He rārangi kupu e pā ana ki ngā momo pūnaha tōrangapū, ki ngā momo whakahaere whenua.
A vocabulary list relating to political systems and forms of national administration.
civic education, civics (takenga mai: ako - learn, teach; rarau [kirirarau] - citizen; pori [porihanga] - society)
capitalism, capitalistic (takenga mai: anga - structure, framework; anga - to face a certain direction; hao - acquisitive, greedy; rawa - property, resource)
extremism, extreme (takenga mai: anga - structure, framework; anga - to face a certain direction; hāruki [hārukiruki] - very, extremely)
collectivism, collectivist (takenga mai: anga - structure, framework; anga - to face a certain direction; kōpuni - as a group, all together)
angangarengare Tūingoa, Tūāhua
totalitarianism, totalitarian (takenga mai: anga - structure, framework; anga - to face a certain direction; ngarengare - authoritarian, dictatorial, tyrannical)
idealism, idealistic (takenga mai: anga - to face a certain direction; anga - structure, framework; paruhi - to be perfect, complete)
socialism, socialistic (takenga mai: anga - structure, framework; anga - to face a certain direction; pori [pāpori] - social)
individualism, individualistic (takenga mai: anga - structure, framework; anga - to face a certain direction; tahi - single, one)
angataratahi ~tanga Tūingoa, Tūāhua
isolationism, isolationist (takenga mai: anga -to face a certain direction; anga - structure, framework; taratahi - isolated, alone) (kupu kē atu: mōriroriro)
communism, communistic (takenga mai: anga - structure, framework; anga - to face a certain direction; tōpū - as a group, united)
postmodern, postmodernism (takenga mai: anga - to face a certain direction; anga - structure, framework; tua - beyond; hou - new, recent, modern)
fundamentalism, fundamentalist (takenga mai: anga - structure, framework; anga - to face a certain direction; whakapū - fundamentally, founding)
bureaucracy, bureaucratic (takenga mai: apa - layer; rau - many)
critical theory
conspiracy theory (takenga mai: ariā - theory; kakai - conspire, plot, scheme)
kaupapa Māori theory
political theory
paramount chief, lord, monarch, monarchy
limited monarchy (takenga mai: taparere - restricted, limited, constrained)
constitutional monarchy (takenga mai: ture - law; papa [tūāpapa] - foundation, platform)
liberalism (takenga mai: aro - to be inclined towards; herekore - free of restrictions)
right wing (politics) (takenga mai: aro - to be inclined toward; matau - right)
aromatau hāruki Tūingoa, Tūāhua
far-right, extreme right (politics) (takenga mai: aro - to be inclined toward; matau - the right; hāruki [hārukiruki] - very, extremely)
aromatau whakaweti Tūingoa, Tūāhua
alternative-right, alt-right (politics) (takenga mai: aromatau - right wing; whakaweti - threaten, bully, intimidate)
left wing (politics) (takenga mai: aro - to be inclined towards; mauī - left)
aromauī hāruki Tūingoa, Tūāhua
far-left, extreme left (politics) (takenga mai: aro - to be inclined toward; mauī - the left; hāruki [hārukiruki] - very, extremely)
socially responsive (takenga mai: aro - to take heed, to consider; pori [pāpori] - social)
multilateral, multilateralism (takenga mai: aro - to consider, have regard to; rau - many)
bilateral, bilateralism (takenga mai: aro - to consider, have regard to; rua - two)
unilateral, unilateralism (takenga mai: aro - to consider, have regard to; tahi - one)
arotini ~tanga Tūingoa, Tūāhua
populism, populist (takenga mai: aro - to be inclined towards; tini - multitude; arotini - popular)
trilateral, tripartite (takenga mai: aro - to consider, have regard to; toru - three)
centrism, centrist (takenga mai: aro - to be inclined towards; waenga - middle, amid, between)
