ahitere Tūingoa, Tūmahi Poro, Tūāhua
discord, disharmony (kupu kē atu: whakatete)
climate change
pull factor
historical circumstance, historical factor, historical phenomenon (kupu kē atu: āhuatanga aronehe, āhuatanga o mua)
contemporary circumstance, contemporary phenomenon, contemporary factor
upstream factor
push factor
ahurea (o te) tokomaha Tūingoa
majority culture
traditional culture
historical force
presentism (takenga mai: anga - to face a certain direction; anga - structure, framework; wātū - present time; wā - time; tū - to stop, halt)
Underground Railroad (takenga mai: ara - pathway; huna - to be concealed, hidden; rerewhenua - railway; rere - to flee; whenua - territory, land)
critical theory
conspiracy theory (takenga mai: ariā - theory; kakai - conspire, plot, scheme)
kaupapa Māori theory
political theory
dynasty (takenga mai: arikitanga - monarchy; tūroa - established, of long standing, enduring)
literature review
arotītaha ahurea Tūingoa, Tūāhua
ethnocentric, ethnocentricism (takenga mai: aro - to be inclined toward; tītaha - skewed; ahurea - culture) (kupu kē atu: arotītaha ā-iwi, whakaariki ā-iwi)
ātete ~ngia ~nga Tūingoa, Tūmahi Whiti, Tūāhua
resist, oppose
passive resistance (takenga mai: ātete - to oppose; mārire - peaceful) (kupu kē atu: ātete mauritau)
continuity (takenga mai: auroa - prolonged, lengthy) (kupu kē atu: haere tonutanga)
social continuity (takenga mai: auroa - prolonged, extended, drawn-out)
cultural influence
historical influence
upstream intervention, early intervention (takenga mai: hāpaiora - intervention; rere - to flow; mua - in front, before)
affirmative action, positive discrimination (takenga mai: hāpai - to uplift, support)
autobiography (takenga mai: hau - be published abroad; kiri - person, self) (kupu kē atu: haurongo whaiaro)
ally, alliance
peace alliance
political alliance
security alliance
biography (takenga mai: hau - be published abroad; rongo - report, fame)
heke (~nga) atu Tūingoa, Tūmahi Poro
emigrate, emigration
great migration
urban migration
peaceful march
history, historical (takenga mai: He kupu mino.) (kupu kē atu: tāhuhu kōrero, kōrero o mua, kōrero o nehe, hītōria)
tribal history (kupu kē atu: tāhuhu kōrero ā-iwi)
cultural history
natural history
conventional history, prevailing history, mainstream history (takenga mai: auraki - mainstream)
local history (kupu kē atu: hītori ā-rohe)
economic history
social history
environmental history
colonial history
art history
political history
ancient history
modern history (takenga mai: tū - take place; tata - to be near)
revisionist history (takenga mai: whakapūaho - to elucidate, clarify)
comparative history
family history (kupu kē atu: tāhuhu kōrero ā-whānau)
to make peace
hohou rongo huriao Tūingoa, Tūmahi Poro
international peacekeeping, global peacekeeping
cultural misappropriation (takenga mai: hone - to acquire wrongfully)
cultural diffusion
context (takenga mai: horopaki - surround)
cultural context
historical context (kupu kē atu: horopaki hītōria)
global context
social context
political context
houkura Tūingoa, Tūmahi Poro, Tūāhua
prosperous, peaceful, affluent (kupu kē atu: tōnui)
houmate Tūingoa, Tūmahi Poro, Tūāhua
unprosperous (takenga mai: hou - e whai ana i tā te 'houkura' [prosperous]; mate - sick, unwell, calamity)
outcome, effect (kupu kē atu: otinga, putanga)
downstream effect (takenga mai: hua - outcome; rere - to flow; muri - behind)
Dawn Raid
