A vocabulary list relating to political systems and forms of national administration.
He rārangi kupu e pā ana ki ngā momo pūnaha tōrangapū, ki ngā momo whakahaere whenua.
Kōti Pīra
tino arikitanga
accountable, accountability Noun, Transitive Verb
papanga ~tanga (kupu kē atu: kawe takohanga)
accuse, accusation, allege, allegation, assert, assertion Noun, Transitive Verb
whakapae ~tia (kupu kē atu: whakatuaki)
kirirarautanga hihiri (takenga mai: hihiri - dynamic, energetic, lively)
activism Noun, Adjective, Intransitive Verb
tūtohetohe (takenga mai: tū - position, stance; tohetohe - argue, persist, protest)
kiritohe (takenga mai: kiri - person, self; tohe - to argue, contend, object)
advocate, advocacy Noun, Transitive Verb
kōkiri ~hia ~tanga (kupu kē atu: hāpai)
rārangi take (takenga mai: rārangi - list; take - issue, matter, topic, subject)
allegiant, allegiance, loyal, loyalty, faithful Noun, Adjective, Transitive Verb
piripono (kupu kē atu: pirihonga)
alternative-right, alt-right (politics) Noun, Adjective
aromatau whakaweti (takenga mai: aromatau - right wing; whakaweti - threaten, bully, intimidate)
amend, amendment, revise, revision Noun, Transitive Verb, Adjective
whakahou ~tia ~tanga
amendment (to a motion, law etc) Noun
menemana (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
wā mukuhara (takenga mai: wā - time; muku - to wipe out, delete; hara - crime, offence)
anarchy, lawlessness Noun, Intransitive Verb, Adjective
turekore (takenga mai: ture - law; kore - nil, negative)
momotu iwi (takenga mai: momotu - to sever, separate) (kupu kē atu: tāuketanga)
kaikimi punanga
kāwanatanga whakatuanui
authority, power and dignity of a person Noun
mana tangata
whakataunga tōtahi (takenga mai: tōtahi - single, solitary)
autocratic leadership, authoritarian leadership Noun
hautūtanga whakatuanui
whenua tūhake whakatuanui
belonging, sense of belonging, belong Noun, Intransitive Verb
noho huānga (takenga mai: noho - to live; huānga - member of a group, kin)
tuanui arotau (takenga mai: arotau - to look kindly on, favourable)
kākano rua (takenga mai: kākano - descent, stock, lineage) (kupu kē atu: tikanga rua)
tiriti takirua
bilateral, bilateralism Noun, Adjective
aroruatanga (takenga mai: aro - to consider, have regard to; rua - two)
pire (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
pōtitake-here (takenga mai: pōti [kupu mino] - vote; take - issue; here - to bind)
whakamaru koiora
bipartisan agreement, bilateral agreement Noun
tatūnga takirua
mōtika wherereitanga (takenga mai: whererei - to be born)
papare ~a ~nga (takenga mai: papare - to avoid) (kupu kē atu: aukati, huri tuarā)
tū whakatete (takenga mai: tū - stance, position, engage, oppose; whakatete - quarrel, disagreement, obstinate)
bureaucracy, bureaucratic Noun, Adjective
aparau (takenga mai: apa - layer; rau - many)
pōtitanga whakakapi (takenga mai: pōti [kupu mino] - vote; whakakapi - to replace)
ture ā-rohe (kupu kē atu: paeroa [kupu mino])
Kōmihana Tamariki
rūnanga minita (takenga mai: rūnanga - council, assembly; minita [kupu mino] - minister) (kupu kē atu: kāhui minita)
kaitono (takenga mai: tono - to apply for)
capitalism, capitalistic Noun, Adjective
angahaorawa (takenga mai: anga - structure, framework; anga - to face a certain direction; hao - acquisitive, greedy; rawa - property, resource)
tuanui angahaorawa (takenga mai: tuanui - harsh, overbearing; tuanui [whakatuanui] - autocratic, authoritarian; anga - structure, framework; hao - acquisitive, greedy; angahaorawa - capitalism)
tāke waro
uepū (takenga mai: uepū - company, party, crew, group)
central government, national government Noun
kāwanatanga ā-motu
centrism, centrist Noun, Adjective
arowaenga (takenga mai: aro - to be inclined towards; waenga - middle, amid, between)
chair, chairperson, head of an organisation Noun