conservatism, conservatist (political) (takenga mai: aro - to be inclined toward; wheau - stay, remain)
social continuity (takenga mai: auroa - prolonged, extended, drawn-out)
haepapa Tūingoa, Tūmahi Poro, Tūāhua
responsible, responsibility, be responsibile for
leadership responsibility
individual responsibility (kupu kē atu: haepapa takitahi)
collective responsibility (kupu kē atu: haepapa takimaha)
social responsibility
civic responsibility
hāhi-kore Tūāhua, Tūingoa, Tūmahi Poro
secular, non-religious
peace alliance
political alliance
security alliance
hautū whakatauira Tūingoa, Tūmahi Poro
lead by example
inclusive leadership, shared leadership
exclusive leadership
democratic leadership
hautūtanga whakatuanui Tūingoa
autocratic leadership, authoritarian leadership
mayor, chief, leader (takenga mai: kahika - chief, leader) (kupu kē atu: koromatua)
claimant (takenga mai: kerēme - claim [kupu mino]) (kupu kē atu: kaitono)
asylum seeker
kaikiri Tūingoa, Tūāhua, Tūmahi Poro
racism, racial discrimination, racist (kupu kē atu: whakatoihara ā-iwi)
systemic racism (takenga mai: kaikiri - racism; toro - to stretch forth, extend; naha [pūnaha] - system)
institutional racism (takenga mai: kaikiri - racism; toro - stretch forth, extend; whare - building, people in a building)
public servant, government worker
guardianship, stewardship
candidate (takenga mai: tono - to apply for)
politician (kupu kē atu: kiritōrangapū)
witness (takenga mai: whakaatu - to reveal, disclose, show)
plaintiff, complainant, accuser (takenga mai: kai - prefix denoting agent; whakapae - to accuse)
judge, arbitrator
multicultural (takenga mai: kākano - descent, stock, lineage) (kupu kē atu: tikanga maha)
bicultural (takenga mai: kākano - descent, stock, lineage) (kupu kē atu: tikanga rua)
monocultural (takenga mai: kākano - descent, stock, lineage; tahi - one)
kanorau ~tanga Tūingoa, Tūāhua
diverse, diversity, pluralism (takenga mai: kano - colour, sort, kind, seed, texture; rau - many) (kupu kē atu: matahuhuatanga)
uniform, uniformity, homogeneous (takenga mai: kano - colour, sort, kind, seed, texture; rite - be alike)
envoy, messenger
cultural envoy
peace envoy (kupu kē atu: manu rongomau)
trade envoy
political envoy
kauawhi ~tia ~tanga Tūingoa, Tūāhua, Tūmahi Whiti
inclusion, inclusive, inclusiveness, include (takenga mai: kauawhi - to embrace)
kaumingomingo tōrangapū Tūingoa
political disorder, political chaos (takenga mai: kaumingomingo - state of confusion)
council (takenga mai: he kupu mino)
local council, district council
regional council
city council, town council
unitary council
policy (takenga mai: kaupapa - matter for discussion, plan, scheme, proposal; here - obligation)
health policy
kaupapahere mātauranga Tūingoa
education policy
social policy
language policy
taxation policy
public policy
kaupare ~tia ~tanga Tūingoa, Tūāhua, Tūmahi Whiti
exclude, exclusive, exclusion (takenga mai: kaupare - to divert, turn aside)
governor general (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
government (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
central government, national government
local government
responsible government
coalition government (takenga mai: haumi - in alliance)
democratic government
colonial government
kāwanatanga whakatuanui Tūingoa
authoritarian government
covenant (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
kerēme (ā-iwi) ~hia Tūingoa, Tūmahi Whiti
(civil) claim (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
citizen, citizenship (takenga mai: kiri - person, self; rarau - settle down, remain, take root)
active citizenship (takenga mai: hihiri - dynamic, energetic, lively)
tribalist (takenga mai: kiri - person, self; tāwheta - zeal, fervour; iwi - tribe)