domino effect, chain reaction, ripple effect (takenga mai: huanga - outcome, result; whaiwhai - to follow)
historical trend (kupu kē atu: ia aronehe)
radiocarbon dating (takenga mai: ine - to measure; wā - time; horo - waste away, crumble down; waro - carbon)
dominant group of people, dominant tribe (takenga mai: awe - strength, power, influence) (kupu kē atu: iwi whakatuanui)
multitribal, multiracial
indigenous people, indigenous tribe (kupu kē atu: tangata whenua)
blackbirding (takenga mai: kāhaki - to kidnap, take by force, abduct; pononga - slave)
kaiapo ~hia ~ tanga Tūingoa, Tūmahi Whiti
exploit, exploitation (takenga mai: kaiapo - covetous, avaricious, greedy)
explorer, pioneer
kaikaiwaiū ~tanga Tūingoa, Tūāhua
traitor, treason, treasonous
asylum seeker
toponymist (takenga mai: kai - prefix denoting agent; mātai - to examine, investigate; tapa - to name; wāhi - place)
museum curator (takenga mai: rauhī - to collect together, to takecare of, protect)
conservator (takenga mai: rokiroki - to care for, protect, preserve)
quarter-caste (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
take by force, seize (kupu kē atu: kōwhakiwhaki, kāhaki)
post traumatic stress disorder, PTSD (takenga mai: kohuki - anguish, stress, distress; tau - to come to land, settle; muri - after)
generational trauma, intergenerational trauma, transgenerational trauma (kupu kē atu: kohuki whitireanga)
progress (kupu kē atu: kauneke, koke whakamua)
feminism (takenga mai: kōkiri - to champion, promote, advocate; mana wahine - status, power, dignity of women) (kupu kē atu: tohe mana wahine)
kōmihana aro ki te pono me te whakamārie Tūingoa
truth and reconciliation commission
historical narrative, historical text (takenga mai: kōrero - story, text, narrative; aro - to turn towards, take heed; nehe - past times) (kupu kē atu: kōrero hītōria, tāhuhu kōrero, kōrero o nehe)
nostalgic text, nostalgic narrative (takenga mai: whēnakonako - to be wistful, yearn)
kounu ~hia ~ tanga Tūmahi Poro, Tūingoa
secede, secession, pull out, withdraw, withdrawal
humanity, humanness, human goodness (takenga mai: kou - of good quality; tangata - person, human being)
kuhu ahurea Tūingoa, Tūmahi Poro
acculturate, acculturation (takenga mai: kuhu - to go into, to join)
indentured labour, indentured servitude (takenga mai: whakaea - to repay; nama - debt)
suffrage, right to vote (takenga mai: mana - power, authority; pōti [kupu mino] - vote)
disenfranchised (takenga mai: mana - power, authority; pōti - vote; kore - negative, nil)
equality, equal status (kupu kē atu: ōritetanga)
inequality, disparity
keepsake, momento
millennium (takenga mai: mano - thousand; tau - year)
migrant, immigrant (takenga mai: manu [manuhiri] - visitor; manu [manu kaewa] - wanderer; heke - migrate, migration)
state care (takenga mai: maru - shelter, shield, power, authority; karauna [kupu mino] - crown)
toponymy, study of place names (takenga mai: mātai - to study, examine, investigate; tapa - to name; wāhi - place)
cultural anthropology
social anthropology
literature (takenga mai: mātā - heap, layer; kōrero - text, prose)
humanity, human race (takenga mai: mātā - e whai ana i tā te mātāwaka; mātā - heap; tangata - person, human being)
written literature (takenga mai: mātā [mātākōrero] - literature; mātā - heap, layer; tuhi - to write)
ethical dilemma, moral dilemma
oral literature (takenga mai: mātā [mātākōrero] - literature; mātā - heap, layer; waha - mouth, voice)
vision, visionary (kupu kē atu: matatawhiti)
