Ko te tū, ko te mahi a te hapori, a te whenua whānui, a tētahi rōpū rānei, kia whai wāhi mai ai ōna tāngata katoa ki ngā painga, ki ngā rawa, ki ngā mahi o taua hapori, o taua whenua, o taua rōpū rānei, kia whai reo anō ai ki te āhua o ngā whakahaere.
The position and actions of a community, of a country or group to ensure that all of their people can participate in and have access to the benefits, the resources and activities of that community, country or group, and have a voice in how things are managed.
kauawhi - to embrace
Mā roto i ngā whakahaere o te hapori kauawhi e māmā ake ai te noho o te tangata pōhara.
Ahakoa ko wai te ākonga, ahakoa ōna āhuatanga motuhake, he mea nui kia kauawhitia ia i roto i ngā whakahaere a te kura.
He aha e kīia ai tētahi mahi he mahi kauawhi i roto i te ao hauora?