He pūroi hei whakaheke i te ihiihi, i te hihiko o roto i te roro o te tangata. Ka hinamoe te tangata, i ētahi wā ka mauri moe. He rongoā tūtohu mō te hunga e mate aro pīkari ana, e mate manawa pā ana, e manawa rere ana rānei. He pūroi ka kainga e te tangata hei whakapiki i tana wairua, e mahea ai ōna kūraruraru, e makere ai ōna here mō tētahi wā. Ko te waipiro hei tauira o tētahi haupēhi e kainga nuitia ana, inā tana pēhi, tana whakararu i te mahi a te roro.
A drug used to calm an overstimulated and overexcited mind. The person can become drowsy and sometimes loses consciousness. It is a prescription medication for people suffering from attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, anxiety and impulsiveness. It is a drug taken by people to lift their spirits, to reduce stress levels and shed inhibitions. Alcohol is an example of a depressant in common use that suppresses or impedes the function of the brain.
hau - essence, vitality
pēhi - to suppress