upoko (takenga mai: upoko - head) (kupu kē atu: heamana [kupu mino], tiamana [kupu mino])
chief, chiefly, leader, chieftainship Noun, Adjective
rangatira ~tanga
kirirarau ~tanga (takenga mai: kiri - person, self; rarau - settle down, remain, take root)
city council, town council Noun
kaunihera ā-tāone
mahi raraupori
ako raraupori (takenga mai: ako - learn, teach; rarau [kirirarau] - citizen; pori [porihanga] - society)
tūāhanga raraupori
haepapa raraupori
raraupori (takenga mai: rarau - to settle, take root; rarau [kirirarau] - citizen; pori [porihanga] - society)
take raraupori (kupu kē atu: take porihanga, take hiwhiri [kupu mino])
tutūnga porihanga (takenga mai: tutū - insubordination, rebellion, disobedience; porihanga - society)
ture porihanga
civil rights, societal rights Noun
mōtika raraupori (takenga mai: rarau - to settle, take root; rarau [kirirarau] - citizen; pori [porihanga] - society) (kupu kē atu: mōtika kirirarau, mōtika porihanga)
kaikerēme (takenga mai: kerēme - claim [kupu mino]) (kupu kē atu: kaitono)
tairaru āhuarangi
rerenga āhuarangi
kāwanatanga haumi (takenga mai: haumi - in alliance)
collective responsibility Noun
haepapa kiritōpū (kupu kē atu: haepapa takimaha)
mōtika kiritōpū
collectivism, collectivist Noun, Adjective
angakōpuni (takenga mai: anga - structure, framework; anga - to face a certain direction; kōpuni - as a group, all together)
kāwanatanga tātāmi
whenua maru (takenga mai: whenua - country; maru - shaded, sheltered) (kupu kē atu: whenua tāmi, koroni [kupu mino])
commission (organisation) Noun
kōmihana (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
kōmihana whakatewhatewha (takenga mai: whakatewhatewha - to investigate, examine, enquire into)
common good, mutual benefit, shared benefit Noun
painga pātahi (takenga mai: pātahi - to befall all alike, affect all in common)
communism, communistic Noun, Adjective
angatōpū (takenga mai: anga - structure, framework; anga - to face a certain direction; tōpū - as a group, united)
tuanui angatōpū (takenga mai: tuanui - harsh, overbearing; tuanui [whakatuanui] -autocratic, authoritarian; anga - structure, framework; tōpū - combined, as a group, collective; angatōpū - communism)
community board, community council Noun
rūnanga hapori
manatoko me te manapūtea (takenga mai: manatoko - to verify, validate, give credence to; manapūtea - fiscal authority)
pānga taupatupatu (takenga mai: pānga - connection, interest; taupatupatu - to dispute, contend, vie)
whakatatū taututetute
conflict, dispute Noun, Transitive Verb, Intransitive Verb
taututetute (kupu kē atu: taupatupatu, taukumekume)
whakapono taupatupatu
tatūnga tokitoki (takenga mai: tatūnga - resolution, decision; tokitoki - without exception) (kupu kē atu: tatūnga tukipū)
conservatism, conservatist (political) Noun, Adjective
arowheau (takenga mai: aro - to be inclined toward; wheau - stay, remain)
ariā kakai (takenga mai: ariā - theory; kakai - conspire, plot, scheme)
kaipōti ā-rohe
constitution, constitutional Noun, Adjective
turepapa (takenga mai: ture - law; papa [tūāpapa] - foundation, platform)
arikitanga turepapa (takenga mai: ture - law; papa [tūāpapa] - foundation, platform)
mahere heipūtanga (takenga mai: heipū - to come upon)
corrupt, corruption Noun, Transitive Verb, Adjective
whakakonuka ~tia ~tanga (takenga mai: whakakonuka - lead astray)
kaunihera (takenga mai: he kupu mino)
councillor, council representative Noun
māngai kaunihera (kupu kē atu: kaikaunihera)
counter claim, cross claim, disputed claim Noun
kokoraho taupatupatu
kōti (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
kawenata (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
pēhitanga matahuna (takenga mai: mata - face; huna - hidden)
take taihara
ture taihara
crisis, predicament, serious problem Noun