nationalist (takenga mai: kiri - person, self; tāwheta - zeal, fervour; whenua - nation)
activist (takenga mai: kiri - person, self; tohe - to argue, contend, object)
patriot (takenga mai: kiri - person, self; tōmau - staunch, steadfast, loyal; whenua - nation, country)
kōkiri ~hia ~tanga Tūingoa, Tūmahi Whiti
advocate, advocacy (kupu kē atu: hāpai)
kōkirikiri ~tia Tūingoa, Tūmahi Whiti
lobby, campaign
kokoraho ~tia Tūingoa, Tūmahi Whiti
land claim, claim of ownership (kupu kē atu: taunaha, kerēme whenua)
counter claim, cross claim, disputed claim
visa (takenga mai: kōkota - a mark made at a cross-roads to show which road has been taken)
commission (organisation) (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
kōmihana aro ki te pono me te whakamārie Tūingoa
truth and reconciliation commission
Children's Commission
kōmihana whakatewhatewha Tūingoa
commission of inquiry (takenga mai: whakatewhatewha - to investigate, examine, enquire into)
select committee (takenga mai: komiti [kupu mino] - committee; whiriwhiri - to discuss, decide, consider)
false information, disinformation, misinformation (kupu kē atu: kōrero parau, kōrero meho)
kotahi ~tanga Tūingoa, Tūāhua, Tūmahi Poro, Tūkē
unity, unified, solidarity
economic unity
social unity, social cohesion
court (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
District Court
Supreme Court
High Court
Appeal Court
Māori Appellate Court
Environment Court
Youth Court
Employment Court
Family Court
Māori Land Court
kounu ~hia ~ tanga Tūmahi Poro, Tūingoa
secede, secession, pull out, withdraw, withdrawal
propaganda (takenga mai: whakanewha - misrepresentation, deception, hoodwink)
(whaka) mahere Tūingoa, Tūmahi Whiti
plan, planning
contingency plan (takenga mai: heipū - to come upon)
operational plan
short term plan
long term plan (kupu kē atu: mahere auroa)
strategic plan
tactical plan (takenga mai: rau [rauhanga] - cunning, resourceful; tata - near, close)
civic duty
authority, power, prestige, authorise
theocracy (takenga mai: mana - authority, power; hāhi - church)
authority and responsibility over sea and lakes
separate authority, autonomy, self-determination, independence (kupu kē atu: tino rangatiratanga, rangatiratanga)
unequal power (takenga mai: pāhikahika - uneven, disproportionate)
status, power, authority and dignity of men
authority, power and dignity of a person
oligarchy (takenga mai: mana - power, authority; tokoiti - small number of people, minority)
governance, authority to govern (takenga mai: urungi - to steer, navigate) (kupu kē atu: mana kāwana, mana whakatere, kāwanatanga [kupu mino])
status, power, authority and dignity of women
authority and responsibility to manage direct or control, executive power
inherited authority and responsibility, inherited status
territorial authority and responsibility, authority and responsibility associated with possession and occupation of tribal land
majority rule (takenga mai: mana - power, authority; pio - majority, many)
democracy, democratic (takenga mai: mana - power, authority; pori [porihanga] - society)
minority rule (takenga mai: mana - power, authority; pota - be few)
suffrage, right to vote (takenga mai: mana - power, authority; pōti [kupu mino] - vote)
disenfranchised (takenga mai: mana - power, authority; pōti - vote; kore - negative, nil)
equality, equal status (kupu kē atu: ōritetanga)
inequality, disparity
manatoko me te manapūtea Tūingoa
confidence and supply (takenga mai: manatoko - to verify, validate, give credence to; manapūtea - fiscal authority)
ministry (government) (takenga mai: mana - power, authority; tū - to establish, to be appointed)
dictator (takenga mai: mana - power, authority; tuanui [whakatuanui] - authoritarian, dictatorial)
political freedom (takenga mai: mana - power, authority; whiri [whiriwhiri] - to choose)
