Ko te matenga o te kukune, o te kikiri rānei i roto i te kōpū o te whaea, mai i te whakatōnga tae atu ki te wiki 20 o te hapūtanga. Ki tua atu i te wiki 20 o te hapūtanga, ka kīia he materoto.
The death of a foetus or embryo in the mother’s womb, any time from conception up to the 20th week of pregnancy. Beyond the 20th week of pregnancy it is called a stillbirth.
Kei roto i tōna whānau tēnei mea te tahe, koia rā te take e āta tiakina ana ia e tōna hoa.
Ko te toto o te tara, te ngau o te puku me te mamae o te tiraki ētahi tohu o te tahe.
Ko te nuinga o ngā tahe māori ka hua ake i mua i te wiki tuawaru o te hapūtanga.