He tangata kua whara, kua pākia rānei e tētahi mate. I te nuinga o te wā e tiakina ana e tētahi atu, ā, e whai ana i tētahi ara whakaora, e kai ana rānei i tētahi rongoā.
A person who is injured or suffering from illness. Usually they are being cared for by someone else, and are following a pathway to recovery or taking medication.
I tērā tau i tino piki te maha o ngā tūroro e pāngia kinotia ana ki te rewharewha.
E whā rā te tūroro i rō hōhipera, engari kua hoki ināianei ki te kāinga.
Me āta whāngai te tūroro ki ngā kai pai e piki anō ai tōna korou.