He momo mate hinengaro inā te hē o te whakaaro, o te whanonga, o te piropiro, me te pāhekoheko ki tangata kē. He mate tauroa, waihoki kāore pea te tangata e tūoho ki tana mate.
A type of mental health condition characterised by disruptive thoughts, behaviour, moods and interactions with others. It is a longlasting illness, and the person is usually unaware of their disorder.
mate - illness, disorder, condition
hau - vitality of a person, breath, wind
kiri - person, self
haukiri - personality
Tē aro i a ia tana mate haukiri, ānō nei he pai noa iho tana whanonga tūhourangi.
He tuku iho pea tana mate haukiri.