historical record
record, documentation (kupu kē atu: pūranga kōrero)
original record
mauhere ~tia Tūingoa, Tūāhua, Tūmahi Whiti
imprison, imprisonment, prisoner, incarcerate (kupu kē atu: whakarau)
mass incarceration, mass imprisonment (takenga mai: mauhere - to imprison; nuipuku - multitude)
crime against humanity (takenga mai: maukino - abuse, ill-treat)
détente (takenga mai: mauru - to be eased, allayed, appeased)
mautohe ~tia Tūingoa, Tūāhua, Tūmahi Poro
protest (kupu kē atu: porotēhi [kupu mino])
momoho Tūingoa, Tūmahi Poro, Tūāhua
advantage, advantaged, privilege (takenga mai: momoho - to be fortunate, rewarded)
apartheid (takenga mai: momotu - to sever, separate) (kupu kē atu: tāuketanga)
displaced person (kupu kē atu: konene)
mōriroriro Tūingoa, Tūmahi Poro, Tūāhua
alienated, estranged
civil rights, societal rights (takenga mai: rarau - to settle, take root; rarau [kirirarau] - citizen; pori [porihanga] - society) (kupu kē atu: mōtika kirirarau, mōtika porihanga)
past (history)
grievance, complaint (kupu kē atu: amuamu)
ancient times, long ago (kupu kē atu: neherā, uki, tāukiuki, tua whakarere, tuauri)
noho huānga Tūingoa, Tūmahi Poro
belonging, sense of belonging, belong (takenga mai: noho - to live; huānga - member of a group, kin)
nohoroa Tūingoa, Tūmahi Poro, Tūāhua
overstay, overstayer (takenga mai: noho - to live, dwell; roa - long; roa [whakaroa] - prolong, extend)
nohowheta Tūingoa, Tūmahi Whiti
occupy, occupation (takenga mai: wheta - to occupy a place)
nonope ~a ~tanga Tūingoa, Tūmahi Whiti
persecute, persecution (takenga mai: nonope - to oppress, distress, depress) (kupu kē atu: whakamamae, pēhi)
decade (takenga mai: ngahuru - ten; tau - year)
historical empathy (takenga mai: ngākau - heart, seat of affections; aro - to be inclined towards; nehe - time past)
peacekeeping force
faction (takenga mai: oro - grove of trees of one kind; kē - different, alternative)
coup, coup d'état (takenga mai: pāhoro - to take by assault, storm a fortress) (kupu kē atu: tukipoto)
pāhua ~tia Tūingoa, Tūmahi Whiti
plunder, rob, burgle, thieve, loot, ransack
pakanga ~tia Tūingoa, Tūmahi Poro, Tūmahi Whiti
war, battle, fight
world war, global war
inter-tribal war, tribal war
musket war
cold war (takenga mai: taungaungau - to wrangle, bicker, squabble; tau - indicating reciprocal action; tau - to attack) (kupu kē atu: pakanga kōpeke)
land war, territorial war
historical fiction (kupu kē atu: paki hītōria)
historical inquiry (kupu kē atu: pakirehua hītōria)
social inquiry
transformative change (takenga mai: whakaumu - to transform, alter, change)
plaque, commemorative tablet (takenga mai: papa - slab, surface; kōrero - narrative, story)
impact (takenga mai: pāpā - to affect, touch, strike) (kupu kē atu: pānga)
cultural impact
economic impact
social impact
environmental impact
human impact
stonefield (takenga mai: pārae - level or undulating open country) (kupu kē atu: pārae kōhatu)
paremata ~tia Tūingoa, Tūmahi Whiti, Tūāhua
compensate, compensation, recompense, reparation, redress
pēhi ~a ~tanga Tūingoa, Tūmahi Whiti
oppress, suppress, oppression, persecute
religious persecution, religious oppression
oppression of the mind
overt oppression (takenga mai: mataaho - clear, evident) (kupu kē atu: pēhi mārakerake)
covert oppression (takenga mai: mata - face; huna - hidden)
oppression of the spirit, demoralisation
petihana ~tia Tūingoa, Tūmahi Whiti
petition (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
