History / Hītori

English → Māori

Afghanistan War Noun

(Te) Pakanga ki Awhekenetāna

Archives New Zealand Noun

(Te) Rua Mahara o te Kāwanatanga

acculturate, acculturation Noun, Intransitive Verb

kuhu ahurea (takenga mai: kuhu - to go into, to join)

activism Noun, Adjective, Intransitive Verb

tūtohetohe (takenga mai: tū - position, stance; tohetohe - argue, persist, protest)

adapt, adaptation Noun, Intransitive Verb

urutau ~nga

advantage, advantaged, privilege Noun, Intransitive Verb, Adjective

momoho (takenga mai: momoho - to be fortunate, rewarded)

affirmative action, positive discrimination Noun

hāpaitanga (takenga mai: hāpai - to uplift, support)

alienated, estranged Noun, Intransitive Verb, Adjective


ally, alliance Noun, Adjective

haumi ~tanga

altruism, altruistic Noun, Intransitive Verb, Adjective

tūpore ~tia ~tanga (takenga mai: tūpore - to care for, look after, treat kindly) (kupu kē atu: tauwhiro)

amnesty Noun

wā mukuhara (takenga mai: wā - time; muku - to wipe out, delete; hara - crime, offence)

analyse, analysis Noun, Transitive Verb

tātari ~tia ~tanga (takenga mai: tātari - to strain, filter, sift through)

anarchy, lawlessness Noun, Intransitive Verb, Adjective

turekore (takenga mai: ture - law; kore - nil, negative)

ancestral land right Noun

take tīpuna

ancient civilisation Noun

tūāpori tuauri

ancient history Noun

hītori tuauri

ancient times, long ago adverb (time)

nehe (kupu kē atu: neherā, uki, tāukiuki, tua whakarere, tuauri)

annal Noun

mauhanga hītōria ā-tau

anthropocene Noun

takiwā tangata (takenga mai: takiwā - era, time period; tangata - people, human)

anthropology Noun

mātai tikanga

apartheid Noun

momotu iwi (takenga mai: momotu - to sever, separate) (kupu kē atu: tāuketanga)

apology, regret, apologise Noun, Intransitive Verb, Adjective


architecture Noun

hoahoa whare

archival storehouse, repository Noun

whare pūranga (kupu kē atu: rua mahara)

archive Noun

pūranga (takenga mai: pū - source, base; pūranga - heap, lie in a heap)

art history Noun

hītori toi

artefact, treasure Noun


assumption, supposition Noun, Adjective


asylum seeker Noun

kaikimi punanga

atomic age, atomic era Noun

takiwā karihi

autobiography Noun

haukiri (takenga mai: hau - be published abroad; kiri - person, self) (kupu kē atu: haurongo whaiaro)

aware, awareness, conscious, consciousness Noun, Adjective, Intransitive Verb

tūoho (takenga mai: tū - position, stance; oho - awake,arise, be roused [of feelings]) (kupu kē atu: aroā)

awareness raising, consciousness raising Noun, Intransitive Verb

whakapiki tūoho

Boer War Noun

(Te) Pakanga Poa (takenga mai: Poa [kupu mino] - Boer)

belonging, sense of belonging, belong Noun, Intransitive Verb

noho huānga (takenga mai: noho - to live; huānga - member of a group, kin)

bias, biased Noun, Adjective, Intransitive Verb

rītaha (takenga mai: rītaha - to lean on one side) (kupu kē atu: haukume, arotītaha)

binding referendum Noun

pōtitake-here (takenga mai: pōti [kupu mino] - vote; take - issue; here - to bind)

biography Noun

haurongo (takenga mai: hau - be published abroad; rongo - report, fame)

bipartisan agreement, bilateral agreement Noun

tatūnga takirua

black lives matter movement Noun

rangatohe oranga kirimangu

black power movement Noun

rangatohe mana kirimangu

blackbirding Noun

kāhaki pononga (takenga mai: kāhaki - to kidnap, take by force, abduct; pononga - slave)

blackface Noun


blood quantum Noun

tataunga toto (takenga mai: tatau - to count, enumerate)

boundary marker, marker of (land) ownership, land marker post Noun

pou whenua

brinkmanship Noun

tū whakatete (takenga mai: tū - stance, position, engage, oppose; whakatete - quarrel, disagreement, obstinate)

bronze age Noun

takiwā rauwhero

case study, case study research Noun

rangahau whakapūaho (takenga mai: whakapūaho - to clarify, make clear, elucidate) (kupu kē atu: mātaitanga)

catalogue Noun

rārangi (~tanga) kōrero

cause, origin, reason, originate Noun, Transitive Verb

pūtake ~a ~nga (kupu kē atu: take)

century Noun

rautau (takenga mai: rau - hundred; tau - year)

child slave Noun

pononga tamariki

civil disobedience Noun

tutūnga porihanga (takenga mai: tutū - insubordination, rebellion, disobedience; porihanga - society)

civil rights, societal rights Noun

mōtika raraupori (takenga mai: rarau - to settle, take root; rarau [kirirarau] - citizen; pori [porihanga] - society) (kupu kē atu: mōtika kirirarau, mōtika porihanga)