representative, spokesperson, delegate, ambassador
councillor, council representative (kupu kē atu: kaikaunihera)
member of parliament, MP (takenga mai: māngai - spokesperson, representative) (kupu kē atu: mema pāremata)
māngai whakahangahanga Tūingoa
diplomat (takenga mai: māngai - mouthpiece, representative; whakahangahanga - diplomacy)
expat (takenga mai: manu - bird; kaewa - to wander, roam)
migrant, immigrant (takenga mai: manu [manuhiri] - visitor; manu [manu kaewa] - wanderer; heke - migrate, migration)
state care (takenga mai: maru - shelter, shield, power, authority; karauna [kupu mino] - crown)
diplomatic protection, diplomatic immunity (takenga mai: maru - shelter, safeguard; whakahangahanga - diplomatic)
open discussion, open debate (takenga mai: māhorahora - to be open, without restraint)
ethics, ethical, moral, morality (takenga mai: matatika - right, straight)
ethical dilemma, moral dilemma
vision, visionary (kupu kē atu: matatawhiti)
amendment (to a motion, law etc) (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
minutes (meeting term) (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
apartheid (takenga mai: momotu - to sever, separate) (kupu kē atu: tāuketanga)
displaced person (kupu kē atu: konene)
mōriroriro Tūingoa, Tūmahi Poro, Tūāhua
alienated, estranged
individual right
collective right
civil rights, societal rights (takenga mai: rarau - to settle, take root; rarau [kirirarau] - citizen; pori [porihanga] - society) (kupu kē atu: mōtika kirirarau, mōtika porihanga)
universal rights (takenga mai: tukipū - general, widespread)
inalienable right, permanent right (takenga mai: unu - surrender, exempt, exclude; kore - negative, not) (kupu kē atu: mōtika pūmau)
indivisible right (takenga mai: wāhi - to partition, subdivide; kore - negative, not)
land rights
birthright (takenga mai: whererei - to be born)
motion (meeting term) (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
pardon (takenga mai: muru - to wipe out, forgive, absolve; hara - offence, crime, wrongdoing)
grievance, complaint (kupu kē atu: amuamu)
noho huānga Tūingoa, Tūmahi Poro
belonging, sense of belonging, belong (takenga mai: noho - to live; huānga - member of a group, kin)
noho marara Tūingoa, Tūmahi Poro
diaspora (takenga mai: noho - to live, dwell; marara - scattered)
nohoroa Tūingoa, Tūmahi Poro, Tūāhua
overstay, overstayer (takenga mai: noho - to live, dwell; roa - long; roa [whakaroa] - prolong, extend)
nohowheta Tūingoa, Tūmahi Whiti
occupy, occupation (takenga mai: wheta - to occupy a place)
nonope ~a ~tanga Tūingoa, Tūmahi Whiti
persecute, persecution (takenga mai: nonope - to oppress, distress, depress) (kupu kē atu: whakamamae, pēhi)
socioeconomic (takenga mai: oha [ohaoha] - economic; pori [pāpori] - social)
ohotoihara ~tanga Tūingoa, Tūmahi Poro, Tūāhua
woke, wokism, wokeness (takenga mai: oho - awake, to be roused [of feelings etc]; toihara - discrimination)
ohu ~a Tūingoa, Tūmahi Whiti, Tūāhua
working bee, volunteer work group, work as a volunteer group
faction (takenga mai: oro - grove of trees of one kind; kē - different, alternative)
double standard (takenga mai: paerewa - standard; mata - face; rua - two)
disproportionate, uneven
common good, mutual benefit, shared benefit (takenga mai: pātahi - to befall all alike, affect all in common)
painga tūmatanui Tūingoa, Tūāhua
public good, public benefit
conflict of interest (takenga mai: pānga - connection, interest; taupatupatu - to dispute, contend, vie)
transformative change (takenga mai: whakaumu - to transform, alter, change)
papanga ~tanga Tūingoa, Tūmahi Whiti
accountable, accountability (kupu kē atu: kawe takohanga)
papare ~a ~nga Tūingoa, Tūmahi Whiti