nuclear bomb, atomic bomb (kupu kē atu: pōmu karihi)
suicide bomb
missile (takenga mai: pohū - bomb, grenade, explosion; rere - to fly)
immigration centre (takenga mai: manu [manuhiri] - visitor; manu [manu kaewa] - wanderer; heke - migrate, migration)
sex slave, forced sex worker
child slave
industrial society
mainstream society (kupu kē atu: porihanga rīroa)
diverse society, pluralistic society
homogeneous society
inclusive society
exclusive society
intolerant society
tolerant society
porihanga tautika-kore Tūingoa
inequitable society
just society (kupu kē atu: porihanga manatika)
stable society
strike (protest action)
referendum (takenga mai: pōti [kupu mino] - vote; take - issue)
binding referendum (takenga mai: pōti [kupu mino] - vote; take - issue; here - to bind)
non-binding referendum (takenga mai: pōti [kupu mino] - vote; take - issue; here - to bind; kore - negative)
boundary marker, marker of (land) ownership, land marker post
reference book (takenga mai: puka - book; tara [papatara] - storehouse; tara [whakatara] - invoke, consult)
assumption, supposition
constancy, permanency
source of information
primary source (of information)
secondary source (of information) (takenga mai: mātā - e whai ana i tā te 'mātāmua'; rua [tuarua] - second)
punanga Tūingoa, Tūmahi Poro, Tūāhua
refuge, to take refuge, asylum, haven
political asylum, political refuge
women's refuge
cult (takenga mai: puni - company of people; whanokē - peculiar, weird, unusual, eccentric)
archive (takenga mai: pū - source, base; pūranga - heap, lie in a heap)
puri tikanga Tūmahi Poro, Tūāhua
orthodox (takenga mai: puri - to hold on to; tikanga - custom, convention, tradition)
pūtake ~a ~nga Tūingoa, Tūmahi Whiti
cause, origin, reason, originate (kupu kē atu: take)
historical cause, historical reason
to settle, live permanently (kupu kē atu: noho pūmau)
rangahau ~tia ~tanga Tūingoa, Tūāhua, Tūmahi Whiti
research (takenga mai: rangahau - seek, search out, pursue)
historical research (kupu kē atu: rangahau hītōria)
qualitative research (takenga mai: ine - to measure; kounga - quality)
quantitative research (takenga mai: ine - to measure; rahi - size, amount)
insider research (kupu kē atu: rangahau huānga)
outsider research
pilot study (takenga mai: tōmua - early)
meso level research, mezzo level research (takenga mai: wawaenga - medium)
micro level research
case study, case study research (takenga mai: whakapūaho - to clarify, make clear, elucidate) (kupu kē atu: mātaitanga)
macro level research
resistance movement (takenga mai: ātete - to oppose, resist)
rangatohe ātete mārire Tūingoa
passive resistance movement (kupu kē atu: rangatohe ātete rongomau)
rangatohe mana kirimangu Tūingoa
black power movement
rangatohe oranga kirimangu Tūingoa
black lives matter movement
rangatohe tāwheta ā-whenua Tūingoa
nationalist movement
literature search
rārangi (~tanga) kōrero Tūingoa
main catalogue
historical diary (kupu kē atu: rātaka hītōria)
rauhī ~tia ~tanga Tūingoa, Tūmahi Whiti, Tūāhua
curate, curation, curatorial (takenga mai: rauhī - to collect together, to care for, protect)
century (takenga mai: rau - hundred; tau - year)
Stolen Generation
rēhita ~tia Tūingoa, Tūmahi Whiti
register (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
white flight (takenga mai: rere - to flee; kiri - person, self; mā - white) (kupu kē atu: rere kiritea)
different, difference
refugee (takenga mai: rerenga - person who has escaped, fugitive, survivor) (kupu kē atu: konene)