civilisation Noun

tūāpori (takenga mai: tūā[tūāpapa] - foundation; pori - people, tribe; pori [porihanga] - society) (kupu kē atu: mātāpori)

civilise Transitive Verb

takaporipori (takenga mai: taka -causative prefix; pori [pāpori] - social)

climate change Noun

āhuarangi hurihuri

climate crisis Noun

tairaru āhuarangi

climate refugee Noun

rerenga āhuarangi

cold war Noun

pakanga taungaungau (takenga mai: taungaungau - to wrangle, bicker, squabble; tau - indicating reciprocal action; tau - to attack) (kupu kē atu: pakanga kōpeke)

colonial history Noun

hītori tātāmi

colonial period, colonial era Noun

takiwā tātāmi

colonial repression Noun

tātāmi a tauiwi

colony Noun

whenua maru (takenga mai: whenua - country; maru - shaded, sheltered) (kupu kē atu: whenua tāmi, koroni [kupu mino])

commercialisation of culture Noun

tāhoko ahurea (takenga mai: tā - causative prefix; hoko - to buy or sell; ahurea - culture)

comparative history Noun

hītori whakatairite

compensate, compensation, recompense, reparation, redress Noun, Transitive Verb, Adjective

paremata ~tia

conflict resolution Noun

whakatatū taututetute

conflict, dispute Noun, Transitive Verb, Intransitive Verb

taututetute (kupu kē atu: taupatupatu, taukumekume)

conform, conformist Intransitive Verb, Adjective, Noun

whanotau (takenga mai: whano [whanonga] - behaviour; whano - e whai ana i tā te whanokē; tau - suitable, settled)

conservator Noun

kairokiroki taonga (takenga mai: rokiroki - to care for, protect, preserve)

conspiracy theory Noun

ariā kakai (takenga mai: ariā - theory; kakai - conspire, plot, scheme)

constancy, permanency Noun


contemporary circumstance, contemporary phenomenon, contemporary factor Noun

āhuatanga o te wā

context Noun

horopaki (takenga mai: horopaki - surround)

continuity Noun

auroatanga (takenga mai: auroa - prolonged, lengthy) (kupu kē atu: haere tonutanga)

conventional history, prevailing history, mainstream history Noun

hītori auraki (takenga mai: auraki - mainstream)

corrupt, corruption Noun, Transitive Verb, Adjective

whakakonuka ~tia ~tanga (takenga mai: whakakonuka - lead astray)

coup, coup d'état Noun, Intransitive Verb

pāhoro (takenga mai: pāhoro - to take by assault, storm a fortress) (kupu kē atu: tukipoto)

covert oppression Noun

pēhitanga matahuna (takenga mai: mata - face; huna - hidden)

crime against humanity Noun

maukino mātātangata (takenga mai: maukino - abuse, ill-treat)

crisis, predicament, serious problem Noun

tairaru (takenga mai: tai - prefixwith a qualifying force; raru - problem, trouble, difficulty)

critical theory Noun

ariā arohaehae

cult Noun

puni whanokē (takenga mai: puni - company of people; whanokē - peculiar, weird, unusual, eccentric)

cultural anthropology Noun

mātai tikanga ahurea

cultural awareness, cultural sensitivity, culturally aware Noun, Intransitive Verb, Adjective

tūoho ahurea

cultural context Noun

horopaki ahurea

cultural diffusion Noun

horahora ahurea

cultural hegemony Noun

whakatuanui ahurea

cultural history Noun

hītori ahurea

cultural impact Noun

pāpātanga ahurea

cultural influence Noun

awenga ahurea

cultural misappropriation Noun

hone ahurea (takenga mai: hone - to acquire wrongfully)

cultural relativism Noun

tūhāngai ahurea (takenga mai: tū - stance; tū - type, sort; hāngai - relevant to, in line with)

cultural response, cultural responsiveness Noun

urupare ahurea

cultural revolution Noun

taihuringa ahurea (takenga mai: tai - a prefix with a qualifying force; huri - to change)

curate, curation, curatorial Noun, Transitive Verb, Adjective

rauhī ~tia ~tanga (takenga mai: rauhī - to collect together, to care for, protect)

Dawn Raid Noun

Huakitanga Atapō

Declaration of the Independence of the United Tribes of New Zealand Noun

(Te) Whakaputanga o te Rangatiratanga o Nū Tīreni

decade Noun

ngahurutau (takenga mai: ngahuru - ten; tau - year)

deforest, deforestation Noun, Transitive Verb

whakarake ~a ~nga (kupu kē atu: tuangahere)

detain, detainee, confine, imprison Transitive Verb, Adjective, Noun

whakarau ~a ~nga (kupu kē atu: mauhere)

detention centre, detention camp Noun

taupuni whakarau

different, difference Noun, Adjective

rerekē ~tanga

digital age, digital era Noun

takiwā matihiko

diplomacy, diplomatic Noun, Intransitive Verb, Adjective

whakahangahanga (takenga mai: whakahangahanga - to handle gently)

disadvantage, disadvantaged, underprivileged Noun, Intransitive Verb, Adjective

tōhore ~tanga (takenga mai: tō - e whai ana i tā te 'tōnui'; hore [pūhore] - scarce, poverty)

disagreement, tension, quarrel, discord Noun, Intransitive Verb

whakatete (kupu kē atu: taukumekume)

