Ko te whānuitanga o ngā raruraru hirikapo, kare ā-roto, whanonga hoki, ka puea ake i te wharanga o te roro hiringa. Ko te āhei ki te whakariterite, ko te herekore o te whakaaro, ko te tūoho whaiaro, ko te āhua o te pāhekoheko ki tangata kē, ko te hihiko o te tangata, ko te taki kare ā-roto ētahi o ngā momo raruraru.
The range of cognitive, emotional and behavioural difficulties arising from injury to the frontal lobe of the brain or cerebrum. This includes the ability to plan and organise, to be flexible in thinking, to be self-aware, interaction with others, motivation and emotional control.
mate - disorder, illness
au - I, me
āki - to encourage, urge on
Ko te tukituki māhunga me te mātengatenga i ōna tau maha e tākaro whutupōro ana te pūtakenga matua o tana mate auāki.
Ko te whakaaro whakaioio me te manawa rere ētahi tohu o te mate auāki.