He kōrero e āhua tauaro ana ōna kupu ki tōna tikanga. He āhuatanga, he mahi rānei e āhua tauaro ana ki tērā e tika ana. He tinihanga, he ngahau te hua o te whakamahi kupu kōrori, i ētahi wā he whakatakē.
A comment in which the words are contrary to the actual meaning. A state of affairs or an event which is contrary to what might be excpected. Use of irony can tease, be amusing, or sometimes sarcastic.
kōrori - to distort, contrary
He āhuatanga kōrori kia riro mā Hema te kaupapa e kōrero, inā tana matakawa i mua.
Kātahi nā te kupu kōrori ko tērā, ānō nei e tino tautoko ana ia i te kaupapa!
He kupu kōrori tana kī "Te pai hoki o ēnei huarahi o Te Tairāwhiti e Koro!", inā te kirikiri me te kōpikopiko o aua huarahi.