disarm, disarmament Noun, Transitive Verb

tupe ~a ~nga (takenga mai: tupe - to deprive of power)

discord, disharmony Noun, Intransitive Verb, Adjective

ahitere (kupu kē atu: whakatete)

discriminate against, discrimination, despise, degrade Noun, Transitive Verb, Adjective

whakahāwea ~tia ~tanga (kupu kē atu: whakatoihara, whakaparahako)

disempower, disempowerment Noun, Transitive Verb

whakaeo ~tia ~tanga

disenfranchised Noun, Adjective

manapōti-kore (takenga mai: mana - power, authority; pōti - vote; kore - negative, nil)

displaced person Noun

mōrehu kāinga-kore (kupu kē atu: konene)

distant past Noun

wāmua mamao

diverse society, pluralistic society Noun

porihanga kanorau

dogma Noun

whakaaro whakatuanui (takenga mai: whakaaro - thought, idea; whakatuanui - overbearing, domineering)

dominant group of people, dominant tribe Noun

iwi awenui (takenga mai: awe - strength, power, influence) (kupu kē atu: iwi whakatuanui)

domino effect, chain reaction, ripple effect Noun

huanga whaiwhai (takenga mai: huanga - outcome, result; whaiwhai - to follow)

downstream effect Noun

hua reremuri (takenga mai: hua - outcome; rere - to flow; muri - behind)

dynasty Noun

arikitanga tūroa (takenga mai: arikitanga - monarchy; tūroa - established, of long standing, enduring)

détente Noun

maurutanga (takenga mai: mauru - to be eased, allayed, appeased)

economic crisis Noun

tairaru ohaoha

economic hegemony Noun

whakatuanui ohaoha

economic history Noun

hītori ōhanga

economic impact Noun

pāpātanga ohaoha

emigrate, emigration Noun, Intransitive Verb

heke (~nga) atu

empower, empowerment, authorise, legitimise Noun, Transitive Verb, Adjective

whakamana ~hia ~tanga

energy crisis Noun

tairaru pūngao

enforce, compel, coercion Noun, Transitive Verb

uruhi ~a ~tanga

enlighten, Enlightenment Noun, Transitive Verb, Adjective

whakamahuki ~tia ~tanga

environmental crisis Noun

tairaru taiao

environmental history Noun

hītori taiao

environmental impact Noun

pāpātanga taiao

equality, equal status Noun, Adjective

manarite (kupu kē atu: ōritetanga)

equity, equitable Noun, Adjective, Intransitive Verb


ethical dilemma, moral dilemma Noun

matawaenga matatika

ethnic bias Noun

rītaha mātāwaka

ethnocentric, ethnocentricism Noun, Adjective

arotītaha ahurea (takenga mai: aro - to be inclined toward; tītaha - skewed; ahurea - culture) (kupu kē atu: arotītaha ā-iwi, whakaariki ā-iwi)

exaggerate, exaggeration, exaggerated Noun, Transitive Verb, Adjective

whakamōmona ~tia ~tanga (takenga mai: whakamōmona - to fatten, enrich)

exclusive society Noun

porihanga kaupare

exploit, exploitation Noun, Transitive Verb

kaiapo ~hia ~ tanga (takenga mai: kaiapo - covetous, avaricious, greedy)

explorer, pioneer Noun


exterminate, annihilate, devastate, devastation Noun, Transitive Verb

whakamōtī ~tia ~tanga

extremist Noun, Adjective

taihāruki (takenga mai: tai - prefix with a qualifying force; hāruki [hārukiruki] - very, extreme)

faction Noun

orokē (takenga mai: oro - grove of trees of one kind; kē - different, alternative)

family history Noun

hītori whānau (kupu kē atu: tāhuhu kōrero ā-whānau)

fanatic, fanatical, zealot Noun, Adjective

taiwhiwhita (takenga mai: tai - prefix with a qualifying force; whiwhita - fanaticism)

fanaticism, fanatical Noun, Adjective, Intransitive Verb


feminism Noun

kōkiri mana wahine (takenga mai: kōkiri - to champion, promote, advocate; mana wahine - status, power, dignity of women) (kupu kē atu: tohe mana wahine)

food globalisation Noun

whakaaotanga kai

forced labour Noun, Intransitive Verb

whakamahi mauhere (takenga mai: mauhere - captive, imprisoned)

forced resettlement Noun

whakanōhanga tohuhere (takenga mai: tohu - to direct; here - restriction, obligation)

free, freedom, liberty Noun, Adjective, Intransitive Verb

(whaka) wātea ~tanga (kupu kē atu: herekore)

gatekeeping, gatekeeper Noun, Intransitive Verb

tūtei tomokanga (takenga mai: tūtei - to keep watch, sentry; tomokanga - entrance, entry)

gender bias Noun

rītaha ira

gender privilege Noun

whiwhi painga ā-ira

generational trauma, intergenerational trauma, transgenerational trauma Noun

kohuki tuku iho (kupu kē atu: kohuki whitireanga)

geologic time scale Noun

tohuwā ā-nuku (takenga mai: tohu - to signal; wā - time; nuku - Earth)

global context Noun

horopaki huriao

globalisation Noun


great migration Noun

hekenga nui

grievance, complaint Noun

nawe (kupu kē atu: amuamu)