boycott (takenga mai: papare - to avoid) (kupu kē atu: aukati, huri tuarā)
parliament (takenga mai: he kupu mino) (kupu kē atu: pāremete)
hung parliament (takenga mai: tārewa - unresolved, inconclusive, hanging)
pēhi ~a ~tanga Tūingoa, Tūmahi Whiti
oppress, suppress, oppression, persecute
overt oppression (takenga mai: mataaho - clear, evident) (kupu kē atu: pēhi mārakerake)
covert oppression (takenga mai: mata - face; huna - hidden)
president (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
petihana ~tia Tūingoa, Tūmahi Whiti
petition (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
bill (draft of new law) (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
pirihonga Tūāhua, Tūingoa, Tūmahi Poro
loyal, loyalist, faithful (kupu kē atu: piripono)
Prime Minister (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
piringa whakahangahanga Tūingoa
diplomatic relations
piripono Tūingoa, Tūāhua, Tūmahi Whiti
allegiant, allegiance, loyal, loyalty, faithful (kupu kē atu: pirihonga)
pōti ~tia ~tanga Tūingoa, Tūāhua, Tūmahi Poro, Tūmahi Whiti
vote, ballot, elect (takenga mai: he kupu mino)
special vote
pōti tōmua Tūingoa, Tūmahi Poro
early vote, advance voting
single transferable vote, STV (takenga mai: whakaraupapa - to put in order, sequence)
mixed member proportional, MMP (takenga mai: whiri - to choose; rua - two)
first past the post, FPP (takenga mai: whiri - to choose; toa - victor, winner)
referendum (takenga mai: pōti [kupu mino] - vote; take - issue)
binding referendum (takenga mai: pōti [kupu mino] - vote; take - issue; here - to bind)
non-binding referendum (takenga mai: pōti [kupu mino] - vote; take - issue; here - to bind; kore - negative)
election (kupu kē atu: kōwhiringa pōti)
local body election (kupu kē atu: pōtitanga kaunihera ā-rohe)
by-election (takenga mai: pōti [kupu mino] - vote; whakakapi - to replace)
general election (kupu kē atu: pōtitanga ā-motu)
transparent, transparency
voting form
system of government
voting system
justice system (kupu kē atu: pūnaha manatika)
political system
political asylum, political refuge
rangapū mahitahi tūmataiti tūmatanui Tūingoa
private public partnership, PPP
rangatira ~tanga Tūingoa, Tūāhua
chief, chiefly, leader, chieftainship
rangatohe tāwheta ā-whenua Tūingoa
nationalist movement
electoral roll
general electoral roll
Māori electoral roll
agenda (of a meeting) (takenga mai: rārangi - list; take - issue, matter, topic, subject)
civic, civics (takenga mai: rarau - to settle, take root; rarau [kirirarau] - citizen; pori [porihanga] - society)
rates (takenga mai: He kupu mino.) (kupu kē atu: rēti)
climate refugee
political refugee
oppressor (takenga mai: ringa - hand; pēhi - to oppress)
rīrā Tūingoa, Tūmahi Poro, Tūāhua
power, strength, powerful
electorate, constituency, ward (kupu kē atu: wāri [kupu mino - ward])
general electorate, general ward (kupu kē atu: wāri auraki)
Māori electorate, Māori ward (kupu kē atu: wāri Māori)
lawyer, counsel (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
stakeholder group
political party (kupu kē atu: pāti tōrangapū)
community board, community council
legal assembly, legal council, legal authority, tribunal
cabinet (government) (takenga mai: rūnanga - council, assembly; minita [kupu mino] - minister) (kupu kē atu: kāhui minita)
style of leadership (takenga mai: tāera [kupu mino] - style)
red tape, bureaucratic obstacle (takenga mai: taero - obstruction, hinderance)
judicial, judiciary
executive (of government)
legislative, legislature
cultural revolution (takenga mai: tai - a prefix with a qualifying force; huri - to change)
social revolution, social upheaval (takenga mai: tai - a prefix with a qualifying force; huri - to change)
political revolution, political uprising (takenga mai: tai - a prefix with a qualifying force; huri - to change)
