Grammar, Aspects of Language / Wetereo, Āhuatanga Reo

English → Māori

A list of vocabulary relating to types of words, sentences, phonics, and aspects of language such as colloquial expressions.

He rārangi kupu e pā ana ki ngā momo kupu, te waihanga rerenga kōrero, te weteoro, tae atu ki ngā momo āhuatanga reo, pērā i te kīwaha.

abstract noun Noun

tūingoa tūrehurehu

acronym Noun

kupu rāpoto (takenga mai: rāpoto [whakarāpopoto] - summary)

active sentence Noun

rerehāoho (takenga mai: rere [rerenga kōrero] - sentence; hāoho - active) (kupu kē atu: rerenga kōrero hāoho, rerehāpai)

active verb Noun

tūmahi hāoho (kupu kē atu: tūmahi hāpai)

active voice Noun

reo hāoho (takenga mai: hā - essence, tenor; oho - awake) (kupu kē atu: reo hāpai)

adjective Noun

tūāhua (takenga mai: tū - sort, type; āhua - appearance) (kupu kē atu: kupuāhua)

adjective phrase Noun

kīanga tūāhua (kupu kē atu: kīāhua)

adverb Noun


adverbial clause Noun

aho tūkē

adverbial phrase Noun

kīanga tūkē

agent Noun

kaikawe (kupu kē atu: kaimahi)

alliteration Noun

orokati tārua (takenga mai: orokati - consonant; tārua - repeat)

alphabet Noun

arapū (kupu kē atu: wakapū)

alternative question, choice question Noun

pātai kōwhiri

anachronism Noun

hanga nō wā kē (takenga mai: hanga - thing; nō - of, belonging to; wā - time; kē - different)

analogy Noun

tairitenga (takenga mai: tai - prefix which has a qualifying force; ritenga - resemblance, corresponding thing)

antimetabole Noun

kupu huri hāngai (takenga mai: huri - to change, turn upside down; hāngai - opposite)

appositive, explanatory phrase Noun

kīanga whakamārama (kupu kē atu: kīwhakamārama)

article (grammar) Noun

pūtohu (takenga mai: pū [punga] - particle; tohu - show, point out)

assonance Noun

oropuare tārua (takenga mai: oropuare - vowel; tārua - to repeat)

cardinal number Noun

tau maha (takenga mai: tau - number; maha - be many)

causal link, causal conjunction Noun

kupuhono pūtake (kupu kē atu: kīhono pūtake)

class of adjective Noun

karangatanga tūāhua

cliché Noun

(kupu) rārahu (takenga mai: rārahu - common bracken fern found throughout Aotearoa)

collective noun Noun

tūingoa rangapū (takenga mai: rangapū - company, group)

colloquialism, colloquial expression Noun


command sentence, imperative sentence Noun

rerewhakahau (takenga mai: rere [rerenga kōrero] - sentence; whakahau - to command) (kupu kē atu: rerenga [kōrero] whakahau)

communicative proficiency Noun

matatau ki te reo whakawhitiwhiti

comparative Noun

tūāhua whakatairite

concrete noun Noun

tūingoa ōkiko (takenga mai: ōkiko - physical; ō - pertaining to; kiko - body, substance)

consonant Noun


definite article Noun

pū tautuhi (takenga mai: pū [putohu] - article; tautuhi - to indicate, define, specify)

directional particle Noun

pūanga (takenga mai: pū [punga] - particle; anga - face or move in a certain direction)

discourse analysis Noun, verb

tātari kōrerorero

dual pronoun Noun

tūkapi takirua

elaborate, explain, elaboration, explanation Noun, Transitive Verb

whakamahuki ~tia ~tanga

elision Noun

oronaki (takenga mai: oro – sound; naki – glide smoothly)

etymology Noun

mātai kupu (takenga mai: mātai - to inspect, examine, investigate [field of study])

exclamation Noun

ohoreretanga (takenga mai: ohorere - surprise, shock) (kupu kē atu: kupu ohorere, kupuoho)

exclamation sentence Noun

rerewhakaoho (takenga mai: rere [rerenga kōrero] - sentence; whakaoho - to startle) (kupu kē atu: rerenga [kōrero] whakaoho)

exclusive pronoun Noun

tūkapi kaupare (takenga mai: kaupare - avert, turn in a different direction)

expression, saying Noun


extended metaphor Noun

huahuatau tōroa (takenga mai: tō - to pull; roa - to be long)

figurative expression, figure of speech Noun

kīpeha (takenga mai: kī - to say, utter; peha - figure of speech, turn of phrase)

figurative language Noun

reo peha (takenga mai: peha - figure of speech, turn of phrase)

first person Noun, Adjective

kiritūnei (takenga mai: kiri - person; tū - position; nei - indicating location by the speaker or writer)

first person narrative Noun

kōrero kiritūnei (takenga mai: kiri - person; tū - position; nei - indicating location connected with speaker or writer)