Holocaust Noun

Urupatu Hūrae (takenga mai: urupatu - annihilation; Hūrae [kupu mino] - Jew)

health crisis Noun

tairaru hauora

hegemony, domination, hegemonic Noun, Intransitive Verb, Adjective

whakatuanui ~tanga (takenga mai: whakatuanui - overbearing, domineering, authoritarian, arrogant)

heritage, heirloom Noun

taonga tuku iho

heterosexual privilege Noun

whiwhi painga taearo

histiography Noun

mātai hītori

historian Noun

tumu kōrero o mua (kupu kē atu: kaimātai hītori)

historical abuse Noun

tūkinotanga o mua

historical cause, historical reason Noun

pūtake o mua

historical circumstance, historical factor, historical phenomenon Noun

āhuatanga o nehe (kupu kē atu: āhuatanga aronehe, āhuatanga o mua)

historical context Noun

horopaki aronehe (kupu kē atu: horopaki hītōria)

historical diary Noun

rātaka aronehe (kupu kē atu: rātaka hītōria)

historical empathy Noun

ngākau aronehe (takenga mai: ngākau - heart, seat of affections; aro - to be inclined towards; nehe - time past)

historical event, past event Noun

tūāhuatanga o mua (takenga mai: tūāhua - situation)

historical fiction Noun

paki aronehe (kupu kē atu: paki hītōria)

historical force Noun

ānga o mua

historical influence Noun

awenga o mua

historical inquiry Noun

pakirehua aronehe (kupu kē atu: pakirehua hītōria)

historical interpretation Noun

whakamāori aronehe (kupu kē atu: whakamāori hītōria)

historical narrative, historical text Noun

kōrero aronehe (takenga mai: kōrero - story, text, narrative; aro - to turn towards, take heed; nehe - past times) (kupu kē atu: kōrero hītōria, tāhuhu kōrero, kōrero o nehe)

historical reason Noun

take o mua (kupu kē atu: pūtake o mua)

historical record Noun

mauhanga hītōria

historical research Noun

rangahau aronehe (kupu kē atu: rangahau hītōria)

historical trend Noun

ia o mua (kupu kē atu: ia aronehe)

history, historical Noun, Adjective

hītori (takenga mai: He kupu mino.) (kupu kē atu: tāhuhu kōrero, kōrero o mua, kōrero o nehe, hītōria)

homogeneous society Noun

porihanga kanorite

human impact Noun

pāpātanga tangata

humanitarian aid Noun

tautāwhi tangata

humanities Noun


humanity, human race Noun

mātātangata (takenga mai: mātā - e whai ana i tā te mātāwaka; mātā - heap; tangata - person, human being)

humanity, humanness, human goodness Noun

koutangata (takenga mai: kou - of good quality; tangata - person, human being)

hypothesis, hypothetical Noun, Transitive Verb, Adjective

whakapae ~tia ~tanga

immigration centre Noun

pokapū manuheke (takenga mai: manu [manuhiri] - visitor; manu [manu kaewa] - wanderer; heke - migrate, migration)

impact Noun

pāpātanga (takenga mai: pāpā - to affect, touch, strike) (kupu kē atu: pānga)

impose authority Transitive Verb

whakatau mana

imprison, imprisonment, prisoner, incarcerate Noun, Adjective, Transitive Verb

mauhere ~tia (kupu kē atu: whakarau)

inclusive society Noun

porihanga kauawhi

indentured labour, indentured servitude Noun

mahi whakaea nama (takenga mai: whakaea - to repay; nama - debt)

indigeneity Noun


indigenous people, indigenous tribe Noun

iwi taketake (kupu kē atu: tangata whenua)

indoctrinate, brainwashing Transitive Verb

tūrourou hinengaro (takenga mai: tūrourou - to reach or manipulate with a pole or stick) (kupu kē atu: takapapa hinengaro)

industrial age, industrial era Noun

takiwā ahumahi

industrial crisis Noun

tairaru ahumahi

industrial society Noun

porihanga ahumahi

inequality, disparity Noun


inequitable society Noun

porihanga tautika-kore

inequitable, inequity Adjective, Noun, Intransitive Verb


injustice, maltreatment Noun

tūkinotanga (kupu kē atu: hēnga)

insider research Noun

rangahau rāroto (kupu kē atu: rangahau huānga)

inter-tribal war, tribal war Noun

pakanga ā-iwi

interdependence, interdependent Noun, Transitive Verb, Adjective


intergenerational dysfunction, generational dysfunction Noun

turingonge tuku iho

intergenerational language transmission Noun

tuku ihotanga o te reo

international dispute, international conflict Noun

taututetute tāwāhi

international peacekeeping, global peacekeeping Noun, Intransitive Verb

hohou rongo huriao

intolerant society Noun

porihanga kiripiro

intra-tribal war, tribal war Noun

riri tara ā-whare

invade, attack Noun, verb

whakaeke ~a

invade, invasion, attack Noun, Transitive Verb

urutomo ~kia (kupu kē atu: huaki, whakaeke)

iron age Noun

takiwā rino

issue, case, claim, matter, reason, cause Noun


just society Noun

porihanga tika (kupu kē atu: porihanga manatika)

just, justice Noun, Intransitive Verb, Adjective

tika (kupu kē atu: huatika)