tyrant, tyrannical (takenga mai: tai - prefix with a qualifying force; ngarengare - overbearing, authoritarian, autocratic)
crisis, predicament, serious problem (takenga mai: tai - prefixwith a qualifying force; raru - problem, trouble, difficulty)
climate crisis
health crisis
economic crisis
social crisis
energy crisis
environmental crisis
political crisis, constitutional crisis
housing crisis
rebel, revolutionary (takenga mai: tai - prefix with a qualifying force; whana - to rebel, revolt)
fanatic, fanatical, zealot (takenga mai: tai - prefix with a qualifying force; whiwhita - fanaticism)
mediate, mediator, go-between, facilitator
issue, case, claim, matter, reason, cause
civil case (kupu kē atu: take porihanga, take hiwhiri [kupu mino])
criminal case
carbon tax
general business
political background (takenga mai: takenga - origin, derivation)
socially responsible, social responsibility (takenga mai: tako - upright; takohanga - responsibility, obligation; pori [pāpori] - social)
tāmirua ~tia ~tanga Tūingoa, Tūmahi Whiti, Tūāhua
recolonise, recolonisation (takenga mai: tāmi - to colonise, repress; rua - two)
tribunal (takenga mai: Hhe kupu mino) (kupu kē atu: rūnanga manature)
slaughter, massacre, pogrom
lasting peace, enduring peace (kupu kē atu: rongo taketake)
national census
bipartisan agreement, bilateral agreement
unilateral decision, unilateral agreement
multipartisan agreement, multilateral agreement
tatūnga tokitoki Tūingoa, Tūāhua
consensus (takenga mai: tatūnga - resolution, decision; tokitoki - without exception) (kupu kē atu: tatūnga tukipū)
memorandum of understanding, declaration of agreement (takenga mai: tauākī - declaration, statement; whakaaetanga - agreement)
socioeconomic index (takenga mai: tauine - ruler, scale)
social indicator, social index (takenga mai: tauine - ruler, scale; pāpori - social)
(whaka) taurangi Tūingoa, Tūmahi Whiti
guarantee, assure, pledge
gender balance
ethnic balance
tautika Tūingoa, Tūāhua, Tūmahi Poro
equity, equitable
tautika-kore Tūāhua, Tūingoa, Tūmahi Poro
inequitable, inequity
tautohe ~a ~nga Tūingoa, Tūāhua, Tūmahi Poro
controversy, dispute, controversial
ethical controversy, moral controversy
social controversy
environmental controversy
political controversy
taututetute Tūingoa, Tūmahi Whiti, Tūmahi Poro
conflict, dispute (kupu kē atu: taupatupatu, taukumekume)
international dispute, international conflict
to oppose (a claim to land etc)
tāwheta ā-whenua Tūingoa, Tūāhua
nationalism, nationalistic (takenga mai: tāwheta - zeal, fervour; whenua - nation, country)
tika Tūingoa, Tūmahi Poro, Tūāhua
just, justice (kupu kē atu: huatika)
absolute monarchy
treaty (takenga mai: he kupu mino)
bilateral treaty
multilateral treaty
tōkeke Tūingoa, Tūmahi Poro, Tūāhua
fair, impartial
unfair (kupu kē atu: makihuhunu)
tōmau ~tanga Tūingoa, Tūmahi Poro, Tūāhua
patriotic, patriotism, loyal, loyalism (takenga mai: tōmau - staunch, steadfast, loyal)
dominion (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
melting pot, diverse amalgamation
tōpūtanga whakawaimeha Tūingoa
melting pot, assimilative amalgamation (takenga mai: tōpūtanga - collective; whakawaimeha [waimeha] - to be diluted; whakawaimeha ahurea - cultural assimilation)
politics, political
global politics
tōtara wāhi rua Tūmahi Poro, Tūāhua
divided, polarised, split (kupu kē atu: totoe)
brinkmanship (takenga mai: tū - stance, position, engage, oppose; whakatete - quarrel, disagreement, obstinate)
infrastructure (takenga mai: tūā [tūāpapa] - foundation; hanga [hanganga] - structure) (kupu kē atu: pūnahahanga)
health infrastructure
primary infrastructure, critical infrastructure
energy infrastructure
civic infrastructure
roading infrastructure
