, provide intensive care Noun, Transitive Verb, Adjective

whāomoomo ~tia

intergenerational dysfunction, generational dysfunction Noun

turingonge tuku iho

intergenerational trauma, generational trauma Noun

kohuki tuku iho (kupu kē atu: kohuki whitireanga)

internal bleeding Noun, Intransitive Verb

toto whakaroto

internal haemorrhaging Noun

ikura whakaroto (kupu kē atu: toto whakaroto)

internet addiction Noun, Intransitive Verb

wara ipurangi

intervene, intervention Noun, Adjective, Intransitive Verb

hāpaiora (takenga mai: hāpai - to uplift, support; ora - wellness)

intervention strategy Noun

rautaki hāpaiora (takenga mai: hāpai - to uplift; ora - well-being)

intestinal infection Noun

poke kōpiro

invasive surgery Noun

hāpara kōkuhu

irritating pain Noun

mamae māngeongeo (takenga mai: māngeongeo - irritation, pain)

itch, itchy, irritation Noun, Intransitive Verb


jaundice Noun, Intransitive Verb

mate kirikōwhai (kupu kē atu: mate kōwhai)

joint health Noun

hauora pona

joint pain Noun

mamae pona

joint replacement Noun

whākapi pona

joint sprain Noun

takoki pona

jolt to clear airway, Heimlich manoeuvre Noun

tupana whakawātea arahau (takenga mai: tupana - to jerk; whakawātea - to clear away; arahau - airway) (kupu kē atu: tupana Heimlich)

keyhole surgery Noun

hāpara kōhao

kidney disease, kidney disorder Noun, Intransitive Verb

mate tākihi

kidney stone Noun

kōhatu tākihi (kupu kē atu: pōhatu tākihi)

kleptomania Noun, Intransitive Verb

mate tāhae (takenga mai: mate - illness, disorder, condition; tāhae - to steal) (kupu kē atu: mate whānako)

lactose intolerance, lactose intolerant Noun

koto reihuka (takenga mai: koto - to be averse)

lame (of the legs), limp, hobble Noun, Intransitive Verb, Adjective


laryngitis Noun

paeoro kakā (takenga mai: paeoro - voice box, pharynx; kakā - inflamed)

learning disorder Noun

mate ako

life support Noun

manawapou (kupu kē atu: manapou, taupua ora)

life-support Noun

taupua ora (takenga mai: taupua - to support; taupua - temporary) (kupu kē atu: manapou, manawapou)

life-threatening condition Noun, Intransitive Verb

mate taihemo (takenga mai: tai - prefix with qualifying force; hemo - to die, be faint)

lifelong illness, lifelong disorder, longstanding condition Noun

mate taumano

linguistic well-being, language vitality Noun

oranga reo

liver disease, liver condition Noun

mate ate

local anaesthetic Noun

rehu whāiti (takenga mai: rehu - to render drowsy or unconscious; whāiti - narrow, compact)

long term immunity Noun

awhikiri tauroa (takenga mai: tau - to settle, land; roa - long time)

long-sighted Noun, Intransitive Verb, Adjective

kanohi kāhu

low blood pressure Noun

toto pūroto (takenga mai: pūroto - sluggish of a stream)

low self-esteem Noun

kiritau ngoikore (takenga mai: ngoikore - weak, listless, lacking)

lubricate, lubrication Noun, Transitive Verb

whakahinuhinu ~tia

lumpectomy Noun

pokanga koropuku (takenga mai: poka - to cut out; koropuku - lump, swelling, tumour)

lung cancer Noun

mate pukupuku pūkahukahu

maim, harm Noun, Transitive Verb, Adjective

whakatūroro (takenga mai: whaka - causative prefix; tūroro - to be sick, unwell, patient) (kupu kē atu: whakawhara)

mainstream health service Noun

ratonga hauora auraki

major surgery Noun

hāpara nui

malaria Noun

marērea (takenga mai: he kupu mino)

malignant tumour Noun

pukupuku orotā (takenga mai: orotā - voracious, destructive)

mammogram, breast screening Noun

matawai ū (takenga mai: matawai - to look closely, inspect, scrutinize)

marijuana, cannabis Noun

tarutaru (takenga mai: tarutaru - grass, weed) (kupu kē atu: tarukino, whakamāminga, rauhea)