first person pronoun Noun

tūkapi kiritūnei (takenga mai: tūkapi - pronoun; kiri - person, self; tū - position; nei - indicating location connected with the speaker or writer)

formal term of address Noun

kupukiri ōkawa

future tense, future time Noun

wāheke (takenga mai: wā - time; heke - to be coming)

gerund Noun

tūmahi ingoa

grammar Noun, Adjective

wetereo (takenga mai: wete - to untie, unravel; reo - language)

hyperbole Noun

kupu whakapehapeha (takenga mai: whakapehapeha - to boast, brag)

idiom Noun

kīrehu (takenga mai: kī - saying; rehu - dimly seen, obscure)

imperative verb Noun

tūhau (takenga mai: tū - sort, type; hau [whakahau] - command) (kupu kē atu: tūmahi tohutohu)

indefinite article Noun


informal term of address Noun

kupukiri ōpaki

interrogative, question word Noun

tūpātai (takenga mai: tū [tūmomo] - manner, sort, type; pātai - question)

intransitive verb Noun

tūmahi poro

intrepretive translation (to Māori) Noun, Transitive Verb

whakamāori ā-wairua

irony, ironic Noun, Adjective

(kupu) kōrori (takenga mai: kōrori - to distort, contrary)

juxtapose, juxtaposition Noun, Transitive Verb

karapiti ~hia ~nga (takenga mai: karapiti - to put together, side by side)

language feature Noun

āhuatanga reo

language function Noun

āheinga reo (takenga mai: āheinga - competence, ability)

language structure, language form, language pattern Noun

hanga (o te) reo

linguistics Noun

mātai reo (takenga mai: mātai - to inspect, examine, investigate [field of study]; reo - language)

literal language Noun

reo more (takenga mai: more - plain, bare)

literal translation, direct translation (to Māori) Noun, Transitive Verb

whakamāori horipū (takenga mai: horipū - direct)

literary device Noun

nuka reo

locative particle Noun

pūwāhi (takenga mai: pū [punga] - particle; wāhi - location, place)

macron Noun

tohutō (takenga mai: tohu - symbol, mark; tō - to drag, pull)

make meaning, make sense Noun, Intransitive Verb

hanga māramatanga

metalanguage Noun

kupu ahureo (kupu kē atu: tohu ahureo)

metalinguistics Noun

mātai ahureo (takenga mai: mātai - to inspect, examine, investigate [field of study]; ahu - to tend, foster; reo - language)

metaphor, simile Noun

huahuatau (kupu kē atu: kupu whakarite)

minimal pair synonym Noun

kupu taurite huatata

morphology Noun

mātai wetekupu (takenga mai: wete - to untie, unravel; kupu - word)

motto Noun

peha (takenga mai: peha - figure of speech, turn of phrase)

negate, negation Noun, Transitive Verb

whakakāhore ~tia ~tanga

neuter verb Noun

tūmahi oti

nominal particle Noun

pūingoa (takenga mai: pū [punga] - particle; ingoa - name)

noun Noun

tūingoa (takenga mai: tū [tumu] - foundation, base; ingoa - name) (kupu kē atu: kupuingoa)

object (of a sentence) Noun

aronga (o te rerenga kōrero) (takenga mai: aro - turn towards, focus)

onomatopoeia Noun

ororite (takenga mai: oro - sound; rite - be like, similar)

ordinal number Noun

tau raupapa (takenga mai: tau - number; raupapa - sequence, order)

oxymoron Noun

kīpeha tauaro (takenga mai: kīpeha - figure of speech; tauaro - be opposite)

parallelism Noun

kīanga tārara (takenga mai: tā - a causative prefix; tā - to print, publish; rara [whakarara] - parallel; rara - ribs) (kupu kē atu: kītārara)

participant Noun


particle Noun

punga (takenga mai: punga - to anchor)

passive ending Noun

kūmuri hāngū (kupu kē atu: kūmuri whakahāngū)

passive sentence Noun

rerehāngū (takenga mai: rere [rerenga kōrero] - sentence; hāngū - passive) (kupu kē atu: rerenga kōrero hāngū)

passive verb Noun

tūmahi hāngū

passive voice Noun

reo hāngū (takenga mai: hāngū - silent, passive)

past time, past tense Noun

wāmua (takenga mai: wā - time; mua - the past)

phoneme Noun

oromotu (takenga mai: oro – sound; motu – separated)

phonemic environment Noun

taiao oro

phonic knowledge Noun

mātauranga oromotu (takenga mai: oro - sound; motu - separated)

phonics Noun

ara whakaako weteoro (takenga mai: ara whakaako - teaching pathway; wete - to untie, unravel; oro - sound)

phonological awareness Noun

aroā weteoro (takenga mai: wete - untie, unravel; oro - sound)

phonology Noun

mātai weteoro (takenga mai: mātai - to inspect, examine, investigate [field of study]; wete - to untie, unravel; oro - sound)