water infrastructure
three-waters infrastructure
wastewater infrastructure
housing infrastructure
dictatorship, dictatorial (takenga mai: tuanui - harsh, overbearing; tuanui [whakatuanui] - authoritarian, autocratic)
capitalist dictatorship (takenga mai: tuanui - harsh, overbearing; tuanui [whakatuanui] - autocratic, authoritarian; anga - structure, framework; hao - acquisitive, greedy; angahaorawa - capitalism)
communist dictatorship (takenga mai: tuanui - harsh, overbearing; tuanui [whakatuanui] -autocratic, authoritarian; anga - structure, framework; tōpū - combined, as a group, collective; angatōpū - communism)
benevolent dictatorship (takenga mai: arotau - to look kindly on, favourable)
injustice, maltreatment (kupu kē atu: hēnga)
social injustice (kupu kē atu: hēnga pāpori)
tūoho tōrangapū Tūingoa, Tūmahi Poro, Tūāhua
political awareness, politically aware
tupe ~a ~nga Tūingoa, Tūmahi Whiti
disarm, disarmament (takenga mai: tupe - to deprive of power)
security risk
law, act (of parliament), rule, statute (takenga mai: he kupu mino [reo Hīperu])
bylaw (kupu kē atu: paeroa [kupu mino])
civil law
criminal law
turekore Tūingoa, Tūmahi Poro, Tūāhua
anarchy, lawlessness (takenga mai: ture - law; kore - nil, negative)
constitution, constitutional (takenga mai: ture - law; papa [tūāpapa] - foundation, platform)
political dysfunction
tūrourou hinengaro Tūmahi Whiti
indoctrinate, brainwashing (takenga mai: tūrourou - to reach or manipulate with a pole or stick) (kupu kē atu: takapapa hinengaro)
tūtei tomokanga Tūingoa, Tūmahi Poro
gatekeeping, gatekeeper (takenga mai: tūtei - to keep watch, sentry; tomokanga - entrance, entry)
tūtohetohe Tūingoa, Tūāhua, Tūmahi Poro
activism (takenga mai: tū - position, stance; tohetohe - argue, persist, protest)
tūtohu ~a ~nga Tūingoa, Tūmahi Whiti
recommend, recommendation
terms of reference, job specification (takenga mai: tūtohu - to prescribe; mahi - work, job, action)
civil disobedience (takenga mai: tutū - insubordination, rebellion, disobedience; porihanga - society)
uproar, disturbance, furore
radical (takenga mai: tū - to oppose, fight, position, stance; whana - to revolt, rebel)
tūwhiti ~a ~nga Tūmahi Whiti, Tūāhua
deport, banish, expel (kupu kē atu: terepu)
scapegoat (takenga mai: uapare - to pass the blame)
caucus, group (takenga mai: uepū - company, party, crew, group)
point of order (meeting term) (takenga mai: ui - question, query; tikanga - convention)
(workers) union (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
chair, chairperson, head of an organisation (takenga mai: upoko - head) (kupu kē atu: heamana [kupu mino], tiamana [kupu mino])
uruhi ~a ~tanga Tūingoa, Tūmahi Whiti
enforce, compel, coercion
urutomo ~kia Tūingoa, Tūmahi Whiti
invade, invasion, attack (kupu kē atu: huaki, whakaeke)
passport (takenga mai: uru - to enter; whenua - country, nation)
amnesty (takenga mai: wā - time; muku - to wipe out, delete; hara - crime, offence)
centre-right (politics)
centre-left (politics)
wetehere ~a ~nga Tūingoa, Tūmahi Poro, Tūāhua
liberate, liberation, emancipatory (takenga mai: wete - to release, untie, set free; here - shackle, tie, restriction) (kupu kē atu: wete)
(whaka) mahere Tūingoa, Tūmahi Whiti
plan, planning
(whaka) taurangi Tūingoa, Tūmahi Whiti
guarantee, assure, pledge
(whaka) wātea ~tanga Tūingoa, Tūāhua, Tūmahi Poro
free, freedom, liberty (kupu kē atu: herekore)
whai wāhi ~tanga Tūingoa, Tūmahi Whiti
participate, participation, engage, engagement, have opportunity, have access (kupu kē atu: kuhukuhu)
universal access (takenga mai: whai wāhi - have access, participation, have opportunity; tukipū - general, widespread)
whaina ~tia Tūingoa, Tūmahi Whiti
fine (punishment) (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