climate refugee
political refugee
oppressor (takenga mai: ringa - hand; pēhi - to oppress)
memoir (takenga mai: ripoinga - haunts, hangouts; ripoi - to travel about; mahara - to remember)
intra-tribal war, tribal war
nonviolent (takenga mai: riri - anger, violence; kore - not, negative) (kupu kē atu: mārire)
rītaha Tūingoa, Tūāhua, Tūmahi Poro
bias, biased (takenga mai: rītaha - to lean on one side) (kupu kē atu: haukume, arotītaha)
gender bias
overt bias, conscious bias (takenga mai: mataaho - clear, evident)
unconscious bias, hidden bias, covert bias (takenga mai: mata - face; huna - hidden) (kupu kē atu: haukume huna)
ethnic bias
lasting peace, enduring peace (kupu kē atu: tatau pounamu)
Māori viewpoint, Māori world view (kupu kē atu: tirohanga ao Māori)
style of leadership (takenga mai: tāera [kupu mino] - style)
commercialisation of culture (takenga mai: tā - causative prefix; hoko - to buy or sell; ahurea - culture)
extremist (takenga mai: tai - prefix with a qualifying force; hāruki [hārukiruki] - very, extreme)
cultural revolution (takenga mai: tai - a prefix with a qualifying force; huri - to change)
taihuringa hōkakatanga Tūingoa
sexual revolution (takenga mai: tai - a prefix with a qualifying force; huri - to change)
social revolution, social upheaval (takenga mai: tai - a prefix with a qualifying force; huri - to change)
political revolution, political uprising (takenga mai: tai - a prefix with a qualifying force; huri - to change)
tyrant, tyrannical (takenga mai: tai - prefix with a qualifying force; ngarengare - overbearing, authoritarian, autocratic)
crisis, predicament, serious problem (takenga mai: tai - prefixwith a qualifying force; raru - problem, trouble, difficulty)
climate crisis
industrial crisis
health crisis
economic crisis
social crisis
energy crisis
environmental crisis
political crisis, constitutional crisis
rebel, revolutionary (takenga mai: tai - prefix with a qualifying force; whana - to rebel, revolt)
fanatic, fanatical, zealot (takenga mai: tai - prefix with a qualifying force; whiwhita - fanaticism)
civilise (takenga mai: taka -causative prefix; pori [pāpori] - social)
mediate, mediator, go-between, facilitator
issue, case, claim, matter, reason, cause
historical reason (kupu kē atu: pūtake o mua)
land right obtained by conquest
ancestral land right
land right by gift
land right by discovery
linguistic background, language background (takenga mai: takenga - origin, derivation)
political background (takenga mai: takenga - origin, derivation)
time period, era
industrial age, industrial era
atomic age, atomic era
stone age
digital age, digital era
machine age
bronze age
iron age
anthropocene (takenga mai: takiwā - era, time period; tangata - people, human)
colonial period, colonial era
space age
middle ages
tāmarutāne ~tanga Tūingoa, Tūāhua
patriarchal, patriarchy (takenga mai: tāmaru - to shade, overshadow; tāne - male)
tāmaruwahine ~tanga Tūingoa, Tūāhua
matriarchal, matriarchy (takenga mai: tāmaru - to shade, to overshadow; wahine - female)
tāmirua ~tia ~tanga Tūingoa, Tūmahi Whiti, Tūāhua
recolonise, recolonisation (takenga mai: tāmi - to colonise, repress; rua - two)
artefact, treasure
heritage, heirloom
tapa ~ina ~nga Tūingoa, Tūmahi Whiti
toponym, placename, to name
slaughter, massacre, pogrom
provenance (takenga mai: tātai - lineage; takenga - origin)
colonial repression
tātari ~tia ~tanga Tūingoa, Tūmahi Whiti