massage (deep tissue) Noun, Transitive Verb

romiromi ~a

massage (soft tissue) Noun, Transitive Verb

mirimiri ~a

massage therapist (deep tissue) Noun

kaihaumanu romiromi

massage therapist (soft tissue) Noun

kaihaumanu mirimiri

massage therapy (deep tissue) Noun

haumanu romiromi

massage therapy (soft tissue) Noun

haumanu mirimiri

mastectomy Noun

pokanga ū (takenga mai: poka - to cut out; ū - breast)

maternal death Noun

mate hapūtanga

measles, rubeola Noun


medical imaging technician Noun

ringapū whakaahua whakaora

meningitis Noun

kiriuhi uakakā (takenga mai: kiriuhi - membrane; ua - backbone, neck, back of the neck; kakā - inflamed)

mental abuse, psychological abuse Noun

patu hinengaro (kupu kē atu: tūkino hinengaro)

mental breakdown, nervous breakdown Noun, Intransitive Verb

hinengaro pōngerengere (takenga mai: hinengaro - mind, seat of emotions; pōngerengere - overwhelming, oppressive, dark)

mental health Noun

hauora hinengaro

mental illness, mental disorder, psychological disorder Noun, Intransitive Verb

mate hinengaro (kupu kē atu: māuiui hinengaro)

mental therapist Noun

kaihaumanu hinengaro

mental well-being, mental wellness Noun

oranga hinengaro

methamphetamine Noun

pōau-pī (takenga mai: poau - be confused, bewildered; pōau [whakapōauau] - narcotic drug; pōau [pōautinitini] - tribulation, afliction, evil; pi [kupu mino] - p) (kupu kē atu: tioata whakaihi)

midwife Noun

tapuhi whakawhānau

minor surgery Noun

hāpara iti

misaligned eyesight, strabismus Noun

karu kōrapa (takenga mai: kōrapa - be misaligned, askew)

mobility aid Noun

taumatua neneke (takenga mai: taumatua - support, assistance; neneke - to move, shift)

mobility scooter Noun

kuta taumatua (takenga mai: kuta [kupu mino] - scooter; taumatua - support, assistance) (kupu kē atu: waka neneke)

mole (mark on skin) Noun

kiritona (takenga mai: kiri - skin; tona - nodule, wart)

mood change Noun

piropiro hurihuri

mood swing Noun, Intransitive Verb

piropiro tārere

morphine Noun

rehunanu (takenga mai: rehu - mist, spray; nanu - jumbled, confused, incoherent)

mouth ulcer Noun

kōmaoa waha

mumps Noun

repe hūware pupuhi (takenga mai: repe - gland; hūware - saliva; pupuhi - to swell up)

muscle pain Noun

mamae uaua

muscle strain Noun

riaka uaua

muscular dystrophy Noun, Intransitive Verb

mate horokiwa (takenga mai: mate - disorder, condition, illness; horokiwa - wasting away of the body in disease)

music therapy Noun

haumanu puoro

narcissism Noun

mate whakaataata (takenga mai: mate - disorder, condition, illness; whakaataata - to pretend, to frighten; whakaata - mirror, to reflect)

narcolepsy, daytime drowsiness Noun

pōuruuru awatea (takenga mai: pōuruuru - drowsy, sleepy)

natural immunity, active immunity Noun

awhikiri māori

natural remedy Noun

rongoā māori

naturopathy Noun

whakamātūtū māori (takenga mai: whakamātūtū - restore to health, heal; māori - natural)

nausea, nauseous Noun, Intransitive Verb, Adjective

paipairuaki (kupu kē atu: honuhonu, nohunohu)

neglect, leave destitute Noun, Transitive Verb

whakahapa ~tia (kupu kē atu: whakangongo)

neonatal death Noun

mate piripoho hou (takenga mai: piripoho - newborn)

neonatal service Noun

ratonga piripoho hou

neonatal specialist Noun

mātanga piripoho hou

nerve damage Noun

waimaero ioio (takenga mai: waimaero - to be debilitated, impaired; ioio - nerve)

nerve pain Noun

mamae ioio

neuro-typical Noun, Adjective

io aro-auraki (takenga mai: io [ioio] - nerve; aro - be inclined toward; auraki - mainstream)