short term goal (kupu kē atu: whāinga poto)
long term goal (kupu kē atu: whāinga roa)
whakaaro kotahi Tūmahi Whiti, Tūingoa
unanimous, unanimity (kupu kē atu: tatūnga tokitoki)
whakaaro kūiti Tūingoa, Tūāhua, Tūmahi Poro
narrow minded (takenga mai: whakaaro - thought; kūiti - narrow, confined)
whakaaro tuwhera Tūingoa, Tūāhua
open minded, open mind (takenga mai: whakaaro - thought; tuwhera - to be open)
dogma (takenga mai: whakaaro - thought, idea; whakatuanui - overbearing, domineering)
whakaata ~ngia ~tanga Tūingoa, Tūmahi Whiti
represent, portray, representivity (takenga mai: whakaata - to reflect)
under-representation (takenga mai: tarepa - to be incomplete, in deficit)
over-representation (takenga mai: tuhene - overmuch, excessive)
invade, attack
whakaeo ~tia ~tanga Tūingoa, Tūmahi Whiti
disempower, disempowerment
whakahaere ~tia ~tanga Tūingoa, Tūmahi Whiti, Tūāhua
organise, administer, manage, organisation
whakahaere monihua-kore Tūingoa
non-profit organisation
resource management
non-governmental organisation, NGO (takenga mai: whakahaere - organisation; tū - to stand; hake [motuhake] - independent) (kupu kē atu: whakahaere tārake)
whakahangahanga Tūingoa, Tūmahi Poro, Tūāhua
diplomacy, diplomatic (takenga mai: whakahangahanga - to handle gently)
whakahē ~ngia Tūingoa, Tūmahi Whiti, Tūāhua
object, oppose
whakahou ~tia ~tanga Tūingoa, Tūmahi Whiti, Tūāhua
amend, amendment, revise, revision
whakakonuka ~tia ~tanga Tūingoa, Tūmahi Whiti, Tūāhua
corrupt, corruption (takenga mai: whakakonuka - lead astray)
whakakore waeture Tūingoa, Tūmahi Poro
deregulate, deregulation
whakamana ~hia ~tanga Tūingoa, Tūmahi Whiti, Tūāhua
empower, empowerment, authorise, legitimise
data security
whakamauru ~tia ~tanga Tūingoa, Tūmahi Whiti, Tūāhua
mitigate, mitigation
whakapae ~tia Tūingoa, Tūmahi Whiti
accuse, accusation, allege, allegation, assert, assertion (kupu kē atu: whakatuaki)
whakapāha Tūingoa, Tūmahi Poro, Tūāhua
apology, regret, apologise
whakaparahako ~tia ~tanga Tūingoa, Tūmahi Whiti, Tūāhua
marginalise, belittle, marginalisation
conflicting belief
political belief, political ideology
whakapūmau ~tia ~tanga Tūingoa, Tūmahi Whiti
ratify, certify, validate, confirm, validation (kupu kē atu: whakatūturu)
conflict resolution
whakatau ~ria ~nga Tūingoa, Tūmahi Whiti, Tūāhua
decide, decision, determine
impose authority
whakatāuke ~tia Tūingoa, Tūmahi Whiti
segregate, segregation
shared decision, collective decision (takenga mai: tōpū - combined, unified, consolidated)
autocratic decision (takenga mai: tōtahi - single, solitary)
whakatete Tūingoa, Tūmahi Poro
disagreement, tension, quarrel, discord (kupu kē atu: taukumekume)
whakatuanui ~tanga Tūingoa, Tūmahi Poro, Tūāhua
hegemony, domination, hegemonic (takenga mai: whakatuanui - overbearing, domineering, authoritarian, arrogant)
cultural hegemony
white supremacy (takenga mai: whakatuanui - domination, arrogance; kiri - person, self; mā - white) (kupu kē atu: whakatuanui kiritea)
economic hegemony
political hegemony
whakaturi ~hia ~tanga Tūingoa, Tūmahi Whiti, Tūāhua
reconcile, appease, reconciliation, conciliation (kupu kē atu: whakamārie, whakaepaepa)
whakaumu ~tia ~tanga Tūmahi Whiti, Tūāhua, Tūingoa
transform, transformation, transformational
whakawā ~ngia ~tanga Tūingoa, Tūmahi Whiti, Tūāhua
judge, adjudicate, arbitrate, judgement
revolt, revolution, rebellion, uprising (kupu kē atu: pāhoro)
colony (takenga mai: whenua - country; maru - shaded, sheltered) (kupu kē atu: whenua tāmi, koroni [kupu mino])
republic (takenga mai: whenua - country, nation, state; tū - to stand; hake [motuhake] - separate, independent, stand alone)
whenua tūhake manapori Tūingoa
democratic republic
whenua tūhake whakatuanui Tūingoa
autocratic republic