Human Development, Puberty / Whanaketanga Tangata, Pūhuruhurutanga

English → Māori

A vocabulary list relating to the growth of all facets of a human, from their time of conception, including mental, spiritual, physical and social development.

He rārangi kupu e pā ana ki te tipu o ngā taha katoa o te tangata mai i tōna whakairanga, arā, ko te taha hinengaro, taha wairua, taha tinana, taha whānau anō hoki.

AIDS, acquired immune deficiency syndrome Noun

mate ārai-kore (takenga mai: mate - sickness; ārai - to ward off, protect; kore - negative)

able, ability Noun, Transitive Verb, Neuter Verb

āhei ~tanga

able-bodied Adjective

toiora (takenga mai: toiora - sound, uninjured)

abortion, abort, induced abortion Noun, Intransitive Verb, Transitive Verb

whakatahe ~a

absent, truant Noun, Intransitive Verb

tamō (takenga mai: tamō - to be absent)

abstract thinking, abstract reasoning Noun

whakaaro tūrehurehu (takenga mai: tū – manner, sort; rehurehu – indistinctly seen) (kupu kē atu: whakaaro waitara)

adolescent, adolescence, youth Noun, Intransitive Verb, Adjective

taiohi ~nga (kupu kē atu: rangatahi)

adult, grown-up Noun, Intransitive Verb, Adjective

pakeke (kupu kē atu: pāhake, taipakeke)

adventurer, dare-devil Noun

manawa kai tūtae (kupu kē atu: waewae kai kapua)

age discrimination, ageism Noun, Transitive Verb, Adjective

whakatoihara taipakeke (kupu kē atu: aukatinga taipakeke)

agender, gender neutral Noun, Adjective


alienated, estranged Noun, Intransitive Verb, Adjective


amniotic fluid Noun

waikahu (takenga mai: wai - liquid; kahu - membrane enveloping a foetus)

amorous pursuit, advance amorously, woo, court, courtship Noun, Adjective, Transitive Verb

whakaipoipo (kupu kē atu: hemahema)

anal sex Noun, Intransitive Verb

ai tou (kupu kē atu: ai kumu, karipapa)

antagonistic behaviour Noun

whanonga nihoniho (takenga mai: nihoniho - antagonistic)

antenatal care, prenatal care Noun

maimoa pirikōpū (takenga mai: maimoa - to cherish, care for; piri - e whai ana i tā te piripoho; piri - to be close; kōpū - womb)

antisocial behaviour Noun

whanonga tūhourangi

apathy, apathetic, disinterest, indifference Noun, Intransitive Verb, Adjective

ngākau-kore (kupu kē atu: arokore)

arranged marriage, betrothal Noun, Transitive Verb, Adjective

taumau ~tia

asexual Noun, Adjective

hōkakakore (kupu kē atu: taerakore)

asphyxia, suffocation, suffocate Noun, Transitive Verb

roromi ~a

at risk child, underserved child Noun

tamaiti tokorepa (takenga mai: toko [tautoko] - support; repa [takarepa] - deficient, in deficit, falling short) (kupu kē atu: tamaiti tūraru)

attitude Noun


attract, attraction, attractive Noun, Transitive Verb, Adjective

whakamanea ~tia

autonomy, independence, self-determination Noun

mana motuhake

aware, perceive, awareness, perception Noun, Intransitive Verb, Adjective

tūoho (takenga mai: tū - position, stance; oho - awake, arise, be aroused [of feelings]) (kupu kē atu: aroā)

baby Noun, Intransitive Verb

pēpi (takenga mai: he kupu mino) (kupu kē atu: pēpē [kupu mino], piripoho)

baby pod, baby capsule Noun

moenga piripoho

backbiting gossip, disparage, slander, grumble Noun, Transitive Verb, Adjective


barrier method (contraception) Noun

tikanga haukoti (takenga mai: haukoti - intercept, cut off)

bassinet Noun

moenga pēpi

behaviour Noun


behavioural disorder Noun

mate whanonga

belief system Noun

pūnaha whakapono

belief, ideology, doctrine, believe, trust Noun, Transitive Verb

whakapono ~tia

belonging, sense of belonging, belong Noun, Intransitive Verb

noho huānga (takenga mai: noho - to live; huānga - member of a group)

binary gender Noun, Adjective

ira tāhūrua

biological sex Noun

ira koiora

biphobia Noun

mae hōkakarua (takenga mai: hōkaka [hōkakatanga] - sexuality)

birth canal Noun

ara whakawhānau

birth control pill, oral contraceptive Noun

pire āraihapū (takenga mai: pire [kupu mino] - pill)

birth gender, gender at birth Noun

ira whānau mai

birth, childbirth, (in) labour Noun, Adjective, Intransitive Verb


bisexual, bi Noun, Adjective

hōkakarua (takenga mai: hōkaka - sexual desire, sexual attraction; rua - two) (kupu kē atu: taerarua)