neurological disorder, neurological condition Noun, Intransitive Verb

mate ioio (takenga mai: ioio - nerve)

neurologist Noun

mātanga ioio (takenga mai: mātanga - expert, specialist; ioio - nerve)

nicotine Noun

nikotini (takenga mai: He kupu mino.) (kupu kē atu: parawaro)

nicotine patch Noun

piri nikotini (takenga mai: piri - to stick, adhere; nikotini [kupu mino] - nicotine)

nit (egg of lice) Noun


normal blood pressure Noun

toto rōnaki (takenga mai: rōnaki - steady, gliding easily)

numb, numbness, pins and needles Noun, Intransitive Verb, Adjective


nurse Noun, Transitive Verb

tapuhi ~tia (kupu kē atu: nēhi [kupu mino], nāhi)

nutritional deficiency Noun

kōpaka taiora

nyctophobia, fear of the dark Noun

mae pō

obese, fat Intransitive Verb, Adjective

mōmona (kupu kē atu: kutere)

obstetrician Noun

mātanga hapūtanga

obstetrics Noun

mātai hapūtanga

occupational therapist Noun

kaihaumanu ngangahau

ointment Noun

rongoā panikiri (kupu kē atu: panipani, pūreke)

oncologist Noun

mātanga mate pukupuku

oncology Noun

mātai mate pukupuku

operate, operation (medical), surgery, ~ectomy Noun, Transitive Verb

poka ~ia ~nga (takenga mai: poka - to cut out) (kupu kē atu: hāparapara)

operating theatre Noun

taiwhanga hāpara (takenga mai: hāpara [hāparapara] - surgical operation) (kupu kē atu: taiwhanga poka, pokamanga)

ophthalmology Noun

mātai mate karu

opiate Noun

whakaporehu māori (takenga mai: porehu - to be misty, dimmed, blurred; māori - natural; whakaporehu - opioid) (kupu kē atu: pōau patu mamae)

opioid Noun

whakaporehu (takenga mai: porehu - to be misty, dimmed, blurred)

opium poppy Noun

pua opiuma (takenga mai: He kupu mino [opiuma].) (kupu kē atu: pua opioma)

optometrist, optician Noun

kaimātai whatu (kupu kē atu: kaimātai karu)

optometry Noun

mātai whatu

organ donor Noun

kaituku whēkau

orthopaedic surgery Noun

hāpara kōiwi

osteoarthritis Noun


osteopath Noun

mātanga kōmuru

osteopathy Noun

kōmuru (takenga mai: kōmuru - to make supple by rubbing)

outpatient Noun

tūroro tauwaho

overuse Noun

whakamahinga inati (takenga mai: inati - be excessive, extreme)

overweight, chubby, fat Intransitive Verb, Adjective

pukunati (kupu kē atu: kunekune, katete)

Parkinson's disease Noun, Intransitive Verb

mate paiori (takenga mai: paiori - emaciated)

paediatric health, child health Noun

hauora mātātahi (kupu kē atu: hauora arotamariki)

paediatrician Noun

mātanga aromātātahi (takenga mai: mātanga - expert, specialist; aro - to focus on; mātātahi - young people)

paediatrics Noun

mātai mātātahi (takenga mai: mātai - to inspect, examine; mātai - study ~ology; mātātahi - young people) (kupu kē atu: mātai arotamariki)

pain free Noun, Intransitive Verb


pain relief, painkiller Noun

rongoā patu mamae

pain scale Noun

tauine mamae (takenga mai: tauine - ruler)

pain threshold Noun

pae mamae

pain tolerance Noun, Intransitive Verb

amohanga mamae (takenga mai: amo - to carry, bear)

pain, ache, hurt, sore Noun, Intransitive Verb

mamae (kupu kē atu: kōharihari)

palliative care Noun

pairuri (takenga mai: pairuri - solicitude) (kupu kē atu: mohimohi whakahemohemo, mohi whakahemo)

palliative care specialist Noun

mātanga pairuri

palliative caregiver Noun

kaimohi pairuri (takenga mai: mohi [mohimohi] - to tend, nurse, care for)

panic stricken Noun, Intransitive Verb

mauri rere

paralysis, paralysed Noun, Intransitive Verb, Adjective

iokerewai (takenga mai: io - nerve; kēkerewai - numb) (kupu kē atu: pararūtiki [kupu mino])