analyse, analysis (takenga mai: tātari - to strain, filter, sift through)
lasting peace, enduring peace (kupu kē atu: rongo taketake)
blood quantum (takenga mai: tatau - to count, enumerate)
settlement, agreement (kupu kē atu: whakaaetanga, tatūnga tokitoki)
bipartisan agreement, bilateral agreement
unilateral decision, unilateral agreement
multipartisan agreement, multilateral agreement
taunoa ~tanga Tūingoa, Tūmahi Poro, Tūāhua
normal, normalised, normalisation (takenga mai: tau - to settle on, come to rest; noa - common) (kupu kē atu: hanga māori)
taupuhipuhi Tūingoa, Tūmahi Whiti, Tūāhua
interdependence, interdependent
refugee camp
detention centre, detention camp
humanitarian aid
tautika Tūingoa, Tūāhua, Tūmahi Poro
equity, equitable
tautika-kore Tūāhua, Tūingoa, Tūmahi Poro
inequitable, inequity
taututetute Tūingoa, Tūmahi Whiti, Tūmahi Poro
conflict, dispute (kupu kē atu: taupatupatu, taukumekume)
international dispute, international conflict
tika Tūingoa, Tūmahi Poro, Tūāhua
just, justice (kupu kē atu: huatika)
traditional customs
tipiwhenua Tūingoa, Tūmahi Poro, Tūāhua
nomad, nomadic, travel about (kupu kē atu: tangata takapau pōkai, kaewa)
treaty (takenga mai: he kupu mino)
multilateral treaty
tōhore ~tanga Tūingoa, Tūmahi Poro, Tūāhua
disadvantage, disadvantaged, underprivileged (takenga mai: tō - e whai ana i tā te 'tōnui'; hore [pūhore] - scarce, poverty)
geologic time scale (takenga mai: tohu - to signal; wā - time; nuku - Earth)
melting pot, diverse amalgamation
tōpūtanga whakawaimeha Tūingoa
melting pot, assimilative amalgamation (takenga mai: tōpūtanga - collective; whakawaimeha [waimeha] - to be diluted; whakawaimeha ahurea - cultural assimilation)
brinkmanship (takenga mai: tū - stance, position, engage, oppose; whakatete - quarrel, disagreement, obstinate)
historical event, past event (takenga mai: tūāhua - situation)
significant event
civilisation (takenga mai: tūā[tūāpapa] - foundation; pori - people, tribe; pori [porihanga] - society) (kupu kē atu: mātāpori)
western civilisation
ancient civilisation
prehistoric times, very ancient past
cultural relativism (takenga mai: tū - stance; tū - type, sort; hāngai - relevant to, in line with)
original document
injustice, maltreatment (kupu kē atu: hēnga)
historical abuse
social injustice (kupu kē atu: hēnga pāpori)
terrorist attack
tuku ihotanga o te reo Tūingoa
intergenerational language transmission
suicide bombing (takenga mai: tuku - to release; pohū - bomb; whakamomori - suicide)
historian (kupu kē atu: kaimātai hītori)
tūoho Tūingoa, Tūāhua, Tūmahi Poro
aware, awareness, conscious, consciousness (takenga mai: tū - position, stance; oho - awake,arise, be roused [of feelings]) (kupu kē atu: aroā)
tūoho ahurea Tūingoa, Tūmahi Poro, Tūāhua
cultural awareness, cultural sensitivity, culturally aware
tupe ~a ~nga Tūingoa, Tūmahi Whiti
disarm, disarmament (takenga mai: tupe - to deprive of power)
tūpore ~tia ~tanga Tūingoa, Tūmahi Poro, Tūāhua
altruism, altruistic (takenga mai: tūpore - to care for, look after, treat kindly) (kupu kē atu: tauwhiro)
turekore Tūingoa, Tūmahi Poro, Tūāhua
anarchy, lawlessness (takenga mai: ture - law; kore - nil, negative)
political dysfunction
intergenerational dysfunction, generational dysfunction
tūrourou hinengaro Tūmahi Whiti
indoctrinate, brainwashing (takenga mai: tūrourou - to reach or manipulate with a pole or stick) (kupu kē atu: takapapa hinengaro)
tūtei tomokanga Tūingoa, Tūmahi Poro