blister Noun

hoipū (kupu kē atu: kōpūpū, kōputa)

body Noun


body dysphoria Noun

auhi ā-tinana

body image Noun

ata tinana

body modification, body embellishment Noun

whakarāwai tinana (takenga mai: whakarāwai - to adorn, decorate)

breast surgery Noun

hāpara uma

breech birth Noun, Intransitive Verb

whānau kōaro (takenga mai: whānau [whakawhānau] - birth; kōaro - inverted, turned right around)

bully, bullying Noun, Transitive Verb, Adjective

whakaweti ~a

Caesarean section Noun, Intransitive Verb

whānau poka (takenga mai: whānau - to be born; poka - to cut out, operate on)

carefree, easy going Noun, Intransitive Verb, Adjective


caress, fondle Transitive Verb

takamori ~a

cervix Noun


change Noun, Transitive Verb

panoni ~hia ~tanga

character (of a person) Noun

ihokiri (takenga mai: iho - essence, essential quality, nature, inner core; kiri - person, self)

character trait Noun

āhuatanga ihokiri (takenga mai: iho - essence, essential quality, inner core; kiri - person, self)

child abuse Noun

tūkino tamariki

child neglect Noun

whakahapa tamariki

child rearing, child nuturing Noun, Intransitive Verb

poipoi tamariki (takenga mai: poipoi - to nurture) (kupu kē atu: whakatupu tamariki)

childhood Noun

tamarikitanga (kupu kē atu: tāmanga, tamaititanga, pūhoutanga, itinga)

chlamydia, venereal disease Noun

kōtureture (kupu kē atu: kamiria [kupu mino])

cisgender Noun, Adjective

irapūmau (takenga mai: pūmau - fixed, constant, permanent)

clitoris Noun

tonetone (kupu kē atu: tehoteho, kou o te tara, tīkou, atua pīkoikoi)

collaborative learning skill Noun

pūkenga ako ngātahi (kupu kē atu: pūkenga ako ā-rōpū)

come out, coming out Noun, Transitive Verb, Intransitive Verb

whāki (hōkakatanga) ~na ~nga (takenga mai: whāki - to disclose, reveal)

communication skill Noun

pūkenga whakawhiti kōrero

competitive spirit Noun

wairua whakataetae

conceive, conception Noun, Intransitive Verb, Adjective

whakaira ~nga

concrete thinking Noun

whakaaro tūhāngai (takenga mai: tū - manner, stance; hāngai - correspond to, in line with, directly)

condom Noun

pūkoro (ure)

confident, confidence, brave, courage Noun, Intransitive Verb, Adjective

māia (kupu kē atu: ngākau titikaha)

conflicting emotion Noun

kare ā-roto taupatupatu

conform, conformist Intransitive Verb, Adjective, Noun

whanopiri (takenga mai: whano [whanonga] - behaviour; whano - e whai ana i tā te whanokē; piri - adherence, loyalty)

contented, serene, unruffled Intransitive Verb, Adjective

māoriori (kupu kē atu: mauri tau)

contraceptive patch Noun

piri āraihapū (takenga mai: piri - to stick, adhere; ārai hapū - contraceptive, birth control)

contraceptive, contraception, birth control Noun, Adjective

ārai hapū (takenga mai: ārai - to ward off, protect; hapū - pregnant)

conversion therapy, sexual conversion Noun

takahuri hōkakatanga (takenga mai: takahuri - to convert, change, switch; hōkakatanga - sexuality)

cot Noun

moenga kōhungahunga (takenga mai: moenga - bed; kōhungahunga - infant)

court, become lovers Transitive Verb

whakawhaiāipo ~hia (kupu kē atu: whakaipoipo)

cuddle, embrace, snuggle Noun, Transitive Verb

awhiawhi ~tia

cultural asset, cultural advantage Noun

huanga ahurea

cultural identity Noun

tuakiri ahurea

cultural influence Noun

awenga ahurea

cultural skill Noun

pūkenga ahurea

cultural stereotype Noun

arotoka ahurea

de-facto relationship Noun

piringa noa (kupu kē atu: moe māori)

deficit discourse Noun

kōrero aro takarepa (takenga mai: kōrero - discourse, talk, narrative; aro - to take heed, pay attention to, be inclined toward; takarepa - deficiency, flaw)

degenerate, decline in health Intransitive Verb

tipuheke (kupu kē atu: tupuheke, paheke)

delicacy specially prepared for a dying person Noun

ō matenga

denigrate, disparaging remarks, scorn Noun, Transitive Verb, Adjective

hahani ~tia

depend, dependency, rely on Noun, Transitive Verb

whakawhirinaki ~tia ~tanga

developmental disorder, developmental disability Noun

mate whanake

diaphragm (contraceptive) Noun

pātātea (takenga mai: pā - block up, obstruct; tātea - sperm)

dietary influence Noun

awenga whiringa kai

disabled, disability Noun, Intransitive Verb, Adjective

hauā (kupu kē atu: whaikaha, kopa)