paranoia Noun, Intransitive Verb

mate whakawehi pōauau (takenga mai: mate - disorder, condition, illness; whakawehi - intimidation, threat; pōauau - confused, bewildered, mistaken)

paraplegic, paralysis, paralysed Noun, Intransitive Verb, Adjective

pararūtiki (takenga mai: he kupu mino)

parasitic disease, illness cause by a parasite Noun

mate pirinoa

parasitic infection Noun

poke pirinoa

parental influence Noun

awenga mātua

partial tear (of a muscle) Noun, Intransitive Verb

tīhae iti

partner abuse, spouse abuse Noun

tūkino hoapiri

passive smoking Noun, Intransitive Verb, Transitive Verb

momi hāngū

pathologist Noun

kaimātai māuiui

pathology Noun

mātai māuiui

patient centred care Noun

tautiaki arotūroro (takenga mai: tautiaki - to care for, tend; aro - to take heed of, focus on; tūroro - patient, invalid)

patient, invalid Noun

tūroro (kupu kē atu: hāura)

penetrating trauma Noun

kohuki ngangengange (takenga mai: ngangengange - to be pierced, stabbed)

period poverty Noun

tuakoka ikura (wahine) (takenga mai: tuakoka - poverty; ikura [rerenga ikura] - menstruation, period) (kupu kē atu: tuakoka mate wahine)

persevere, perseverance, determination Noun, Intransitive Verb


personality disorder Noun, Intransitive Verb

mate haukiri (takenga mai: mate - illness, disorder, condition; hau - vitality of a person, breath, wind; kiri - person, self; haukiri - personality)

pharmacist Noun

mātanga taka rongoā

pharmacology Noun

mātai taka rongoā

phlegm Noun

wharo (kupu kē atu: mare, whawharo)

phobia, phobic Noun, Adjective, Intransitive Verb

mae ~a (takenga mai: mae - to be overcome with fear)

physical disability Noun

hauā tinana

physical illness, physical disorder Noun, Intransitive Verb

mate tinana

physical therapy Noun

haumanu tinana

physical trauma Noun

kohuki tinana

physical violence, physical abuse, assault Noun, Transitive Verb

haupatu ~a (kupu kē atu: tūkino, tunu huruhuru)

physical well-being Noun

oranga tinana

physiological disorder, functional disorder Noun, Intransitive Verb

mate whaiaroaro

physiologist Noun

kaimātai whaiaroaro

physiotherapist, physio Noun

kaihaumanu koiri (takenga mai: koiri - to bend the body; koiri - non-locomotor movement)

pimple Noun

huahua (kupu kē atu: mariao)

pinched nerve Noun

ioio kikini

plaster cast Noun

ukutāhū (takenga mai: uku - plaster, clay; tāhū - rod used as a stiffener; tāhū - splint) (kupu kē atu: pāpāuku, tākai ukutea)

plaster, sticking plaster, band aid, adhesive bandage Noun

piritāpi (takenga mai: piri - to stick, adhere; tāpi - dressing for a wound) (kupu kē atu: piriora)

plastic surgery Noun

hāpara ahuahu (takenga mai: ahuahu - to form, fashion)

pneumonia Noun

pūkahu kakā (takenga mai: pūkahu [pūkahukahu] - lung; kakā - inflamed)

podiatrist Noun

kaimātai waewae

poison, poisonous, to poison Noun, Transitive Verb, Adjective

paihana ~tia (takenga mai: he kupu mino) (kupu kē atu: paitini)

poisonous substance Noun

matū paihana (kupu kē atu: matū paitini)

polio, poliomyelitis Noun

whakamemeke (takenga mai: whakamemeke - wasting, shrivelling of the limbs)

pollen allergy Noun

pāwera hae

pornography addiction, porn addiction Noun, Intransitive Verb

wara karihika

positive thought, positive thinking Noun

whakaaro angitu (takenga mai: angitu - fortunate, successful) (kupu kē atu: whakaaro pai)

post traumatic stress disorder, PTSD Noun

kohuki taumuri (takenga mai: kohuki - anguish, stress, distress; tau - to come to land, settle; muri - after)

poultice Noun


prenatal disorder, fetal disorder Noun

mate kukune (kupu kē atu: mate pirikōpū)

