Environmental Care, Zero Waste / Manaaki Taiao, Para Kore

English → Māori

A list of words relating to environmental care and waste, including reducing and eliminating waste in order to care for all of the environments of Papatūānuku and Ranginui.

He rārangi kupu e pā ana ki te para me te tiaki taiao, tae atu ki ngā kaupapa whakaiti, whakakore i te para, e ora tonu ai a Papatūānuku, a Ranginui, me ō rāua taiao katoa.

aerobic Noun, Adjective

ā-hāora (takenga mai: ā – after the manner of; hāora – oxygen)

agricultural waste Noun

para ahuwhenua

air pollution Noun

parahanga hau

aluminium Noun

konumohe (tohu: Al) (takenga mai: konu [konganuku] - metal; mohe - soft) (kupu kē atu: aruminiama [kupu mino])

aluminium foil Noun

raukonu (takenga mai: rau - leaf; rau [rautao] - leaves for wrapping food in a hāngi; konu [konumohe] - aluminium)

anaerobic Noun, Adjective


anthropogenic climate change, human caused climate change Noun

āhuarangi hurihuri pūtangata (takenga mai: pū - cause, origin; tangata - people)

aquatic environment Noun

taiao wai

aquifer Noun

mātāwainuku (takenga mai: mātā [mātāpuna] - source; wainuku - groundwater)

arsenic Noun

ahiniki (takenga mai: He kupu mino) (kupu kē atu: ahineke)

battery Noun

pūhiko (takenga mai: pū – origin, source; hiko – electricity)

biochemical Noun

matū koiora

biochemistry Noun

mātai matū koiora

biodegradable, decay Noun, Adjective

pōpopo (takenga mai: pōpopo – rotten, decayed, worm-eaten)

biodiesel Noun

hinuheu koiora

bioethics Noun

matatika koiora (takenga mai: matatika – right, straight; koiora – biology)

biofuel Noun

kora koiora

biogas Noun

haurehu koiora

biomass Noun

papatipu koiora

biosolid Noun

totoka koiora

brass Noun

kuratea (takenga mai: kura [konukura] – copper; tea [konutea] – zinc)

built environment Noun

taiao hanga

Close the Loop, sustainable process Noun

tukanga toitū (takenga mai: tukanga – process; toitū – sustainable)

carbon cycle Noun

hurihanga waro

carbon dioxide Noun

hauhā (tohu: CO2)

carbon dioxide Noun

waro hāora-rua (tohu: CO2) (kupu kē atu: hauhā, kāpona ōkai-rua [kupu mino])

carbon footprint Noun

tapuwae waro

carbon monoxide Noun

waro hāora-tahi (tohu: CO) (kupu kē atu: haukino, kāpona ōkai-tahi [kupu mino])

carbon monoxide Noun

haukino (tohu: CO) (takenga mai: hau [haurehu] – gas; kino – bad) (kupu kē atu: waro hāora-tahi, kāpona ōkai-tahi [kupu mino])

carbon sink Noun

putunga waro (takenga mai: putunga - heap, stack, storage; waro - carbon)

carbon steel Noun

maitai waronui (takenga mai: maitai - steel; waro - carbon; nui - big)

carbon tax Noun

tāke waro

carbon, coal Noun


carbon-zero, carbon neutral Noun, Adjective

tukuwaro-kore (takenga mai: tuku - to release; waro - carbon; kore - zero, nil)

cardboard Noun

pepa mārō

chemical property Noun

āhuatanga matū

chemical structure Noun

hanga matū

chemical treatment (e.g. of sewage) Noun

whakatika ā-matū

chemical waste Noun

para matū

chemistry Noun

mātai matū (takenga mai: mātai – inspect, examine; matū – matter, chemical)

chlorofluorocarbon Noun

mākōwaro (whakapotonga: CFC) (takenga mai: mā [haumāota] – chlorine; kō [haukōwhai] – fluorine; waro – carbon)

circular economy Noun

ōhanga āmiomio

clean computing, eco-friendly computing, environmentally friendly computing Noun

mahi rorohiko tautaiao (takenga mai: tau - befitting, calm, settled; tau [tautiaki] - to care for; taiao - environment)