tairaru (takenga mai: tai - prefixwith a qualifying force; raru - problem, trouble, difficulty)
ariā arohaehae
karere ahurea
whakatuanui ahurea
taihuringa ahurea (takenga mai: tai - a prefix with a qualifying force; huri - to change)
Department of Conservation Noun
(Te) Papa Atawhai
Kōti ā-Rohe
whakamaru raraunga
decide, decision, determine Noun, Transitive Verb, Adjective
whakatau ~ria ~nga
democracy, democratic Noun, Adjective
manapori (takenga mai: mana - power, authority; pori [porihanga] - society)
kāwanatanga manapori
hautūtanga manapori
whenua tūhake manapori
deport, banish, expel Transitive Verb, Adjective
tūwhiti ~a ~nga (kupu kē atu: terepu)
deregulate, deregulation Noun, Intransitive Verb
whakakore waeture
diaspora Noun, Intransitive Verb
noho marara (takenga mai: noho - to live, dwell; marara - scattered)
manatuanui (takenga mai: mana - power, authority; tuanui [whakatuanui] - authoritarian, dictatorial)
dictatorship, dictatorial Noun, Adjective
tuanui ~tanga (takenga mai: tuanui - harsh, overbearing; tuanui [whakatuanui] - authoritarian, autocratic)
diplomacy, diplomatic Noun, Intransitive Verb, Adjective
whakahangahanga (takenga mai: whakahangahanga - to handle gently)
māngai whakahangahanga (takenga mai: māngai - mouthpiece, representative; whakahangahanga - diplomacy)
diplomatic protection, diplomatic immunity Noun
maru whakahangahanga (takenga mai: maru - shelter, safeguard; whakahangahanga - diplomatic)
piringa whakahangahanga
disagreement, tension, quarrel, discord Noun, Intransitive Verb
whakatete (kupu kē atu: taukumekume)
disarm, disarmament Noun, Transitive Verb
tupe ~a ~nga (takenga mai: tupe - to deprive of power)
disempower, disempowerment Noun, Transitive Verb
whakaeo ~tia ~tanga
disenfranchised Noun, Adjective
manapōti-kore (takenga mai: mana - power, authority; pōti - vote; kore - negative, nil)
mōrehu kāinga-kore (kupu kē atu: konene)
disproportionate, uneven Adjective
diverse, diversity, pluralism Noun, Adjective
kanorau ~tanga (takenga mai: kano - colour, sort, kind, seed, texture; rau - many) (kupu kē atu: matahuhuatanga)
divided, polarised, split Intransitive Verb, Adjective
tōtara wāhi rua (kupu kē atu: totoe)
whakaaro whakatuanui (takenga mai: whakaaro - thought, idea; whakatuanui - overbearing, domineering)
tominiana (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
paerewa matarua (takenga mai: paerewa - standard; mata - face; rua - two)
Kōti Take Mahi
Employment Relations Authority Noun
(Te) Ratonga Ahumana Taimahi
Kōti Taiao
(Te) Tōpūtanga o Ūropi
tairaru ohaoha
whakatuanui ohaoha
kotahitanga ā-ōhanga
kaupapahere mātauranga
pōtitanga (kupu kē atu: kōwhiringa pōti)
rārangi pōti
electorate, constituency, ward Noun
rohe pōti (kupu kē atu: wāri [kupu mino - ward])
empower, empowerment, authorise, legitimise Noun, Transitive Verb, Adjective
whakamana ~hia ~tanga
tairaru pūngao
tūāhanga pūngao
enforce, compel, coercion Noun, Transitive Verb
uruhi ~a ~tanga
environmental controversy Noun
tautohe taiao
tairaru taiao
equality, equal status Noun, Adjective
manarite (kupu kē atu: ōritetanga)
ethical controversy, moral controversy Noun
tautohe matatika
ethical dilemma, moral dilemma Noun
matawaenga matatika
ethics, ethical, moral, morality Noun, Adjective
matatika (takenga mai: matatika - right, straight)
taurite mātāwaka
exclude, exclusive, exclusion Noun, Adjective, Transitive Verb
kaupare ~tia ~tanga (takenga mai: kaupare - to divert, turn aside)
hautūtanga kaupare
executive (of government) Noun
taha whakahaere
manu kaewa (takenga mai: manu - bird; kaewa - to wander, roam)
extremism, extreme Noun, Adjective
angahāruki (takenga mai: anga - structure, framework; anga - to face a certain direction; hāruki [hārukiruki] - very, extremely)
Kōti Whānau
orokē (takenga mai: oro - grove of trees of one kind; kē - different, alternative)