prescribe, prescription Noun, Transitive Verb, Adjective

tūtohu ~a ~nga

prescription drug Noun

pūroi tūtohu (takenga mai: tohutohu - to instruct, advise)

prescription medicine Noun

rongoā tūtohu

pressure meter Noun

ine pēhanga

prostate cancer Noun

mate pukupuku repe tātea

psychologist Noun

kaimātai hinengaro

psychology Noun

mātai hinengaro

psychopath, psychopathy, psycho Noun

(mate) hinengaro nihoniho (takenga mai: hinengaro - mind; nihoniho - antagonistic, hostile, cantankerous)

psychotherapy, mental therapy Noun

haumanu hinengaro

public health Noun

hauora tūmatanui

public health provision Noun

whakaratonga hauora tūmatanui

pus, discharge from a sore, septic Noun, Intransitive Verb, Adjective


pustule Noun

tonaero (takenga mai: tona - nodule, wart; ero - pus)

pyromania Noun, Intransitive Verb

mate tahu (takenga mai: mate - illness, disorder, condition; tahu - to ignite, set on fire, burn)

quadriplegic Noun

hauā pekewhā (takenga mai: hauā - disabled, crippled; peke - limb; whā - four)

radiologist Noun

kaihaumanu hihiora

radiology Noun

haumanu hihiora

radiotherapy, radiation treatment Noun

haumanu iraruke (takenga mai: haumanu - therapy; iraruke - radioactivity)

rare blood disease, rare blood disorder Noun

matetoto onge

rash, skin disease, scabies, skin lesion Noun

hakihaki (kupu kē atu: kōpukupuku, waihakihaki)

recover (from severe illness) Noun, Intransitive Verb


recover from an illness, recuperate, convalesce Intransitive Verb

(whaka) mātūtū

registered nurse Noun

tapuhi rēhita

relapse (of an illness) Intransitive Verb, Adjective


remedy, cure, treat, treatment, medicine Noun, Transitive Verb, Adjective

rongoā ~tia

repetitive strain injury, RSI Noun

whara rīakaaka (takenga mai: whara - injury; riaka - strain, pull [a muscle])

rescue breathing Noun

hā whakaora

reserve, book (appointment), reservation Noun, Transitive Verb

tāpui ~a ~tanga

resilient, resilience Noun, Intransitive Verb, Adjective


respiratory illness, respiratory disease Noun

mate arahau (kupu kē atu: matehā)

respite Noun

tānga manawa

respite care Noun

tautiaki tānga manawa

restless leg syndrome Noun, Intransitive Verb

mate waekori (takenga mai: mate - disorder, illness, condition; wae - leg; kori - to move, wriggle)

restless, hyperactive, constantly on the move Noun, Intransitive Verb, Adjective


rheumatoid arthritis Noun

kaiponapona (kupu kē atu: pona kakā rūmātiki)

ringworm Noun


risk factor Noun

pūtake tūraru (takenga mai: pūtake - origin, source, cause, reason; tūraru - risk)

rupture, hernia Noun


Salmonella Noun

haramonera (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)

saliva sample Noun

tīpako hūare (takenga mai: tīpako - to take a little here and there) (kupu kē atu: tīpako hūware)

scar, cicatrix Noun

nawe (kupu kē atu: riwha, mātānawe)

schizophrenia Noun

māuiui wairua tuakoi (takenga mai: māuiui - illness, disorder; wairua - spirit; tuakoi - divide, separate, misconceive, imagine, be deceived)

sciatica Noun


screen addiction Noun, Intransitive Verb

wara mata

scurvy Noun

(mate) kāwei (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)

self-neglect, personal neglect Noun

whakahapa whaiaro

severe tear (of a muscle) Noun

tīhae nui

sex addiction Noun, Intransitive Verb

wara ai

sexual abuse survivor Noun

tūora taitōkai

sexual abuse, sexual violence Noun, Transitive Verb

taitōkai ~tia

sexual dysfunction Noun

turingonge taihema

sexually transmitted disease, STD, venereal disease Noun

mate paipai (kupu kē atu: pakiwhara, kōtureture)

shade shelter Noun

taumarumaru (kupu kē atu: hanga taumaru)

sharp pain Noun

mamae pākaha (kupu kē atu: mamae pākino)

shiver, shivering, shivers Noun, Intransitive Verb

korohāwini (kupu kē atu: tūngāwiri)