disablism Noun, Adjective, Intransitive Verb

whakatoihara hauā (takenga mai: whakatoihara - discrimination, prejudice, intolerance; hauā - disabled) (kupu kē atu: aukatinga whaikaha)

disempower, disempowerment, disempowered Noun, Transitive Verb, Adjective

whakaeo ~tia ~tanga

disruptive behaviour Noun

whanonga whakatōhenehene (kupu kē atu: whanonga toheriri)

diverse, diversity, plural, pluralism Noun, Adjective

kanorau ~tanga (takenga mai: kano - colour, sort, kind, seed, texture; rau - many) (kupu kē atu: matahuhuatanga)

downstream (issues, effects etc) Adjective

reremuri (takenga mai: rere - to flow; muri - behind, coming after) (kupu kē atu: takamuri)

downstream effect Noun

hua reremuri (takenga mai: hua - outcome, product; rere - to flow; muri - behind, to come after) (kupu kē atu: hua takamuri)

dying breath, weakening breath Noun

manawa kiore

dying, close to death Intransitive Verb, Adjective


dysfunction, dysfunctional Noun, Intransitive Verb, Adjective

turingonge (takenga mai: turingongengonge - crippled, lame, malfunctioning)

effective listening, listen attentively Noun, Intransitive Verb

whakarongo pīkari

ejaculate, ejaculation Noun, Intransitive Verb

tuha ~ina

elder, old person, senior citizen, old age Noun, Intransitive Verb

kaumātua ~tanga (kupu kē atu: mātāpuputu, pēperekōu, ahungarua)

embarrassed, embarrassment, shamed, shame Noun, Intransitive Verb, Adjective

whakamā (kupu kē atu: māteatea, rōrī)

embryo Noun

kikiri (takenga mai: kikiri - begin to grow, as a child in the womb)

emotion Noun

kare ā-roto

emotional control, control of emotions Noun

taki kare ā-roto

emotional development Noun

whanake kare ā-roto

emotional development Noun

whanaketanga kare ā-roto

emotional disorder Noun, Intransitive Verb

mate kare ā-roto

emotional health Noun

hauora kare ā-roto

emotional maturity Noun

kōhure kare ā-roto

emotional suppression, bottle up emotions Noun, Intransitive Verb

pupuri kare ā-roto

emotional turmoil, confusion, confused, at a loss, stressed out Noun, Intransitive Verb, Adjective


emotionally stable Noun

kare ā-roto tūwhena (takenga mai: tū - to stand, set in place; whena - firm, steady)

emotionally unstable Noun

kare ā-roto tikoki

empathy, empathetic Noun, Transitive Verb, Adjective

ngākau aroha

empower, empowerment Noun, Transitive Verb, Adjective

whakamana ~hia ~tanga

enamoured, smitten, in love Transitive Verb, Adjective, Intransitive Verb


end of life tending and nursing, palliative tending and nursing Noun, Transitive Verb


entrepreneurial skill Noun

pūkenga rakahinonga

environmental influence Noun

awenga taiao

epididymis Noun

pōkai tātea (takenga mai: pōkai - coil, travel about; tātea - sperm)

erection Noun

ure tora (kupu kē atu: ure tū)

erotic dream, wet dream Noun, Intransitive Verb


erotic talk Noun, Intransitive Verb

kōrero tūkari (takenga mai: tūkari - lascivious, lustful, sensual)

essence, character Noun

exclude, exclusive, exclusion Noun, Intransitive Verb, Adjective, Transitive Verb

kaupare ~tia ~tanga (takenga mai: kaupare - to divert, turn aside)

facial herpes Noun

pāpaka kanohi

fallopian tube, oviduct Noun

pūkākano (takenga mai: pū - tube; kākano - ova, ovum, egg)

familial relationship Noun

hononga whānau

family dysfunction Noun

turingonge ā-whānau

family well-being Noun

oranga whānau

feeling Noun

aurongo (takenga mai: au - current; rongo - to sense, feel)

female reproductive organs, female genitals Noun

taihema wahine (kupu kē atu: taihema uwha)

fertile, fertility (of a person or animal) Noun, Intransitive Verb, Adjective

matahua (takenga mai: mata - e whai ana i te matapā mō te infertile; hua - fruit, progeny, offspring) (kupu kē atu: pukuhua)

fertilise, fertilisation (reproduction) Noun, Transitive Verb

whakatō ~ngia ~nga (takenga mai: whakatō – cause to conceive, plant, insert)

financial skill Noun

pūkenga ahumoni

fingering (sexual)

haumiri taihema

flexible thinking Noun, Intransitive Verb, Adjective

whakaaro herekore (takenga mai: here - to tie, restrict; kore - nil)

foetal membrane, amnion Noun


foetus Noun

kukune (takenga mai: kukune - to swell as pregnancy advances) (kupu kē atu: tōhua)

fontanelle Noun

koama (kupu kē atu: tamomo, pūmotomoto)