Korean War Noun

(Te) Pakanga ki Kōrea

kaupapa Māori theory Noun

ariā kaupapa Māori

keepsake, momento Noun


land right by discovery Noun

take whenua kite

land right by gift Noun

take tuku

land right obtained by conquest Noun

take raupatu

land war, territorial war Noun

pakanga whenua

lasting peace, enduring peace Noun

rongo taketake (kupu kē atu: tatau pounamu)

lasting peace, enduring peace Noun

tatau pounamu (kupu kē atu: rongo taketake)

liberate, liberation, emancipatory Noun, Intransitive Verb, Adjective

wetehere ~a ~nga (takenga mai: wete - to release, untie, set free; here - shackle, tie, restriction) (kupu kē atu: wete)

linguistic background, language background Noun

takenga reo (takenga mai: takenga - origin, derivation)

literature Noun

mātākōrero (takenga mai: mātā - heap, layer; kōrero - text, prose)

literature review Noun

arotake mātākōrero

literature search Noun

rapunga mātākōrero

local history Noun

hītori haukāinga (kupu kē atu: hītori ā-rohe)

Māori viewpoint, Māori world view Noun

tā te Māori titiro (kupu kē atu: tirohanga ao Māori)

machine age Noun

takiwā mīhini

macro level research Noun

rangahau whārahi

macrohistory Noun

hītori whārahi

main catalogue Noun

rārangi mātāmua

mainstream society Noun

porihanga auraki (kupu kē atu: porihanga rīroa)

majority culture Noun

ahurea (o te) tokomaha

marginalise, belittle, marginalisation Noun, Transitive Verb, Adjective

whakaparahako ~tia ~tanga

mass incarceration, mass imprisonment Noun

mauhere nuipuku (takenga mai: mauhere - to imprison; nuipuku - multitude)

matriarchal, matriarchy Noun, Adjective

tāmaruwahine ~tanga (takenga mai: tāmaru - to shade, to overshadow; wahine - female)

mediate, mediator, go-between, facilitator Noun, Adjective


melting pot, assimilative amalgamation Noun

tōpūtanga whakawaimeha (takenga mai: tōpūtanga - collective; whakawaimeha [waimeha] - to be diluted; whakawaimeha ahurea - cultural assimilation)

melting pot, diverse amalgamation Noun

tōpūtanga kanorau

memoir Noun

ripoinga mahara (takenga mai: ripoinga - haunts, hangouts; ripoi - to travel about; mahara - to remember)

meso level research, mezzo level research Noun

rangahau wawaenga (takenga mai: wawaenga - medium)

micro level research Noun

rangahau whāiti

microhistory Noun

hītori whāiti

middle ages Noun

takiwā wawaenga

migrant, immigrant Noun

manuheke (takenga mai: manu [manuhiri] - visitor; manu [manu kaewa] - wanderer; heke - migrate, migration)

millennium Noun

manotau (takenga mai: mano - thousand; tau - year)

missile Noun

pohūrere (takenga mai: pohū - bomb, grenade, explosion; rere - to fly)

modern history Noun

hītori tūtata (takenga mai: tū - take place; tata - to be near)

monument, memorial, commemoration Noun


multilateral treaty Noun

tiriti takitini

multipartisan agreement, multilateral agreement Noun

tatūnga takitini

multitribal, multiracial Noun

iwi matarau

museum Noun

whare taonga (kupu kē atu: whare pupuri taonga, whare tongarewa)

museum curator Noun

kairauhī taonga (takenga mai: rauhī - to collect together, to takecare of, protect)

musket war Noun

pakanga pū okaoka

New Zealand Company Noun

(Te) Kamupene o Niu Tīreni (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)

New Zealand Land Wars Noun

(Ngā) Pakanga Whenua o Aotearoa

nationalist movement Noun

rangatohe tāwheta ā-whenua

natural history Noun

hītori aotūroa

nomad, nomadic, travel about Noun, Intransitive Verb, Adjective

tipiwhenua (kupu kē atu: tangata takapau pōkai, kaewa)

non-binding referendum Noun

pōtitake-herekore (takenga mai: pōti [kupu mino] - vote; take - issue; here - to bind; kore - negative)

nonconforming, nonconformist Noun, Intransitive Verb, Adjective

whanokē (takenga mai: whanokē - perculiar, different, odd)

nonviolent Adjective

ririkore (takenga mai: riri - anger, violence; kore - not, negative) (kupu kē atu: mārire)

normal, normalised, normalisation Noun, Intransitive Verb, Adjective

taunoa ~tanga (takenga mai: tau - to settle on, come to rest; noa - common) (kupu kē atu: hanga māori)

nostalgia, nostalgic Noun, Adjective, Intransitive Verb

whēnakonako ~tanga (takenga mai: whēnakonako - to be wistful, yearn)

nostalgic text, nostalgic narrative Noun

kōrero whēnakonako (takenga mai: whēnakonako - to be wistful, yearn)

nuclear bomb, atomic bomb Noun

pohū karihi (kupu kē atu: pōmu karihi)

objectify, objectification, dehumanise Noun, Transitive Verb

whakataurekareka ~tia (takenga mai: whakataurekareka - treat with contempt, subjugate, deride)

