
whakamātau wahakōpū

cervical screen, cervical test



Ka āta tahia a roto i te tara o te wahine hei tango i tētahi tīpako pūtau. Ka mātaihia ngā pūtau kia kitea ai mēnā e ora ana, mēnā rānei he mate pukupuku kei te pihi mai. I Aotearoa e whakahaungia ana te hunga wāhine kia whakamātauria te waha kōpū i ia toru tau. Ko te whāinga nui kia tōmua te kitea o te mate, e taea ai te rongoā. Ka kīia hoki tēnei whakamātau he okoi waha kōpū.

Where a woman's vagina is gently scraped in order to take a sample of cells. The cells are examined to see if they are healthy, or if there is evidence of cancer starting to develop. In Aotearoa, women are encouraged to have a cervical test every three years. The aim is early detection of illness in order for it to be treated. This test is also called a cervical smear.

Tauira KŌrero

Nā Talei Morrison te kaupapa whakamātau waha kōpū 'Smear Your Mea' i tīmata i te tau 2017, hei akiaki i te wahine Māori kia whai i tēnei mahinga hauora.

I haere tahi rāua ko tōna hoa ki te kaupapa whakamātau waha kōpū i whakatūria e te rōpū wāhine o te rohe.

He mea kawe e te ratonga hauora o te rohe te kaupapa whakamātau waha kōpū ki ngā kāinga paku o tuawhenua.

Tauira KŌrero

Nā Talei Morrison te kaupapa whakamātau waha kōpū 'Smear Your Mea' i tīmata i te tau 2017, hei akiaki i te wahine Māori kia whai i tēnei mahinga hauora.

I haere tahi rāua ko tōna hoa ki te kaupapa whakamātau waha kōpū i whakatūria e te rōpū wāhine o te rohe.

He mea kawe e te ratonga hauora o te rohe te kaupapa whakamātau waha kōpū ki ngā kāinga paku o tuawhenua.