false information, disinformation, misinformation Noun
kōrero horihori (kupu kē atu: kōrero parau, kōrero meho)
fanatic, fanatical, zealot Noun, Adjective
taiwhiwhita (takenga mai: tai - prefix with a qualifying force; whiwhita - fanaticism)
far-left, extreme left (politics) Noun, Adjective
aromauī hāruki (takenga mai: aro - to be inclined toward; mauī - the left; hāruki [hārukiruki] - very, extremely)
far-right, extreme right (politics) Noun, Adjective
aromatau hāruki (takenga mai: aro - to be inclined toward; matau - the right; hāruki [hārukiruki] - very, extremely)
fine (punishment) Noun, Transitive Verb
whaina ~tia (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
pōti whiritoa (takenga mai: whiri - to choose; toa - victor, winner)
free, freedom, liberty Noun, Adjective, Intransitive Verb
(whaka) wātea ~tanga (kupu kē atu: herekore)
freethinking Noun, Adjective, verb, Intransitive Verb
whakaaro māhorahora
fundamentalism, fundamentalist Noun, Adjective
angawhakapū (takenga mai: anga - structure, framework; anga - to face a certain direction; whakapū - fundamentally, founding)
gatekeeping, gatekeeper Noun, Intransitive Verb
tūtei tomokanga (takenga mai: tūtei - to keep watch, sentry; tomokanga - entrance, entry)
taurite ira
take whānui
pōtitanga whānui (kupu kē atu: pōtitanga ā-motu)
rārangi pōti auraki
general electorate, general ward Noun
rohe pōti auraki (kupu kē atu: wāri auraki)
tōrangapū huriao
governance, authority to govern Noun
mana urungi (takenga mai: urungi - to steer, navigate) (kupu kē atu: mana kāwana, mana whakatere, kāwanatanga [kupu mino])
kāwanatanga (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
kāwana tianara (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
nawe (kupu kē atu: amuamu)
guarantee, assure, pledge Noun, Transitive Verb
(whaka) taurangi
guardianship, stewardship Noun
Kōti Matua
(Te) Kāhui Tika Tangata
tairaru hauora
tūāhanga hauora
kaupapahere hauora
hegemony, domination, hegemonic Noun, Intransitive Verb, Adjective
whakatuanui ~tanga (takenga mai: whakatuanui - overbearing, domineering, authoritarian, arrogant)
tairaru whiwhi whare
tūāhanga wharenoho
pāremata tārewa (takenga mai: tārewa - unresolved, inconclusive, hanging)
idealism, idealistic Noun, Adjective
angaparuhi (takenga mai: anga - to face a certain direction; anga - structure, framework; paruhi - to be perfect, complete)
impose authority Transitive Verb
whakatau mana
inalienable right, permanent right Noun
mōtika unukore (takenga mai: unu - surrender, exempt, exclude; kore - negative, not) (kupu kē atu: mōtika pūmau)
inclusion, inclusive, inclusiveness, include Noun, Adjective, Transitive Verb
kauawhi ~tia ~tanga (takenga mai: kauawhi - to embrace)
inclusive leadership, shared leadership Noun
hautūtanga kauawhi
individual responsibility Noun
haepapa kiritahi (kupu kē atu: haepapa takitahi)
mōtika kiritahi
individualism, individualistic Noun, Adjective
angatakitahi (takenga mai: anga - structure, framework; anga - to face a certain direction; tahi - single, one)
mōtika wāhikore (takenga mai: wāhi - to partition, subdivide; kore - negative, not)
indoctrinate, brainwashing Transitive Verb
tūrourou hinengaro (takenga mai: tūrourou - to reach or manipulate with a pole or stick) (kupu kē atu: takapapa hinengaro)
tūāhanga (takenga mai: tūā [tūāpapa] - foundation; hanga [hanganga] - structure) (kupu kē atu: pūnahahanga)
tūkinotanga (kupu kē atu: hēnga)
kaikiri torowhare (takenga mai: kaikiri - racism; toro - stretch forth, extend; whare - building, people in a building)
international dispute, international conflict Noun
taututetute tāwāhi
whakaeke ~a
invade, invasion, attack Noun, Transitive Verb
urutomo ~kia (kupu kē atu: huaki, whakaeke)
isolationism, isolationist Noun, Adjective