occupy, occupation Noun, Transitive Verb

nohowheta (takenga mai: wheta - to occupy a place)

oppress, suppress, oppression, persecute Noun, Transitive Verb

pēhi ~a ~tanga

oppression of the mind Noun

pēhitanga hinengaro

oppression of the spirit, demoralisation Noun

pēhitanga wairua

oppressor Noun

ringapēhi (takenga mai: ringa - hand; pēhi - to oppress)

oral literature Noun

mātāwaha (takenga mai: mātā [mātākōrero] - literature; mātā - heap, layer; waha - mouth, voice)

original document Noun

tuhinga taketake

original record Noun

mauhanga taketake

orthodox Intransitive Verb, Adjective

puri tikanga (takenga mai: puri - to hold on to; tikanga - custom, convention, tradition)

outcome, effect Noun

hua (kupu kē atu: otinga, putanga)

outsider research Noun

rangahau rāwaho

overstay, overstayer Noun, Intransitive Verb, Adjective

nohoroa (takenga mai: noho - to live, dwell; roa - long; roa [whakaroa] - prolong, extend)

overt bias, conscious bias Noun

rītaha mataaho (takenga mai: mataaho - clear, evident)

overt oppression Noun

pēhitanga mataaho (takenga mai: mataaho - clear, evident) (kupu kē atu: pēhi mārakerake)

overthrow Noun, Transitive Verb

turaki ~na ~tanga

participate, participation, engage, engagement, have opportunity, have access Noun, Transitive Verb

whai wāhi ~tanga (kupu kē atu: kuhukuhu)

passive resistance Noun

ātete mārire (takenga mai: ātete - to oppose; mārire - peaceful) (kupu kē atu: ātete mauritau)

passive resistance movement Noun

rangatohe ātete mārire (kupu kē atu: rangatohe ātete rongomau)

past (history) adverb (time)


past time Noun

wāmua (kupu kē atu: inamata)

patriarchal, patriarchy Noun, Adjective

tāmarutāne ~tanga (takenga mai: tāmaru - to shade, overshadow; tāne - male)

peace alliance Noun

haumi rongomau

peaceful march Noun

hīkoi mārire

peacekeeping force Noun

ope hohou rongo

persecute, persecution Noun, Transitive Verb

nonope ~a ~tanga (takenga mai: nonope - to oppress, distress, depress) (kupu kē atu: whakamamae, pēhi)

petition Noun, Transitive Verb

petihana ~tia (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)

pilot study Noun

rangahau tōmua (takenga mai: tōmua - early)

plaque, commemorative tablet Noun

papa kōrero (takenga mai: papa - slab, surface; kōrero - narrative, story)

plunder, rob, burgle, thieve, loot, ransack Noun, Transitive Verb

pāhua ~tia

political alliance Noun

haumi tōrangapū

political asylum, political refuge Noun

punanga tōrangapū

political background Noun

takenga tōrangapū (takenga mai: takenga - origin, derivation)

political context Noun

horopaki tōrangapū

political crisis, constitutional crisis Noun

tairaru tōrangapū

political dysfunction Noun

turingonge tōrangapū

political hegemony Noun

whakatuanui tōrangapū

political history Noun

hītori tōrangapū

political refugee Noun

rerenga tōrangapū

political revolution, political uprising Noun

taihuringa tōrangapū (takenga mai: tai - a prefix with a qualifying force; huri - to change)

political theory Noun

ariā tōrangapū

post traumatic stress disorder, PTSD Noun

kohuki taumuri (takenga mai: kohuki - anguish, stress, distress; tau - to come to land, settle; muri - after)

prehistoric times, very ancient past adverb (time)

tuauri whāioio

prehistory Noun

hītori tuauri whāioio

present time Noun

wātū (takenga mai: wā - time; tū - to stop, halt)

presentism Noun

angawātū (takenga mai: anga - to face a certain direction; anga - structure, framework; wātū - present time; wā - time; tū - to stop, halt)

primary source (of information) Noun

puna mātāmua

privilege, privileged Noun, Intransitive Verb, Adjective

whiwhi painga (takenga mai: whiwhi - to have, acquire, possess; painga - benefit, advantage) (kupu kē atu: momoho)

progress Noun, Intransitive Verb

koke (kupu kē atu: kauneke, koke whakamua)

prosperous, peaceful, affluent Noun, Intransitive Verb, Adjective

houkura (kupu kē atu: tōnui)

protest Noun, Adjective, Intransitive Verb

mautohe ~tia (kupu kē atu: porotēhi [kupu mino])

provenance Noun

tātai takenga (takenga mai: tātai - lineage; takenga - origin)

pull factor Noun

āhuatanga kukume

push factor Noun

āhuatanga ue

qualitative research Noun

rangahau inekounga (takenga mai: ine - to measure; kounga - quality)

quantitative research Noun

rangahau inerahi (takenga mai: ine - to measure; rahi - size, amount)

quarter-caste Noun

koata-kāehe (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)

radical Intransitive Verb, Adjective

tūwhana (takenga mai: tū - to oppose, fight, position, stance; whana - to revolt, rebel)

radicalise Transitive Verb

whakatūwhana ~hia (takenga mai: whaka - causative prefix; tūwhana - radical; tū - to oppose, fight; whana - revolt, rebel)