foreplay (sexual) Noun, Intransitive Verb

whakareka takamua (takenga mai: rekareka - pleasant, enjoyable; rekareka - orgasm; takamua - forward, to the front) (kupu kē atu: rekareka takamori)

foreskin Noun

kirimata (kupu kē atu: pahuhu, kiri matamata)

formal relationship Noun

hononga ōkawa

gender Noun

ira ~tanga

gender characteristic Noun

āhuatanga ā-ira

gender discrimination, sexism Noun, Intransitive Verb, Adjective

whakatoihara ā-ira (kupu kē atu: aukatinga ā-ira)

gender diverse, gender diversity Noun, Adjective


gender dysphoria Noun

auhi ā-ira (takenga mai: auhi - distressed, distraught, anguish)

gender expression Noun

whakapuaki iratanga

gender identity Noun

tuakiri ā-ira

gender stereotype Noun

arotoka ā-ira

gender therapy Noun

haumanu ā-ira

genderfluid Noun, Adjective

irarere (takenga mai: rere - to flow; rere [rerekē] - different, changed) (kupu kē atu: irahuri)

genderqueer, queer Noun, Adjective


genealogical relationship, kin relationship Noun

hononga whakapapa

genital area Noun

paehema (takenga mai: pae - vicinity; hema [taihemahema] - sexual organs)

genital herpes Noun

pāpaka taihema

genital lice, pubic lice Noun

kutu taihema

genital surgery Noun

hāpara taihema

genital wart Noun

tona taihema

geriatric health Noun

hauora mātāpuputu

gibberish, talk unintelligibly Intransitive Verb, Adjective, Noun


goal setting Noun, Intransitive Verb

whakatakoto whāinga (kupu kē atu: whakatau whāinga)

gonorrhoea, clap, venereal disease Noun

pakiwhara (kupu kē atu: konoria [kupu mino])

grumpy, irritable, irascible, short-tempered Noun, Intransitive Verb, Adjective

āritarita (kupu kē atu: ngutu komekome, pukukino, whanewhane, hēmanawa)

gynacologist Noun

mātanga arowahine

health barrier, barrier to health Noun

taupā hauora

healthy choice Noun

kōwhiringa ora

herpes Noun


heterosexual Noun, Adjective

piriaro (takenga mai: piri - be attached to; aro [tauaro] - opposite) (kupu kē atu: taearo)

high self-esteem Noun

kiritau kaha

holistic health Noun

hauora torowhārahi (takenga mai: toro - to extend; whārahi - wide, broad) (kupu kē atu: hauora tukupū)

holistic well-being, holistic wellness Noun

oranga torowhārahi (takenga mai: toro - to extend; whārahi - broad, wide) (kupu kē atu: oranga tukupū)

homosexual, gay, lesbian Noun, Adjective


hope, hopeful, desire Noun, Transitive Verb, Adjective

tōmina ~hia (kupu kē atu: awhero, ingo)

hopeful, hope, wishful Noun, Transitive Verb, Adjective

awhero ~hia

hormonal contraceptive Noun

āraihapū taiaki

hormonal gland Noun

repe taiaki

hormonal system, endocrine system Noun

pūnaha taiaki

hormone Noun

taiaki (takenga mai: tai - prefix with qualifying force; aki [akiaki] - to urge on)

hormone treatment Noun

rongoā taiaki

hospice Noun

puni pairuri (takenga mai: puni - encampment; pairuri - palliative care) (kupu kē atu: puni whakaahuru, hōhipera pairuri, whare pairuri)

human development Noun

whanake tangata

human life cycle Noun

huringa ora tangata

hymen Noun


identity Noun


identity crisis Noun

tairaru tuakiri

identity oppression Noun

tāmi tuakiri

identity theft Noun

whānako tuakiri

immature, undeveloped Noun, Intransitive Verb, Adjective


impetuous, reckless, fierce Noun, Intransitive Verb, Adjective


implant, implantation Noun, Transitive Verb


in vitro fertilisation, IVF Noun

whakatōnga mōwaho

inclusion, inclusive, inclusiveness Noun, Adjective, Transitive Verb

kauawhi ~tia ~tanga (takenga mai: kauawhi - to embrace)

infant, toddler Noun, Intransitive Verb

kōhungahunga (kupu kē atu: nohinohi, kōngahungahu)

infertile, infertility (of an organism) Noun, Intransitive Verb, Adjective

matapā (kupu kē atu: pukupā)

inflexible thinking Noun

whakaaro whakaioio (takenga mai: whakaioio - obdurate, inflexible, intransigent)

influence Noun, Transitive Verb

whakaaweawe ~tia (kupu kē atu: awenga)

informal relationship Noun

hononga ōpaki

informed decision making Noun

whakatatū take i runga i te mōhio

inherited potential Noun

pitomata tuku iho

intergenerational dysfunction, generational dysfunction Noun

turingonge tuku iho

interpersonal skill Noun

pūkenga pāhekoheko (takenga mai: pāhekoheko - to interact) (kupu kē atu: pūkenga taunekeneke)