angataratahi ~tanga (takenga mai: anga -to face a certain direction; anga - structure, framework; taratahi - isolated, alone) (kupu kē atu: mōriroriro)
judge, adjudicate, arbitrate, judgement Noun, Transitive Verb, Adjective
whakawā ~ngia ~tanga
taha kōti
just, justice Noun, Intransitive Verb, Adjective
tika (kupu kē atu: huatika)
pūnaha tika (kupu kē atu: pūnaha manatika)
ariā kaupapa Māori
Local Government Commission Noun
(Te) Mana Kāwanatanga ā-Rohe
land claim, claim of ownership Noun, Transitive Verb
kokoraho ~tia (kupu kē atu: taunaha, kerēme whenua)
mōtika whenua
kaupapahere reo
lasting peace, enduring peace Noun
tatau pounamu (kupu kē atu: rongo taketake)
law, act (of parliament), rule, statute Noun
ture (takenga mai: he kupu mino [reo Hīperu])
rōia (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
lead by example Noun, Intransitive Verb
hautū whakatauira
leadership responsibility Noun
haepapa hautū
left wing (politics) Noun, Adjective
aromauī (takenga mai: aro - to be inclined towards; mauī - left)
legal assembly, legal council, legal authority, tribunal Noun
rūnanga manature
taha whakature
aroherekore (takenga mai: aro - to be inclined towards; herekore - free of restrictions)
liberate, liberation, emancipatory Noun, Intransitive Verb, Adjective
wetehere ~a ~nga (takenga mai: wete - to release, untie, set free; here - shackle, tie, restriction) (kupu kē atu: wete)
arikitanga taparere (takenga mai: taparere - restricted, limited, constrained)
lobby, campaign Noun, Transitive Verb
kōkirikiri ~tia
pōtitanga ā-rohe (kupu kē atu: pōtitanga kaunihera ā-rohe)
local council, district council Noun
kaunihera ā-rohe
kāwanatanga ā-rohe
whāinga paetawhiti (kupu kē atu: whāinga roa)
mahere paetawhiti (kupu kē atu: mahere auroa)
loyal, loyalist, faithful Adjective, Noun, Intransitive Verb
pirihonga (kupu kē atu: piripono)
Kōti Pīra Māori
Kōti Whenua Māori
rārangi pōti Māori
Māori electorate, Māori ward Noun
rohe pōti Māori (kupu kē atu: wāri Māori)
manapio (takenga mai: mana - power, authority; pio - majority, many)
marginalise, belittle, marginalisation Noun, Transitive Verb, Adjective
whakaparahako ~tia ~tanga
kahika (takenga mai: kahika - chief, leader) (kupu kē atu: koromatua)
melting pot, assimilative amalgamation Noun
tōpūtanga whakawaimeha (takenga mai: tōpūtanga - collective; whakawaimeha [waimeha] - to be diluted; whakawaimeha ahurea - cultural assimilation)
melting pot, diverse amalgamation Noun
tōpūtanga kanorau
māngai pāremata (takenga mai: māngai - spokesperson, representative) (kupu kē atu: mema pāremata)
memorandum of understanding, declaration of agreement Noun
tauākī whakaaetanga (takenga mai: tauākī - declaration, statement; whakaaetanga - agreement)
manuheke (takenga mai: manu [manuhiri] - visitor; manu [manu kaewa] - wanderer; heke - migrate, migration)
manatū (takenga mai: mana - power, authority; tū - to establish, to be appointed)
manapota (takenga mai: mana - power, authority; pota - be few)
meneti (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
mitigate, mitigation Noun, Transitive Verb, Adjective
whakamauru ~tia ~tanga
mixed member proportional, MMP Noun
pōti whirirua (takenga mai: whiri - to choose; rua - two)
kākano tahi (takenga mai: kākano - descent, stock, lineage; tahi - one)
motion (meeting term) Noun, Intransitive Verb
mōtini (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
kākano maha (takenga mai: kākano - descent, stock, lineage) (kupu kē atu: tikanga maha)
tiriti takitini
multilateral, multilateralism Noun, Adjective
arorautanga (takenga mai: aro - to consider, have regard to; rau - many)
multipartisan agreement, multilateral agreement Noun
tatūnga takitini
narrow minded Noun, Adjective, Intransitive Verb
whakaaro kūiti (takenga mai: whakaaro - thought; kūiti - narrow, confined)
tatauranga ā-motu
nationalism, nationalistic Noun, Adjective