radiocarbon dating Noun

inewā horowaro (takenga mai: ine - to measure; wā - time; horo - waste away, crumble down; waro - carbon)

ratify, certify, validate, confirm, validation Noun, Transitive Verb

whakapūmau ~tia ~tanga (kupu kē atu: whakatūturu)

rebel, revolutionary Noun, Adjective

taiwhana (takenga mai: tai - prefix with a qualifying force; whana - to rebel, revolt)

recent past Noun

wāmua tata

recolonise, recolonisation Noun, Transitive Verb, Adjective

tāmirua ~tia ~tanga (takenga mai: tāmi - to colonise, repress; rua - two)

reconcile, appease, reconciliation, conciliation Noun, Transitive Verb, Adjective

whakaturi ~hia ~tanga (kupu kē atu: whakamārie, whakaepaepa)

record, documentation Noun

mauhanga kōrero (kupu kē atu: pūranga kōrero)

reference book Noun

pukatara (takenga mai: puka - book; tara [papatara] - storehouse; tara [whakatara] - invoke, consult)

referendum Noun

pōtitake (takenga mai: pōti [kupu mino] - vote; take - issue)

refuge, to take refuge, asylum, haven Noun, Intransitive Verb, Adjective


refugee Noun

rerenga (takenga mai: rerenga - person who has escaped, fugitive, survivor) (kupu kē atu: konene)

refugee camp Noun

taupuni rerenga

register Noun, Transitive Verb

rēhita ~tia (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)

religious persecution, religious oppression Noun

pēhitanga hāhi

religious privilege Noun

whiwhi painga hāhi

repatriate, return, repatriation Noun, Transitive Verb, Adjective

whakahoki ~a ~tanga

republic Noun

whenua tūhake (takenga mai: whenua - country, nation, state; tū - to stand; hake [motuhake] - separate, independent, stand alone)

research Noun, Adjective, Transitive Verb

rangahau ~tia ~tanga (takenga mai: rangahau - seek, search out, pursue)

resettlement Noun

whakanōhanga hou

resist, oppose Noun, Transitive Verb, Adjective

ātete ~ngia ~nga

resistance movement Noun

rangatohe ātete (takenga mai: ātete - to oppose, resist)

revisionist history Noun

hītori whakapūaho (takenga mai: whakapūaho - to elucidate, clarify)

revolt, revolution, rebellion, uprising Noun, Intransitive Verb

whana (kupu kē atu: pāhoro)

romanticise, romanticisation Adjective, Noun, Transitive Verb

whakakura ~tia (takenga mai: whaka - causative prefix; kura - valued possession)

Stolen Generation Noun

Reanga Kāhakina

sealer Noun

kaipatu kekeno

secede, secession, pull out, withdraw, withdrawal Intransitive Verb, Noun

kounu ~hia ~ tanga

secondary source (of information) Noun

puna mātārua (takenga mai: mātā - e whai ana i tā te 'mātāmua'; rua [tuarua] - second)

security alliance Noun

haumi whakamaru

segregate, segregation Noun, Transitive Verb

whakatāuke ~tia

sentimental value Noun

uara whēnakonako (takenga mai: uara - value; whēnakonako - to be wistful, yearn, long for; whēnakonako - nostalgic)

settlement, agreement Noun

tatūnga (kupu kē atu: whakaaetanga, tatūnga tokitoki)

sex slave, forced sex worker Noun

pononga kairau

sexual revolution Noun

taihuringa hōkakatanga (takenga mai: tai - a prefix with a qualifying force; huri - to change)

significant event Noun

tūāhuatanga tāpua

significant site Noun

wāhi tāpua

slaughter, massacre, pogrom Noun


slave, slavery, enslave Noun, Transitive Verb, Adjective

(whaka) pononga

social amnesia Noun

whakangongo pāpori (takenga mai: whakangongo - to neglect, disregard, pay no attention to) (kupu kē atu: wareware pāpori)

social anthropology Noun

mātai tikanga pāpori

social conditioning Noun

whakaū poripori (takenga mai: whakaū - to make firm, establish, reinforce; poripori [whakaporipori] - socialisation; pori [pāpori] - social)

social context Noun

horopaki pāpori

social continuity Noun

auroatanga pāpori (takenga mai: auroa - prolonged, extended, drawn-out)

social crisis Noun

tairaru pāpori

social history Noun

hītori pāpori

social impact Noun

pāpātanga pāpori

social injustice Noun

tūkinotanga pāpori (kupu kē atu: hēnga pāpori)

social inquiry Noun

pakirehua pāpori

social revolution, social upheaval Noun

taihuringa pāpori (takenga mai: tai - a prefix with a qualifying force; huri - to change)

socialise, socialisation Noun, Transitive Verb

whakaporipori ~tia ~tanga (takenga mai: whaka - causative prefix; pori [pāpori] - social)

socioeconomic privilege Noun

whiwhi painga ohapori

source of information Noun

puna kōrero

space age Noun

takiwā tuarangi

stable society Noun

porihanga tūwhena

state care Noun

maru karauna (takenga mai: maru - shelter, shield, power, authority; karauna [kupu mino] - crown)

stateless Noun, Adjective


statue Noun


stone age Noun

takiwā kōhatu

stonefield Noun

pārae pōhatu (takenga mai: pārae - level or undulating open country) (kupu kē atu: pārae kōhatu)

strike (protest action) Noun, Intransitive Verb


style of leadership Noun

tāera hautūtanga (takenga mai: tāera [kupu mino] - style)

successor Noun

piki tūranga

suffrage, right to vote Noun

manapōti (takenga mai: mana - power, authority; pōti [kupu mino] - vote)

suicide bomb Noun

pohū whakamomori

suicide bombing Noun

tukupohū whakamomori (takenga mai: tuku - to release; pohū - bomb; whakamomori - suicide)