intersex Noun, Adjective


intervene, intervention Noun, Adjective, Intransitive Verb

hāpaiora (takenga mai: hāpai - to uplift, support; ora - wellness)

intervention strategy Noun

rautaki hāpaiora (takenga mai: hāpai - to uplift; ora - well-being)

intimate relationship Noun

hononga taupiri

intra-uterine device Noun

rore āraihapū (takenga mai: rore - ensnare, impede; ārai hapū - contraceptive)

invincible, fearlessness, adventuresome Noun, Intransitive Verb, Adjective

mātātoa ~tanga (takenga mai: mātātoa - to be fearless, unafraid, undaunted)

itch, itchy, irritation Noun, Intransitive Verb, Adjective

torotiti (kupu kē atu: toretiti, mangeo, māngeongeo)

jealous, jealousy, envious, envy Noun, Intransitive Verb, Adjective

harawene (kupu kē atu: tūāhae, pūhaehae, wene, tarahae)

kiss, kissing, smooch, smooching Noun, Intransitive Verb, Transitive Verb

kihikihi (takenga mai: he kupu mino)

labour (birth) Noun, Intransitive Verb, Adjective


last words, parting speech Noun


leadership skill Noun

pūkenga kaiārahi (kupu kē atu: pūkenga hautū)

leisure, enjoyment, entertainment, recreation Noun, Intransitive Verb, Adjective


life education Noun

akoranga noho ora (kupu kē atu: akoranga whaiora)

life skill Noun

pūkenga noho ora (kupu kē atu: pūkenga whai ora)

lifelong learning skill Noun

pūkenga ako taumano

lifestyle choice Noun

kōwhiringa kātū noho

lip balm Noun

hinu ngutu

listless, lacking energy, spiritless, lacking vitality, unenergetic Noun, Intransitive Verb, Adjective

korou-kore (kupu kē atu: ngoikore, korou mate, haumate)

logical thinking Noun

whakaaro arorau (takenga mai: aro - to consider, take heed; rau - many)

love, loving, sympathy, sympathetic, empathy, empathetic, compassion Noun, Transitive Verb, Adjective

aroha (kupu kē atu: ngākau aroha)

lover Noun

kairoro (kupu kē atu: tahu, ipo, makau)

low self-esteem Noun

kiritau ngoikore (takenga mai: ngoikore - weak, listless, lacking)

lust, ardour, lusting Noun, Transitive Verb, Intransitive Verb

mate kanehe (takenga mai: mate - to be overcome; kanehe - desire, affection) (kupu kē atu: pohane)

male reproductive organs, male genitals (human) Noun

taihema tāne (kupu kē atu: taihema toa)

marginalise, belittle, marginalisation Noun, Transitive Verb, Adjective

whakaparahako ~tia ~tanga

masturbate, masturbation (female) Noun, Intransitive Verb


masturbate, masurbation (male) Noun, Intransitive Verb

tītoi (kupu kē atu: tītoitoi)

mature thinking, formal operational Noun

whakaaro kōhure (takenga mai: kōhure - development of a tree or plant to maturity)

mature, maturity Noun, Intransitive Verb, Adjective

kōhure (takenga mai: kōhure - development of a tree or plant to maturity) (kupu kē atu: taipakeke)

menarche, first menstruation Noun

kōhinetanga (takenga mai: kōhine - female adolescent)

menopause Noun

ruahinetanga (kupu kē atu: tūpātanga)

menstrual cup Noun

ipu ikura

menstrual cycle Noun

ikura wahine (kupu kē atu: ikura ā-marama, mate marama, mate wahine, awa o te atua)

menstruation, period Noun

rerenga ikura (wahine) (kupu kē atu: mate wahine, ikura ā-marama)

mental health Noun

hauora hinengaro

midwife Noun

tapuhi whakawhānau

mind Noun


mindful, mindfulness Noun, Intransitive Verb

taumārire (takenga mai: tau - to be settled; mārire - gently, silently, completely, deliberately; mārire - to be peaceful)

miscarriage Noun, Intransitive Verb


mood Noun


nature and nurture Noun

(te) tuku iho me te poipoi (takenga mai: tuku iho - handed down, inherited; poipoi - to nurture)

navel, umbilical cord (the end attached to the child) Noun


negative attitude, ill-disposed Noun, Transitive Verb, Adjective

ngākaukino (kupu kē atu: waiaro whakakino)

negative emotion Noun

kare ā-roto matakawa (takenga mai: matakawa - distasteful, dislike)

negative stereotype Noun

arotoka whakakino (takenga mai: whakakino - disapprove of, malign)

neglect, leave destitute Noun, Transitive Verb

whakahapa ~tia (kupu kē atu: whakangongo)