shock, schocked Noun, Intransitive Verb


shopping addiction Noun, Intransitive Verb

wara hokohoko

short term immunity, temporary immunity Noun

awhikiri taupoto

short-sighted Noun, Intransitive Verb, Adjective


sick, unwell, sickness, disorder, condition, illness, disease, syndrome Noun, Intransitive Verb, Adjective

māuiui (kupu kē atu: tahumaero, mate)

sinusitis Noun

pakohu ihu kakā (takenga mai: pakohu ihu - sinus; kakā - inflamed)

skin cancer, melanoma Noun

mate pukupuku kiri

skin cut, laceration Noun

haehae kiri

skin disorder, skin condition, skin disease Noun

mate kiri

skin graft Noun

kiri uwhi (takenga mai: kiri - skin; uwhi - to cover) (kupu kē atu: kiri uhi)

skin lotion, skin cream Noun

panikiri (takenga mai: pani - to smear; kiri - skin)

sleep apnea Noun

moe hātū (takenga mai: hā - to breathe; tū - to stop)

sleep disorder Noun, Intransitive Verb

mate korohiko

sleeping pill Noun

pire whakamoe (takenga mai: pire [kupu mino] - pill, tablet; whakamoe - to put to sleep)

smallpox Noun


smoke free Noun, Adjective

auahi kore

smoke, smoking (tobacco etc) Transitive Verb, Noun, Intransitive Verb

momi ~a (takenga mai: momi - to suck)

sneeze Noun, Intransitive Verb

mātihetihe (kupu kē atu: matihe, tihe, tihewa)

social condition, social disability Noun, Intransitive Verb

mate pāpori

social crisis Noun

tairaru pāpori

social media addiction Noun, Intransitive Verb

wara pāhopori

social phobia Noun

mae pāpori (kupu kē atu: mae piringa tangata)

social trauma Noun

kohuki pāpori

social well-being, social wellness Noun

oranga pāpori

social worker Noun

tauwhiro (takenga mai: tauwhiro - to tend, care for) (kupu kē atu: kaimahi tokoora, kaimahi toko i te ora, ringa tokoora)

soft tissue injury Noun

whara ā-kiko (takenga mai: kiko - flesh)

solvent abuse Noun

raukoti tāmeha

solvent addiction Noun, Intransitive Verb

wara tāmeha

speech and language therapist Noun

kaihaumanu reo ā-waha (kupu kē atu: kaihaumanu whakaputa reo, kaiwhakatika reo)

spider vein Noun

ia-māwhaiwhai (takenga mai: ia [ia-auraki] - vein; māwhaiwhai - spider web)

spina bifida Noun

ritua tuaiwi (takenga mai: ritua - be divided, separated; tuaiwi - spine, backbone)

spiritual abuse Noun

patu wairua (kupu kē atu: tūkino wairua)

spiritual well-being Noun

oranga wairua

splint (eg. for broken bone) Noun

tāhū (takenga mai: tāhū - a rod used as a stiffener) (kupu kē atu: pāpākiri)

sports injury Noun

whara hākinakina

sprain Noun, Intransitive Verb


squint (eyes) Noun


stammer Noun, Intransitive Verb


staunch, check the flow of blood Noun, Transitive Verb

pāpuni ~tia (kupu kē atu: aukati)

sterilisation (render infertile) Noun

kokoti-uru (takenga mai: kokoti-uru - a rite intended to prevent conception)

sterilise, sterilisation Noun, Adjective, Intransitive Verb

patu moroiti (takenga mai: patu - to kill, subdue; moroiti - microbe) (kupu kē atu: āta horoi)

sterilising technician Noun

ringapū patu moroiti

steroid Noun

pūtaiaki (takenga mai: pū [pūhui] - compound; taiaki - hormone)

steroid injection Noun

wero pūtaiaki (takenga mai: wero - injection; pū [pūhui] - chemical compound; taiaki - hormone)

stethoscope Noun

pūoko whakaroto (takenga mai: pūoko - detector, sensor; whakaroto - inwards)

stiff, stiffness (e.g of muscles) Intransitive Verb, Adjective, Noun


stigma, stigmatise Noun, Transitive Verb

tāpoapoa (takenga mai: tā - causative prefix; poapoa - to stain, discolour) (kupu kē atu: poapoataunu)