The Malayan War Noun

(Te) Pakanga ki Mareia

Treaty of Waitangi Noun

(Te) Tiriti o Waitangi

take by force, seize Transitive Verb

kōhaki ~na (kupu kē atu: kōwhakiwhaki, kāhaki)

terrorism, terrorise Noun, Adjective, Transitive Verb

whakatuatea (kupu kē atu: whakatumatuma)

terrorist attack Noun

tukipoto whakatuatea

time period, era Noun


to abolish, do away with Transitive Verb

whakahorohoro ~tia

to make peace Intransitive Verb

hohou i te rongo

to settle, live permanently Intransitive Verb, Adjective

pūwhenua (kupu kē atu: noho pūmau)

tolerant society Noun

porihanga māhaki

toponym, placename, to name Noun, Transitive Verb

tapa ~ina ~nga

toponymist Noun

kaimātai tapawāhi (takenga mai: kai - prefix denoting agent; mātai - to examine, investigate; tapa - to name; wāhi - place)

toponymy, study of place names Noun

mātai tapawāhi (takenga mai: mātai - to study, examine, investigate; tapa - to name; wāhi - place)

traditional culture Noun

ahurea tuku iho

traditional customs Noun

tikanga tuku iho

traitor, treason, treasonous Noun, Adjective

kaikaiwaiū ~tanga

transform, transformation, transformational Transitive Verb, Adjective, Noun

whakaumu ~tia ~tanga

transformative change Noun

panoni whakaumu (takenga mai: whakaumu - to transform, alter, change)

treaty Noun

tiriti (takenga mai: he kupu mino)

tribal history Noun

hītori ā-iwi (kupu kē atu: tāhuhu kōrero ā-iwi)

truth and reconciliation commission Noun

kōmihana aro ki te pono me te whakamārie

tyrant, tyrannical Noun, Adjective

taingarengare (takenga mai: tai - prefix with a qualifying force; ngarengare - overbearing, authoritarian, autocratic)

Underground Railroad Noun

Arahuna Rerewhenua (takenga mai: ara - pathway; huna - to be concealed, hidden; rerewhenua - railway; rere - to flee; whenua - territory, land)

United Nations Noun

(Te) Rūnanga Whakakotahi i ngā Iwi o te Ao

unconscious bias, hidden bias, covert bias Noun

rītaha matahuna (takenga mai: mata - face; huna - hidden) (kupu kē atu: haukume huna)

unilateral decision, unilateral agreement Noun

tatūnga takitahi

universal access Noun

whai wāhitanga tukipū (takenga mai: whai wāhi - have access, participation, have opportunity; tukipū - general, widespread)

unjust Noun


unprosperous Noun, Intransitive Verb, Adjective

houmate (takenga mai: hou - e whai ana i tā te 'houkura' [prosperous]; mate - sick, unwell, calamity)

uproar, disturbance, furore Noun

tutūnga puehu

upstream factor Noun

āhuatanga reremua

upstream intervention, early intervention Noun

hāpaiora reremua (takenga mai: hāpaiora - intervention; rere - to flow; mua - in front, before)

urban migration Noun

hekenga tāone

Vietnam War Noun

(Te) Pakanga ki Whitināmu

validate, validation Noun, Transitive Verb, Adjective

whakatūturu ~tia ~tanga (kupu kē atu: whakapūmau)

vision, visionary Noun, Adjective

matawhānui (kupu kē atu: matatawhiti)

Waitangi Tribunal Noun

(Te) Rōpu Whakamana i Te Tiriti o Waitangi (kupu kē atu: Taraipiunara o Waitangi, Rūnanga Whakamana i Te Tiriti o Waitangi)

World War One Noun

(Te) Pakanga Tuatahi o te Ao

World War Two Noun

(Te) Pakanga Tuarua o te Ao

war, battle, fight Noun, Intransitive Verb, Transitive Verb

pakanga ~tia

western civilisation Noun

tūāpori o te rātō

whaler Noun

kaipatu tohorā

white flight Noun

rere kirimā (takenga mai: rere - to flee; kiri - person, self; mā - white) (kupu kē atu: rere kiritea)

white privilege Noun

whiwhi painga kirimā (kupu kē atu: whiwhi painga kiritea)

white supremacy Noun

whakatuanui kirimā (takenga mai: whakatuanui - domination, arrogance; kiri - person, self; mā - white) (kupu kē atu: whakatuanui kiritea)

women's refuge Noun

punanga wahine

world war, global war Noun

pakanga ā-ao

written literature Noun

mātātuhi (takenga mai: mātā [mātākōrero] - literature; mātā - heap, layer; tuhi - to write)