tāwheta ā-whenua (takenga mai: tāwheta - zeal, fervour; whenua - nation, country)
kiritāwheta ā-whenua (takenga mai: kiri - person, self; tāwheta - zeal, fervour; whenua - nation)
rangatohe tāwheta ā-whenua
pōtitake-herekore (takenga mai: pōti [kupu mino] - vote; take - issue; here - to bind; kore - negative)
non-governmental organisation, NGO Noun
whakahaere tūhake (takenga mai: whakahaere - organisation; tū - to stand; hake [motuhake] - independent) (kupu kē atu: whakahaere tārake)
whakahaere monihua-kore
object, oppose Noun, Transitive Verb, Adjective
whakahē ~ngia
occupy, occupation Noun, Transitive Verb
nohowheta (takenga mai: wheta - to occupy a place)
mana tokoiti (takenga mai: mana - power, authority; tokoiti - small number of people, minority)
open discussion, open debate Noun
matapaki māhorahora (takenga mai: māhorahora - to be open, without restraint)
open minded, open mind Noun, Adjective
whakaaro tuwhera (takenga mai: whakaaro - thought; tuwhera - to be open)
mahere mahi
ringapēhi (takenga mai: ringa - hand; pēhi - to oppress)
organise, administer, manage, organisation Noun, Transitive Verb, Adjective
whakahaere ~tia ~tanga
whakaatanga tuhene (takenga mai: tuhene - overmuch, excessive)
overstay, overstayer Noun, Intransitive Verb, Adjective
nohoroa (takenga mai: noho - to live, dwell; roa - long; roa [whakaroa] - prolong, extend)
pēhitanga mataaho (takenga mai: mataaho - clear, evident) (kupu kē atu: pēhi mārakerake)
overthrow Noun, Transitive Verb
turaki ~na ~tanga
Pirimia (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
paramount chief, lord, monarch, monarchy Noun
ariki ~tanga
murunga hara (takenga mai: muru - to wipe out, forgive, absolve; hara - offence, crime, wrongdoing)
pāremata (takenga mai: he kupu mino) (kupu kē atu: pāremete)
participate, participation, engage, engagement, have opportunity, have access Noun, Transitive Verb
whai wāhi ~tanga (kupu kē atu: kuhukuhu)
uruwhenua (takenga mai: uru - to enter; whenua - country, nation)
kiritōmau ā-whenua (takenga mai: kiri - person, self; tōmau - staunch, steadfast, loyal; whenua - nation, country)
patriotic, patriotism, loyal, loyalism Noun, Intransitive Verb, Adjective
tōmau ~tanga (takenga mai: tōmau - staunch, steadfast, loyal)
haumi rongomau
karere rongomau (kupu kē atu: manu rongomau)
persecute, persecution Noun, Transitive Verb
nonope ~a ~tanga (takenga mai: nonope - to oppress, distress, depress) (kupu kē atu: whakamamae, pēhi)
petition Noun, Transitive Verb
petihana ~tia (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
plaintiff, complainant, accuser Noun
kaiwhakapae (takenga mai: kai - prefix denoting agent; whakapae - to accuse)
plan, planning Noun, Transitive Verb
(whaka) mahere
point of order (meeting term) Noun
ui tikanga (takenga mai: ui - question, query; tikanga - convention)
kaupapahere (takenga mai: kaupapa - matter for discussion, plan, scheme, proposal; here - obligation)
haumi tōrangapū
political asylum, political refuge Noun
punanga tōrangapū
takenga tōrangapū (takenga mai: takenga - origin, derivation)
political belief, political ideology Noun
whakapono tōrangapū
tautohe tōrangapū
political crisis, constitutional crisis Noun
tairaru tōrangapū
political disorder, political chaos Noun
kaumingomingo tōrangapū (takenga mai: kaumingomingo - state of confusion)
turingonge tōrangapū
karere tōrangapū
manawhiri tōrangapū (takenga mai: mana - power, authority; whiri [whiriwhiri] - to choose)
whakatuanui tōrangapū
rōpū tōrangapū (kupu kē atu: pāti tōrangapū)
rerenga tōrangapū
political revolution, political uprising Noun
taihuringa tōrangapū (takenga mai: tai - a prefix with a qualifying force; huri - to change)
pūnaha tōrangapū
ariā tōrangapū
kaitōrangapū (kupu kē atu: kiritōrangapū)
politics, political Noun, Adjective
populism, populist Noun, Adjective
