Ko ngā tikanga me ngā mahi e mau tonu ai te ora, te pai rānei o tētahi mea, kia kore ai e pāngia e te tahumaero. Ko te parukore te tino āhuatanga e rikokore ai tētahi mea.
Protocols and practices which maintain the health and goodness of something, preventing the onset of disease. Cleanliness is the essential element to ensure something is hygienic.
▾akuaku - scrape out, cleanse
He mea nui te akuaku i ngā wāhi tunu kai.
Arā ngā tikanga akuaku e iri mai rā i te pakitara o te kīhini.
Ko te akuaku whaiaro a ngā kaimahi tētahi āhuatanga nui e rikokore ai te whare kai.