neonatal Noun, Adjective

piripoho hou

neonatal service Noun

ratonga piripoho hou

neonatal specialist Noun

mātanga piripoho hou

neonatal unit Noun

taiwhanga piripoho hou (takenga mai: taiwhanga - place, locality; piripoho - newborn, neonatal)

newborn, postnatal Noun, Adjective

piripoho (takenga mai: piri - to be close; poho - chest, bosom, seat of affections) (kupu kē atu: pēpē [kupu mino], pēpi [kupu mino])

non-binary gender Noun, Adjective

ira tāhūrua-kore

nonconforming, nonconformist Noun, Intransitive Verb, Adjective

whanokē (takenga mai: whanokē - peculiar, different, odd)

nurtured potential, developed potential Noun

pitomata poipoi

obese, fat Intransitive Verb, Adjective

mōmona (kupu kē atu: kutere)

object of affection, person someone is in love with Noun

kaitokomauri (kupu kē atu: makau, tau)

oestrogen Noun

taiaki uwha

old age, old person Adjective, Noun

ahungarua (kupu kē atu: hirinaki, pēperekōu)

online relationship Noun

hononga tuihono

opposite sex Noun

taihema tauaro

optimistic, optimism Noun, Intransitive Verb, Adjective

ngākau rorotu (kupu kē atu: mariu)

oral sex Noun, Intransitive Verb

ai waha

orgasm Noun, Intransitive Verb

tokomauri (kupu kē atu: rekareka)

ovary Noun


overweight, chubby, fat Intransitive Verb, Adjective

pukunati (kupu kē atu: kunekune, katete)

ovulate, ovulation Noun, Intransitive Verb


ovum, seed Noun


paediatric health, child health Noun

hauora mātātahi (kupu kē atu: hauora arotamariki)

paediatrics Noun

mātai mātātahi (takenga mai: mātai - to inspect, examine; mātai - study ~ology; mātātahi - young people) (kupu kē atu: mātai arotamariki)

palliative care Noun

pairuri (takenga mai: pairuri - solicitude) (kupu kē atu: mohimohi whakahemohemo, mohi whakahemo)

palliative care specialist Noun

mātanga pairuri

palliative caregiver Noun

kaimohi pairuri (takenga mai: mohi [mohimohi] - to tend, nurse, care for)

parasitic disease, illness cause by a parasite Noun

mate pirinoa

parental guidance Noun

akoako mātua

parental pressure Noun

pēhanga mātua

pash, pashing, petting Noun, Intransitive Verb


peer influence Noun

awenga aropā (takenga mai: aropā - clump of one species of tree)

peer pressure Noun

pēhanga aropā (kupu kē atu: pēhanga ā-hoa)

peer relationship Noun

hononga aropā

penis Noun


period pain, menstrual pain Noun

kōharihari ikura (wahine)

period underpants Noun

tarau ikura

permanency, constancy Noun


personal hygiene Noun

akuaku whaiaro

personal identity Noun

tuakiri whaiaro

personal safety Noun

haumaru whaiaro

personality Noun

haukiri (takenga mai: hau - vitality of a person; hau - breath, wind; kiri - person, self) (kupu kē atu: āhua whaiaro)

physical bullying Noun

whakaweti ā-tinana

physical development Noun

whanake tinana

physical maturity Noun

kōhure tinana

physical well-being Noun

oranga tinana

pituitary gland Noun

repe tupu (takenga mai: tupu - to grow, growth)

placenta Noun


porn, pornography, pornographic Noun, Adjective

karihika (takenga mai: karihika - lewd, erotic)

pornography addiction, porn addiction Noun, Intransitive Verb

wara karihika

positive attitude, favourably disposed Noun, Transitive Verb, Adjective


positive choice Noun

kōwhiringa angitu (takenga mai: angitu - success, fortunate)

positive emotion Noun

kare ā-roto matareka (takenga mai: matareka - pleasant, affable)

positive stereotype Noun

arotoka whakapai (takenga mai: whakapai - to approve of, compliment, commend)

positive thought, positive thinking Noun

whakaaro angitu (takenga mai: angitu - fortunate, successful) (kupu kē atu: whakaaro pai)

potential Noun

pitomata (takenga mai: pito mata - uncooked portion [of kūmara that can be replanted having the potential to produce many more kūmara]) (kupu kē atu: pūmanawa nohopuku)

pre-menstrual syndrome, PMS Noun

mate ikura takamua (takenga mai: mate - illness, condition, syndrome; ikura [ikura wahine] - menstruation; taka - to come around, as in a date or period of time; mua - in front of, before)

pregnant, with child, pregnancy Noun, Intransitive Verb, Adjective

hapū ~tanga

premature baby Noun

tamaiti kokoti tau

premature birth Noun, Intransitive Verb

whānau kokoti tau (takenga mai: whānau - to be born; kokoti tau [tamaiti kokoti tau] - premature baby)

prenatal disorder, fetal disorder Noun

mate kukune (kupu kē atu: mate pirikōpū)