arotini ~tanga (takenga mai: aro - to be inclined towards; tini - multitude; arotini - popular)
postmodern, postmodernism Noun, Adjective
angatuahou (takenga mai: anga - to face a certain direction; anga - structure, framework; tua - beyond; hou - new, recent, modern)
perehitene (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
primary infrastructure, critical infrastructure Noun
tūāhanga mātāmua
private public partnership, PPP Noun
rangapū mahitahi tūmataiti tūmatanui
kupu whakanewha (takenga mai: whakanewha - misrepresentation, deception, hoodwink)
public good, public benefit Noun, Adjective
painga tūmatanui
kaupapahere tūmatanui
public servant, government worker Noun
kaimahi kāwanatanga
racism, racial discrimination, racist Noun, Adjective, Intransitive Verb
kaikiri (kupu kē atu: whakatoihara ā-iwi)
radical Intransitive Verb, Adjective
tūwhana (takenga mai: tū - to oppose, fight, position, stance; whana - to revolt, rebel)
reiti (takenga mai: He kupu mino.) (kupu kē atu: rēti)
ratify, certify, validate, confirm, validation Noun, Transitive Verb
whakapūmau ~tia ~tanga (kupu kē atu: whakatūturu)
rebel, revolutionary Noun, Adjective
taiwhana (takenga mai: tai - prefix with a qualifying force; whana - to rebel, revolt)
recolonise, recolonisation Noun, Transitive Verb, Adjective
tāmirua ~tia ~tanga (takenga mai: tāmi - to colonise, repress; rua - two)
recommend, recommendation Noun, Transitive Verb
tūtohu ~a ~nga
reconcile, appease, reconciliation, conciliation Noun, Transitive Verb, Adjective
whakaturi ~hia ~tanga (kupu kē atu: whakamārie, whakaepaepa)
red tape, bureaucratic obstacle Noun
taero (takenga mai: taero - obstruction, hinderance)
pōtitake (takenga mai: pōti [kupu mino] - vote; take - issue)
kaunihera ā-takiwā
represent, portray, representivity Noun, Transitive Verb
whakaata ~ngia ~tanga (takenga mai: whakaata - to reflect)
whenua tūhake (takenga mai: whenua - country, nation, state; tū - to stand; hake [motuhake] - separate, independent, stand alone)
whakahaere rawa
kāwanatanga haepapa
revolt, revolution, rebellion, uprising Noun, Intransitive Verb
whana (kupu kē atu: pāhoro)
right wing (politics) Noun, Adjective
aromatau (takenga mai: aro - to be inclined toward; matau - right)
tūāhanga rori
Kōti Mana Nui
uaparenga (takenga mai: uapare - to pass the blame)
haumi whakamaru
tūraru whakamaru
segregate, segregation Noun, Transitive Verb
whakatāuke ~tia
komiti whiriwhiri (takenga mai: komiti [kupu mino] - committee; whiriwhiri - to discuss, decide, consider)
separate authority, autonomy, self-determination, independence Noun
mana motuhake (kupu kē atu: tino rangatiratanga, rangatiratanga)
shared decision, collective decision Noun
whakataunga tōpū (takenga mai: tōpū - combined, unified, consolidated)
whāinga paetata (kupu kē atu: whāinga poto)
mahere paetata
single transferable vote, STV Noun
pōti whakaraupapa (takenga mai: whakaraupapa - to put in order, sequence)
slaughter, massacre, pogrom Noun
auroatanga pāpori (takenga mai: auroa - prolonged, extended, drawn-out)
tautohe pāpori
tairaru pāpori
social indicator, social index Noun
tauine pāpori (takenga mai: tauine - ruler, scale; pāpori - social)
tūkinotanga pāpori (kupu kē atu: hēnga pāpori)
kaupapahere pāpori
haepapa pāpori
social revolution, social upheaval Noun
taihuringa pāpori (takenga mai: tai - a prefix with a qualifying force; huri - to change)
social unity, social cohesion Noun
kotahitanga pāpori
socialism, socialistic Noun, Adjective
angapori (takenga mai: anga - structure, framework; anga - to face a certain direction; pori [pāpori] - social)
socially responsible, social responsibility Adjective, Noun
takopori (takenga mai: tako - upright; takohanga - responsibility, obligation; pori [pāpori] - social)
socially responsive Adjective, Intransitive Verb