gatekeeping, gatekeeper (takenga mai: tūtei - to keep watch, sentry; tomokanga - entrance, entry)
tūtohetohe Tūingoa, Tūāhua, Tūmahi Poro
activism (takenga mai: tū - position, stance; tohetohe - argue, persist, protest)
civil disobedience (takenga mai: tutū - insubordination, rebellion, disobedience; porihanga - society)
uproar, disturbance, furore
radical (takenga mai: tū - to oppose, fight, position, stance; whana - to revolt, rebel)
sentimental value (takenga mai: uara - value; whēnakonako - to be wistful, yearn, long for; whēnakonako - nostalgic)
uruhi ~a ~tanga Tūingoa, Tūmahi Whiti
enforce, compel, coercion
cultural response, cultural responsiveness
Holocaust (takenga mai: urupatu - annihilation; Hūrae [kupu mino] - Jew)
urutau ~nga Tūingoa, Tūmahi Poro
adapt, adaptation
urutomo ~kia Tūingoa, Tūmahi Whiti
invade, invasion, attack (kupu kē atu: huaki, whakaeke)
amnesty (takenga mai: wā - time; muku - to wipe out, delete; hara - crime, offence)
significant site
past time (kupu kē atu: inamata)
distant past
recent past
present time (takenga mai: wā - time; tū - to stop, halt)
wetehere ~a ~nga Tūingoa, Tūmahi Poro, Tūāhua
liberate, liberation, emancipatory (takenga mai: wete - to release, untie, set free; here - shackle, tie, restriction) (kupu kē atu: wete)
(whaka) pononga Tūingoa, Tūmahi Whiti, Tūāhua
slave, slavery, enslave
(whaka) wātea ~tanga Tūingoa, Tūāhua, Tūmahi Poro
free, freedom, liberty (kupu kē atu: herekore)
whai wāhi ~tanga Tūingoa, Tūmahi Whiti
participate, participation, engage, engagement, have opportunity, have access (kupu kē atu: kuhukuhu)
universal access (takenga mai: whai wāhi - have access, participation, have opportunity; tukipū - general, widespread)
food globalisation
dogma (takenga mai: whakaaro - thought, idea; whakatuanui - overbearing, domineering)
invade, attack
whakaeo ~tia ~tanga Tūingoa, Tūmahi Whiti
disempower, disempowerment
whakahangahanga Tūingoa, Tūmahi Poro, Tūāhua
diplomacy, diplomatic (takenga mai: whakahangahanga - to handle gently)
whakahāwea ~tia ~tanga Tūingoa, Tūmahi Whiti, Tūāhua
discriminate against, discrimination, despise, degrade (kupu kē atu: whakatoihara, whakaparahako)
whakahoki ~a ~tanga Tūingoa, Tūmahi Whiti, Tūāhua
repatriate, return, repatriation
whakahorohoro ~tia Tūmahi Whiti
to abolish, do away with
whakakonuka ~tia ~tanga Tūingoa, Tūmahi Whiti, Tūāhua
corrupt, corruption (takenga mai: whakakonuka - lead astray)
whakakura ~tia Tūāhua, Tūingoa, Tūmahi Whiti
romanticise, romanticisation (takenga mai: whaka - causative prefix; kura - valued possession)
monument, memorial, commemoration
whakamahi mauhere Tūingoa, Tūmahi Poro
forced labour (takenga mai: mauhere - captive, imprisoned)
whakamahuki ~tia ~tanga Tūingoa, Tūmahi Whiti, Tūāhua
enlighten, Enlightenment
whakamana ~hia ~tanga Tūingoa, Tūmahi Whiti, Tūāhua
empower, empowerment, authorise, legitimise
historical interpretation (kupu kē atu: whakamāori hītōria)
whakamōmona ~tia ~tanga Tūingoa, Tūmahi Whiti, Tūāhua
exaggerate, exaggeration, exaggerated (takenga mai: whakamōmona - to fatten, enrich)
whakamōtī ~tia ~tanga Tūingoa, Tūmahi Whiti
exterminate, annihilate, devastate, devastation
social amnesia (takenga mai: whakangongo - to neglect, disregard, pay no attention to) (kupu kē atu: wareware pāpori)
forced resettlement (takenga mai: tohu - to direct; here - restriction, obligation)
whakapae ~tia ~tanga Tūingoa, Tūmahi Whiti, Tūāhua
hypothesis, hypothetical
whakapāha Tūingoa, Tūmahi Poro, Tūāhua
apology, regret, apologise