preoperational Noun, Adjective

tūhāngai tōmua (takenga mai: tū - type, manner; hāngai - correspond to, in line with, directly; tūhāngai [whakaaro tūhāngai] - concrete thinking; tōmua - early)

principle Noun


problem solving skill Noun

pūkenga whakaoti rapanga

progesterone Noun

taiaki tūmua (takenga mai: tūmua - precede)

puberty Noun


pubes Noun

puke (huruhuru)

quality of life Noun

kounga (o te) ora

racial stereotype

arotoka ā-iwi (kupu kē atu: arotoka mātāwaka)

racist stereotype Noun

arotoka kaikiri

rainbow community Noun

hapori āniwaniwa

raise (a child), upbringing Noun, Transitive Verb

whakapakeke ~tia (kupu kē atu: whakatipu, whakatupu)

relationship, attachment, establish relationship Noun, Transitive Verb

whakawhanaunga ~tanga

relationship, connection Noun

hononga (kupu kē atu: whakapiringa, piringa)

reproduce, reproduction Noun, Intransitive Verb

whakaputa uri

reproductive organs, sexual organs Noun

taihema, taihemahema

reproductive system Noun

pūnaha whakaputa uri

resilient, resilience Noun, Intransitive Verb, Adjective


ridicule, jeer, taunt, unkind teasing Noun, Transitive Verb, Adjective

tāwai ~tia

risk factor Noun

pūtake tūraru (takenga mai: pūtake - origin, source, cause, reason; tūraru - risk)

risk management Noun, Intransitive Verb

whakahaere tūraru

risk taker Noun

manawa kai tūraru (takenga mai: manawa - heart; kai - to consume; tūraru - risk; E whai ana i te 'manawa kai tūtae'.)

risk, at risk Noun, Intransitive Verb, Adjective

tūraru (takenga mai: tū [tūponotanga] - chance; raru - trouble, problem, difficulty)

safe sex Noun

ai haumaru

safe, secure, safety, security Noun, Intransitive Verb, Adjective


same sex Noun

taihema ōrite

sanitary pad Noun

kope ikura

scab, scabby Noun, Intransitive Verb, Adjective

whekewheke (kupu kē atu: tongako, wenewene)

scabies Noun

waihakihaki (kupu kē atu: hakihaki, kōpukupuku)

screen addiction Noun, Intransitive Verb

wara mata

scrotum Noun

pūkoro raho (takenga mai: pūkoro - pocket, pouch; raho - testes)

seat of emotions, heart, mind Noun


self-awareness, personal perception Noun

tūoho whaiaro (takenga mai: tū - position, stance; oho - awake, be aroused [of feelings])

self-belief Noun

whakapono whaiaro

self-esteem, self-respect, self-worth Noun

kiritau (takenga mai: kiri - person, self; tau - to be settled)

self-image Noun

ata whaiaro (takenga mai: ata - image, reflected image; whaiaro - person, self)

self-management skills Noun

pūkenga auāki (takenga mai: au - I, me; āki - to encourage, urge on) (kupu kē atu: pūkenga taki whaiaro)

self-neglect, personal neglect Noun

whakahapa whaiaro

self-respect, self-love Noun

rata whaiaro (takenga mai: rata - to like; whaiaro - personal)

semen Noun

waitātea (takenga mai: wai - fluid; tātea - sperm)

seminal vesicle Noun

pū waitātea (takenga mai: pū - source, origin; waitātea - semen)

sensorimotor Adjective

rongonuku (takenga mai: rongo - to sense, feel; nuku - to move)

settled, composed, serene, calm Noun, Intransitive Verb

mauri tau (kupu kē atu: māoriori)

sex addiction Noun, Intransitive Verb

wara ai

sex characteristic Noun

āhuatanga taihema

sex hormone, reproductive hormone Noun

taiaki taihemahema

sex talk Noun, Intransitive Verb

kōrero hemahema

sexual activity, sexually active Noun, Intransitive Verb, Adjective

mahi hōkaka

sexual arousal Noun

nanawe taihema (takenga mai: nanawe - aroused, stimulated, excited; taihema [taihemahema] - sexual organs) (kupu kē atu: whakaoho taihema)

sexual desire, sexual attraction Noun


sexual desire, sexual attraction Noun, Transitive Verb

hōkaka ~ina ~tanga (kupu kē atu: taera)

sexual development Noun

whanake taihema

sexual dysfunction Noun

turingonge taihema

sexual fluidity, sexually fluid Noun, Adjective

hōkakarere (takenga mai: rere - to flow; rere [rerekē] - different, changed) (kupu kē atu: taera hurihuri)

sexual health Noun

hauora taihemahema

sexual intercourse, love-making, copulate, sex Noun, Intransitive Verb, Transitive Verb

ai ~tia ~tanga (kupu kē atu: tōkai, ekeeke, onioni, pīkonikoni, mahimahi)

sexual orientation Noun

aronga hōkaka (kupu kē atu: aronga taera)

sexual partner Noun

hoa ai (kupu kē atu: hoa onioni)