stimulant drug Noun

pūroi whakaihiihi

stimulant, upper Noun

(pūroi) haupiki (takenga mai: hau - essence, vitality; piki - ascend, climb up)

stomach pain, tummy ache Noun, Intransitive Verb

ngau puku (kupu kē atu: puku mamae)

stomach ulcer, peptic ulcer Noun

kōmaoa kōpiro

stoned, affected by a drug Noun, Intransitive Verb


strain (a muscle) Noun, Intransitive Verb, Adjective


strapping tape Noun

tākai whakapiri (takenga mai: tākai - bandage; whakapiri - to adhere, cling, stick)

stroke, brain haemorrhage Noun

roro ikura (takenga mai: roro - brain; ikura - haemorrhage)

stutter Noun, Intransitive Verb


sty (pimple on eyelid) Noun


substance abuse, drug abuse Noun

raukoti pūroi (takenga mai: raukoti - misuse, meddle with, mishandle; pūroi - drug) (kupu kē atu: raukoti whakapōauau)

sudden infant death syndrome, SIDS, cot death, sudden unexpected death in infancy, SUDI Noun

mate ohorere pēpi (kupu kē atu: matepēpi ohorere, mate kōhungahunga whawhati tata)

suicide Noun, Adjective, Intransitive Verb


sun hat Noun

pōtae rā

sunblock, sunscreen Noun

pani ārai hihirā (takenga mai: pani - spread, smear; ārai - screen, obstruct, barrier; hihi - ray; rā - sun) (kupu kē atu: pare tīkākā)

sunburn Noun

tīkākā (takenga mai: tīkākā - burnt by the sun)

sunglasses Noun

mōhiti ārai hihirā (takenga mai: ārai - screen, block off; hihi - ray; rā - sun) (kupu kē atu: mōhiti rā, mōhiti uriuri)

sunstroke Noun, Intransitive Verb

mate hīrangi (takenga mai: mate - illness, condition, sickness; hīrangi - quivering of the atmosphere from heat, heatwave)

surgeon Noun

rata hāpara

surgical instrument Noun

taputapu hāpara

surgical nurse Noun

tapuhi hāpara (takenga mai: tapuhi - nurse; hāpara [hāparapara] - surgical operation)

survivor Noun

tūora (takenga mai: tū - to stand; ora - alive, well, healthy)

swab Noun, Transitive Verb

ūkui ~a ~nga

swell, bloat, bloated, swollen Intransitive Verb, Adjective, Noun

pupuhi (takenga mai: puku - stomach; pupuhi - to swell, bulge)

swollen (with fluid) Intransitive Verb, Adjective


symptom Noun

tohumate (takenga mai: tohu - sign, signal; mate - illness) (kupu kē atu: tohu, putanga)

syphilis Noun


syringe Noun

pūwero (takenga mai: pū - tube; wero - pierce)

systemic barrier Noun

taupā toronaha (takenga mai: toro - to stretch forth, extend; naha [pūnaha] - system)

tear, torn (of a muscle) Noun, Transitive Verb

tīhae ~a

technician (health professional) Noun

ringapū (takenga mai: ringa - hand; ringa [ringa rehe] - skilled; pū - skilled person)

tennis elbow Noun

tuke tēnehi

terminal illness Noun

mate tuamatangi (takenga mai: tuamatangi - dying breathe, death rattle)

testicular cancer Noun

mate pukupuku raho

tetanus Noun

kauae-timu (takenga mai: kauae - jaw; timu - involuntary contraction of muscles) (kupu kē atu: pakaua hukihuki)

therapist Noun

kaihaumanu (takenga mai: haumanu - to revive, restore to health)

therapy, treat using therapy Noun, Transitive Verb, Adjective

haumanu ~tia ~tanga (takenga mai: haumanu - to revive, restore to health)

threadworm Noun


throat ulcer, quinsy Noun

katirehe (kupu kē atu: kōmaoa korokoro)

throbbing pain Noun

mamae panapana

thyroid cancer Noun

pukupuku repe tenga

thyroid cancer Noun

mate pukupuku repe tenga

thyroid hormone Noun

taiaki repe tenga

tingle (feeling of numbness) Intransitive Verb


tinnitus Noun

taringa tītī (takenga mai: tī - to tingle [sound])