whakaparahako ~tia ~tanga Tūingoa, Tūmahi Whiti, Tūāhua
marginalise, belittle, marginalisation
whakapiki tūoho Tūingoa, Tūmahi Poro
awareness raising, consciousness raising
whakaporipori ~tia ~tanga Tūingoa, Tūmahi Whiti
socialise, socialisation (takenga mai: whaka - causative prefix; pori [pāpori] - social)
whakapūmau ~tia ~tanga Tūingoa, Tūmahi Whiti
ratify, certify, validate, confirm, validation (kupu kē atu: whakatūturu)
whakarake ~a ~nga Tūingoa, Tūmahi Whiti
deforest, deforestation (kupu kē atu: tuangahere)
whakarau ~a ~nga Tūmahi Whiti, Tūāhua, Tūingoa
detain, detainee, confine, imprison (kupu kē atu: mauhere)
conflict resolution
impose authority
whakatāuke ~tia Tūingoa, Tūmahi Whiti
segregate, segregation
whakataurekareka ~tia Tūingoa, Tūmahi Whiti
objectify, objectification, dehumanise (takenga mai: whakataurekareka - treat with contempt, subjugate, deride)
whakatete Tūingoa, Tūmahi Poro
disagreement, tension, quarrel, discord (kupu kē atu: taukumekume)
whakatuanui ~tanga Tūingoa, Tūmahi Poro, Tūāhua
hegemony, domination, hegemonic (takenga mai: whakatuanui - overbearing, domineering, authoritarian, arrogant)
cultural hegemony
white supremacy (takenga mai: whakatuanui - domination, arrogance; kiri - person, self; mā - white) (kupu kē atu: whakatuanui kiritea)
economic hegemony
political hegemony
whakatuatea Tūingoa, Tūāhua, Tūmahi Whiti
terrorism, terrorise (kupu kē atu: whakatumatuma)
whakaturi ~hia ~tanga Tūingoa, Tūmahi Whiti, Tūāhua
reconcile, appease, reconciliation, conciliation (kupu kē atu: whakamārie, whakaepaepa)
whakatūturu ~tia ~tanga Tūingoa, Tūmahi Whiti, Tūāhua
validate, validation (kupu kē atu: whakapūmau)
whakatūwhana ~hia Tūmahi Whiti
radicalise (takenga mai: whaka - causative prefix; tūwhana - radical; tū - to oppose, fight; whana - revolt, rebel)
social conditioning (takenga mai: whakaū - to make firm, establish, reinforce; poripori [whakaporipori] - socialisation; pori [pāpori] - social)
whakaumu ~tia ~tanga Tūmahi Whiti, Tūāhua, Tūingoa
transform, transformation, transformational
whakauruuru (ahurea) ~a ~nga Tūingoa, Tūmahi Whiti
(cultural) integration, integrate
whakawaimeha (ahurea) ~tia ~nga Tūingoa, Tūmahi Whiti, Tūāhua
(cultural) assimilation (takenga mai: waimeha - diluted) (kupu kē atu: whakahanumi [iwi])
revolt, revolution, rebellion, uprising (kupu kē atu: pāhoro)
whanokē Tūingoa, Tūmahi Poro, Tūāhua
nonconforming, nonconformist (takenga mai: whanokē - perculiar, different, odd)
whanotau Tūmahi Poro, Tūāhua, Tūingoa
conform, conformist (takenga mai: whano [whanonga] - behaviour; whano - e whai ana i tā te whanokē; tau - suitable, settled)
archival storehouse, repository (kupu kē atu: rua mahara)
museum (kupu kē atu: whare pupuri taonga, whare tongarewa)
whēnakonako ~tanga Tūingoa, Tūāhua, Tūmahi Poro
nostalgia, nostalgic (takenga mai: whēnakonako - to be wistful, yearn)
colony (takenga mai: whenua - country; maru - shaded, sheltered) (kupu kē atu: whenua tāmi, koroni [kupu mino])
republic (takenga mai: whenua - country, nation, state; tū - to stand; hake [motuhake] - separate, independent, stand alone)
whiwhi painga Tūingoa, Tūmahi Poro, Tūāhua
privilege, privileged (takenga mai: whiwhi - to have, acquire, possess; painga - benefit, advantage) (kupu kē atu: momoho)
gender privilege
religious privilege
white privilege (kupu kē atu: whiwhi painga kiritea)
socioeconomic privilege
heterosexual privilege
whiwhita Tūingoa, Tūāhua, Tūmahi Poro
fanaticism, fanatical