sexual pleasure Noun

rekareka taihema

sexual relationship Noun

hononga tauonioni

sexuality Noun


sexuality development Noun

whanake hōkakatanga

sexually transmitted disease, STD, venereal disease Noun

mate paipai (kupu kē atu: pakiwhara, kōtureture)

shy, bashful, reserved, self-conscious Noun, Intransitive Verb, Adjective

konekone (kupu kē atu: numinumi)

skill, skilled, expert Noun, Adjective, Intransitive Verb


social bullying Noun

whakaweti pāpori

social condition, social disability Noun, Intransitive Verb

mate pāpori

social conditioning Noun

whakaū poripori (takenga mai: whakaū - to make firm, establish, reinforce; poripori [whakaporipori] - socialisation; pori [pāpori] - social)

social development Noun

whanake tahapori (takenga mai: taha - side, aspect; pori [pāpori] - social) (kupu kē atu: whanake pāpori)

social influence Noun

awenga pāpori

social media influence Noun

awenga pāhopori

social pressure Noun

pēhanga pāpori (kupu kē atu: whakawhere pāpori)

social skill Noun

pūkenga pāpori

socialise, socialisation Noun, Transitive Verb

whakaporipori ~tia ~tanga (takenga mai: whaka - causative prefix; pori [pāpori] - social)

sperm Noun


sperm duct, vas deferens Noun

ara tātea (takenga mai: ara - pathway; tātea - sperm) (kupu kē atu: pū tātea)

spiritual well-being Noun

oranga wairua

spotting Noun

māturu toto (takenga mai: māturu - to drip, trickle; toto - blood)

stage of development Noun

kōeke whanaketanga (takenga mai: kōeke - level; whanake - to develop) (kupu kē atu: tūāwhanake, kaupae whanaketanga)

stereotype, stereotypical Noun, Adjective, Transitive Verb

arotoka ~ngia (takenga mai: aro - take heed of, be inclined toward; aro [whakaaro] - thought; toka - rock, be firm) (kupu kē atu: kiritoka)

stillborn baby Noun


stillborn, stillbirth Noun, Intransitive Verb, Adjective


stroke affectionately, caress Transitive Verb, Noun

haumiri ~a

support, embrace, hug Noun, Transitive Verb

tauawhi ~tia (kupu kē atu: awhiawhi)

syphilis Noun


systemic barrier Noun

taupā toronaha (takenga mai: toro - to stretch forth, extend; naha [pūnaha] - system)

talent, natural talent Noun


tampon Noun

puru taiawa

terrify, threaten, intimidate, frighten, terror, threat, intimidation Noun, Transitive Verb, Adjective

whakawehi ~a (kupu kē atu: whakamataku)

testes, testicle Noun

raho (kupu kē atu: hekeri)

testosterone Noun

taiaki tāne

time management Noun, Intransitive Verb

whakahaere wā

transgender, trans Noun, Adjective


transition, transitioning Noun, Intransitive Verb

whakawhiti ~nga

transphobia Noun

mae irawhiti

tribal identity Noun

tuakiri ā-iwi

tubal sterilisation, tubal ligation, tied tubes Noun

kotinga pūkākano (takenga mai: koti - to interrupt, cut off; pūkākano - fallopian tube)

umbilical cord Noun

iho (kupu kē atu: tāngaengae, uho)

umbilical cord (the end attached to the mother) Noun


uncomfortable, uneasy, uneasiness, anxious Noun, Intransitive Verb

anipā (kupu kē atu: manawarau)

unease, uneasy, disquiet Noun, Intransitive Verb, Adjective

pāihi (kupu kē atu: pairi)

uniform, uniformity, homogeneous Noun, Adjective

kanorite (takenga mai: kano - colour, sort, kind, seed, texture; rite - be alike)

unique, uniqueness Noun, Adjective

tūhāhā (kupu kē atu: rongomaiwhiti, āhua ake, āhua motuhake)

untrue story, false information Noun

kōrero tipatipa

upstream, early (actions, factors etc) Adjective

reremua (takenga mai: rere - to flow; mua - before, in front of) (kupu kē atu: takamua)

vagina Noun

tara (kupu kē atu: tenetene, puketona, tore, teke)

vaginal sex Noun, Intransitive Verb

ai tara

vaginal yeast infection, Candida, vaginal thrush Noun

īhitara (takenga mai: īhi - yeast; tara - vagina)

value, values Noun, Transitive Verb

uara ~tia

vital essence, life force, source of emotions Noun


vitality Noun

hau (kupu kē atu: korou, ngoi)

vitality, energy Noun

korou (kupu kē atu: hau, ngoi)

vulva Noun


well-being, wellness Noun


womb, uterus Noun

kōpū (kupu kē atu: whare tangata)

worry, worried, anxiety, anxious, uneasy Noun, Intransitive Verb, Adjective

āwangawanga (kupu kē atu: māharahara, anipā, mānatunatu, mānakanaka, manawa pā)