tobacco Noun

tupeka (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)

tobacco abuse Noun

raukoti tupeka (takenga mai: tupeka [kupu mino] - tobacco)

tobacco addiction Noun, Intransitive Verb

wara tupeka

tonsillectomy Noun

pokanga miramira

tonsillitis Noun

miramira kakā (takenga mai: miramira - tonsil, uvula; kakā - imflamed)

torn cartilage Noun

wheua ngohe tīhae

torn eardrum Noun

tōrino tīhae

transphobia Noun

mae irawhiti

trauma, traumatised Noun, Adjective

kohuki (takenga mai: kohuki - anguish, distress)

traumatic Adjective


tuberculosis Noun


tumour, lump Noun


typhus Noun

taipuhi (takenga mai: he kupu mino)

ulcer, ulcerated Noun, Intransitive Verb, Adjective

kōmaoa (kupu kē atu: mariao, kurupo)

uncomfortable, uneasy, uneasiness, anxious Noun, Intransitive Verb

anipā (kupu kē atu: manawarau)

unconscious, subliminal, unresponsive Noun, Intransitive Verb

mauri moe

unease, uneasy, disquiet Noun, Intransitive Verb, Adjective

pāihi (kupu kē atu: pairi)

unequal access, unequal participation Noun

whai wāhi pāhikahika (takenga mai: pāhikahika - uneven, disproportionate)

unhealthy, weak, sickly Noun, Intransitive Verb, Adjective


unsettled sleep, troubled sleep Noun

moe tūrama (kupu kē atu: moe āuta, moe whakatorohū)

upstream intervention, early intervention Noun

hāpaiora reremua (takenga mai: hāpaiora - intervention; rere - to flow; mua - in front, before) (kupu kē atu: hāpaiora takamua)

upstream, early (actions, factors etc) Adjective

reremua (takenga mai: rere - to flow; mua - before, in front of) (kupu kē atu: takamua)

urinary tract infection Noun

poke aramimi

urologist Noun

mātanga aramimi (takenga mai: aramimi - urinary tract) (kupu kē atu: kaimātai aramimi)

urology Noun

mātai aramimi

vacant, blank (of the mind) Noun, Intransitive Verb

roro wātea (takenga mai: roro - brain; wātea - vacant, blank)

vaccine, vaccination Noun

rongoā āraimate (takenga mai: rongoā - healing, medicine, remedy; ārai - block out, prevent; mate - sickness) (kupu kē atu: kano āraimate)

vaginal bleeding Noun

toto o te tara

vaginal yeast infection, Candida, vaginal thrush Noun

īhitara (takenga mai: īhi - yeast; tara - vagina)

vape, vaping Noun, Intransitive Verb

momirehu (takenga mai: momi - to suck; rehu - mist; rehu [wairehu] - water vapour) (kupu kē atu: momi haurehu)

varicose vein Noun

(ia-auraki) tīponapona (takenga mai: tīpona - form a swelling or knot)

vasectomy Noun

kotinga ara tātea (takenga mai: koti - to cut in two, cut off, interrupt; ara tātea - sperm duct, vas deferens) (kupu kē atu: pokanga ara tātea)

verbal abuse Noun, Transitive Verb, Adjective

whakamania ~tia (kupu kē atu: whakamanioro, hanihani)

viral infection Noun

poke huaketo

virus, viral Noun, Adjective

huaketo (takenga mai: hua – outcome, product; keto – infested with maggots) (kupu kē atu: wheori)

vital sign Noun

tino tohu (kupu kē atu: tohuora, tino tohuora)

vomit Noun, Intransitive Verb, Transitive Verb

ruaki ~na

walking frame, zimmer frame, walker Noun

taumatua hīkoi (takenga mai: taumatua - assist, support; hīkoi - to walk)

walking stick Noun


wart, nodule Noun

tona (kupu kē atu: kautona)

well-being, wellness Noun


wheelchair Noun

tūruwīra (takenga mai: he kupu mino)

wheeze, breathe with difficulty Intransitive Verb

ngāngā (kupu kē atu: ngoio, tīmohu, ngaengae)

whooping cough Noun

mare tekekō (kupu kē atu: mare motu, mare heihei)

withdrawal (from addiction) Noun, Intransitive Verb


wound Noun, Intransitive Verb