aropori (takenga mai: aro - to take heed, to consider; pori [pāpori] - social)
ohapori (takenga mai: oha [ohaoha] - economic; pori [pāpori] - social)
tauine ohapori (takenga mai: tauine - ruler, scale)
pōti motuhake
rōpū kiripānga
maru karauna (takenga mai: maru - shelter, shield, power, authority; karauna [kupu mino] - crown)
mahere rautaki
tāera hautūtanga (takenga mai: tāera [kupu mino] - style)
piki tūranga
manapōti (takenga mai: mana - power, authority; pōti [kupu mino] - vote)
pūnaha kāwanatanga
kaikiri toronaha (takenga mai: kaikiri - racism; toro - to stretch forth, extend; naha [pūnaha] - system)
mahere rautata (takenga mai: rau [rauhanga] - cunning, resourceful; tata - near, close)
kaupapahere tāke
terms of reference, job specification Noun
tūtohu mahi (takenga mai: tūtohu - to prescribe; mahi - work, job, action)
mana hāhi (takenga mai: mana - authority, power; hāhi - church)
three-waters infrastructure Noun
tūāhanga wai-toru
totalitarianism, totalitarian Noun, Adjective
angangarengare (takenga mai: anga - structure, framework; anga - to face a certain direction; ngarengare - authoritarian, dictatorial, tyrannical)
karere tauhokohoko
transform, transformation, transformational Transitive Verb, Adjective, Noun
whakaumu ~tia ~tanga
panoni whakaumu (takenga mai: whakaumu - to transform, alter, change)
transparent, transparency Noun, Adjective
puata ~tanga
tiriti (takenga mai: he kupu mino)
kiritāwheta ā-iwi (takenga mai: kiri - person, self; tāwheta - zeal, fervour; iwi - tribe)
taraipiunara (takenga mai: Hhe kupu mino) (kupu kē atu: rūnanga manature)
trilateral, tripartite Noun, Adjective
arotorutanga (takenga mai: aro - to consider, have regard to; toru - three)
truth and reconciliation commission Noun
kōmihana aro ki te pono me te whakamārie
tyrant, tyrannical Noun, Adjective
taingarengare (takenga mai: tai - prefix with a qualifying force; ngarengare - overbearing, authoritarian, autocratic)
(Te) Rūnanga Whakakotahi i ngā Iwi o te Ao
Universal Declaration of Human Rights Noun
(Te) Whakapuakitanga Tukipū o ngā Mōtika Tangata
Universal Declaration of Indigenous Rights Noun
(Te) Whakapuakitanga Tukipū o ngā Mōtika Iwi Taketake
unanimous, unanimity Transitive Verb, Noun
whakaaro kotahi (kupu kē atu: tatūnga tokitoki)
whakaatanga tarepa (takenga mai: tarepa - to be incomplete, in deficit)
mana pāhikahika (takenga mai: pāhikahika - uneven, disproportionate)
uniform, uniformity, homogeneous Noun, Adjective
kanorite (takenga mai: kano - colour, sort, kind, seed, texture; rite - be alike)
unilateral decision, unilateral agreement Noun
tatūnga takitahi
unilateral, unilateralism Noun, Adjective
arotahitanga (takenga mai: aro - to consider, have regard to; tahi - one)
kaunihera whakatōpū
whai wāhitanga tukipū (takenga mai: whai wāhi - have access, participation, have opportunity; tukipū - general, widespread)
mōtika tukipū (takenga mai: tukipū - general, widespread)
uproar, disturbance, furore Noun
tutūnga puehu
kōkota (takenga mai: kōkota - a mark made at a cross-roads to show which road has been taken)
vision, visionary Noun, Adjective
matawhānui (kupu kē atu: matatawhiti)
vote, ballot, elect Noun, Adjective, Intransitive Verb, Transitive Verb
pōti ~tia ~tanga (takenga mai: he kupu mino)
puka pōti
pūnaha pōti
(Te) Rōpu Whakamana i Te Tiriti o Waitangi (kupu kē atu: Taraipiunara o Waitangi, Rūnanga Whakamana i Te Tiriti o Waitangi)
wastewater infrastructure Noun
tūāhanga waipara
tūāhanga wai
whakatuanui kirimā (takenga mai: whakatuanui - domination, arrogance; kiri - person, self; mā - white) (kupu kē atu: whakatuanui kiritea)
kaiwhakaatu (takenga mai: whakaatu - to reveal, disclose, show)
woke, wokism, wokeness Noun, Intransitive Verb, Adjective
ohotoihara ~tanga (takenga mai: oho - awake, to be roused [of feelings etc]; toihara - discrimination)
Kōti Taiohi