plural Noun


plural possessive Noun

pūriro takitini

plural pronoun Noun

tūkapi takitini

positional particle Noun

pūhea (takenga mai: pū [punga] - particle; hea - location interrogative)

possessive particle Noun

pūriro (takenga mai: pū [punga] - particle; riro - be got, acquired, obtained)

possessive pronoun Noun

tūkapi riro (takenga mai: tūkapi - pronoun; riro - be got, acquired, obtained)

preposition Noun

pūhono (takenga mai: pū [punga] - particle; hono - join) (kupu kē atu: pūtūmua)

prepositional phrase Noun

kīanga pūhono (kupu kē atu: kīpūhono)

present time, present tense Noun

wātū (takenga mai: wā - time; tū - to stop, halt) (kupu kē atu: wānei)

pronoun, personal pronoun Noun

tūkapi (takenga mai: tū [tumu] - foundation, base; kapi [whakakapi] - to replace, substitute) (kupu kē atu: tūpou)

proper article Noun

pūmoko (takenga mai: pū [punga] - particle; moko [tūmoko] - proper noun)

proper noun Noun

tūmoko (takenga mai: tū [tumu] - foundation, base; moko - person [figurative])

prophetic saying Noun

kupu whakaari

proverb, proverbalise Noun, verb

whakataukī ~tia (kupu kē atu: whakatauākī)

pun Noun

kupu angarua (takenga mai: anga - to move in a certain direction, to face; rua - two)

question sentence, interrogative sentence Noun

rerepātai (takenga mai: rere [rerenga kōrero] - sentence; pātai - question) (kupu kē atu: rerenga [kōrero] pātai)

redundant word Noun

kupu tāwere (takenga mai: tāwere - in excess)

register, type of language Noun

momo reo

relative clause Noun

aho whakamahuki (takenga mai: whakamahuki - to elucidate, enlighten)

rhyme Noun

huarite (takenga mai: hua [whakahua] - pronunciation; rite - be like, similar)

sarcastic, sarcasm Noun, Adjective

whakatakē (takenga mai: whakatakē - to look down on, criticise negatively, disparage, belittle) (kupu kē atu: whakahāwea)

satire, satirical Noun, Adjective

pūhohe (takenga mai: pūhohe - mocking, laughing)

second person Noun, Adjective

kiritūnā (takenga mai: kiri - person; tū - position; nā - indicating location by the listener or reader)

second person narrative Noun

kōrero kiritūnā (takenga mai: kiri - person; tū - position; nā - indicating location connected with listener or reader)

second person pronoun Noun

tūkapi kiritūnā (takenga mai: tūkapi - pronoun; kiri - person, self; tū - position; nā - indicating location connected with the listener or reader)

simile, metaphor Noun

kupu whakarite (kupu kē atu: huahuatau)

singular Noun, Adjective


singular possessive Noun

pūriro takitahi

singular pronoun Noun

tūkapi takitahi

statement sentence, declarative sentence Noun

reretauākī (takenga mai: rere [rerenga kōrero] - sentence; tauākī - statement) (kupu kē atu: rerenga [kōrero] tauākī)

stative sentence Noun

reremahi āhua (takenga mai: rere [rerenga kōrero] - sentence; mahi [tūmahi] - verb; āhua [tūmahi āhua] - stative verb)

stative verb Noun

tūmahi āhua

superlative Noun

tūāhua inati (takenga mai: tūāhua - adjective; inati - exceptional, remarkable)

syllable Noun


syntax Noun

tātaikupu (takenga mai: tātai - to arrange, set in order)

tense Noun

wāmahi (takenga mai: wā - time; mahi - activity)

term of address, vocative Noun

kupukiri (takenga mai: kupu - word, utterance; kiri - person)

term of endearment Noun

kupukiri mateoha (takenga mai: mateoha - endearing, loveable)

third person Noun, Adjective

kiritūrā (takenga mai: kiri - person; tū - position; rā - indicating locationsome distance away from the speakerand listener)

third person narrative Noun

kōrero kiritūrā (takenga mai: kiri - person; tū - position; rā - indicating location some distance away from the speaker and listener)

third person pronoun Noun

tūkapi kiritūrā (takenga mai: tūkapi - pronoun; kiri - person; tū - position; rā - indicating location some distance away from the speaker and listener)

transitive verb Noun

tūmahi whiti

tribal saying Noun


triplification Noun

tātoru ~tanga

understate, understated Adjective, verb

whakatūai (takenga mai: tūai - thin, lean)

verb Noun

tūmahi (takenga mai: tū [tumu] - foundation, base; mahi - to work, perform, job, activity) (kupu kē atu: kupumahi)

verbal particle Noun

pūmahi (takenga mai: pū [punga] - particle; mahi [tūmahi] - verb)

verbal sentence Noun

reremahi (takenga mai: rere [rerenga kōrero] - sentence; mahi [tūmahi] - verb)

vowel Noun


word for word translation (to Māori) Noun, Transitive Verb

whakamāori ā-kupu