climate Noun

āhuarangi (takenga mai: āhua – form, appearance, character; rangi – sky, heavens, upper regions)

climate change Noun

āhuarangi hurihuri

climate crisis Noun

tairaru āhuarangi

climate justice Noun

huatika āhuarangi (takenga mai: hua - outcome, result; tika - correct, just) (kupu kē atu: tika āhuarangi)

climate refugee Noun

rerenga āhuarangi

clothe, clothing, garment Noun, Transitive Verb

kākahu ~ria (kupu kē atu: kahu, kaka, pūeru, weru)

clothing, garment, fashion Noun

pūeru (kupu kē atu: kahu, kaka, kākahu)

commercial waste, trade waste Noun

para tauhokohoko

compost Noun

wairākau (takenga mai: wairākau – manure)

concrete Noun

raima (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)

confined aquifer Noun

mātāwainuku hamaruru (takenga mai: mātā [mātāpuna] - source; wainuku - groundwater; hamaruru - to shut in, confine, restrict)

confined aquifer Noun

mātāwainuku hamaruru (takenga mai: mātā [mātāpuna] - source; wainuku - groundwater; hamaruru - to shut in, confine, restrict)

conservation of energy Noun

pūmau o te pūngao

conserve, conservation Noun, Transitive Verb, Adjective

whāomoomo ~tia ~tanga (takenga mai: whāomoomo - to conserve, husband, use sparingly) (kupu kē atu: whakauka)

construction waste Noun

para hangahanga

consume, consumption, consumerism Noun, Transitive Verb

whakapeto ~hia ~nga

consumer power Noun

mana kiritaki

consumer responsibility Noun

haepapa kaiwhakapeto

contaminate, contamination Noun, Adjective, Transitive Verb

tāhawa, tāhawahawa ~tia (takenga mai: tāhawahawa - contaminate with something tapu)

contaminated soil Noun

one hawa (takenga mai: one - soil; hawa [tāhawahawa] - to contaminate)

contaminated water Noun

wai hawa (takenga mai: hawa [tāhawahawa] - to contaminate)

cooking appliance Noun

pūrere tao

copper Noun

konukura (tohu: Cu) (takenga mai: konu [konganuku] - metal; kura - red ochre) (kupu kē atu: kapa [kupu mino])

corrugated iron Noun

rino kōwakawaka (takenga mai: kōwakawaka - grooved, fluted)

cross-contamination Noun

tāhawa whitiwhiti (takenga mai: tāhawahawa - to contaminate; whitiwhiti - to transfer, exchange, swap)

crude oil Noun

hinu māori

decompose Noun, Intransitive Verb, Adjective

popo (takenga mai: popo – rotten, decayed, worm eaten)

decomposer Noun


deep aquifer, artesian bore Noun

puna manawa whenua

despoil, pollute, defile, pollution Noun, Adjective, Transitive Verb

whakapoke ~a ~nga

detritus Noun

toenga whakapopo (takenga mai: toenga - left overs; whakapopo - cause to rot or decay)

dioxin Noun

taioke (takenga mai: oke [tāoke] - toxic; taioke - he kupu mino)

dispose of, disposable Intransitive Verb, Adjective

porowhiu ~a (kupu kē atu: ākiri)

domestic waste, household waste Noun

para kāinga

downcycle Noun, Transitive Verb, Adjective

hangararo ~tia (takenga mai: hanga [hangarua] - recycle; raro - down)

dry battery Noun

pūhiko maroke

e-waste Noun

īpara (takenga mai: ī - he rite te whakahua ki te pū Ingarihi nei, te 'e' mō te electronic; para - waste) (kupu kē atu: para tāhiko)

eco lifestyle, green lifestyle, green living Noun, Intransitive Verb

(kātū) noho tautaiao (kupu kē atu: [kātū] noho kāriki)

eco-farm, eco-farming Noun, Intransitive Verb

pāmu tautaiao

eco-house Noun

whare tautaiao

eco-product Noun

taonga tautaiao (takenga mai: taonga - property, goods, object; tau - befitting, calm, settled; taiao - environment; tautaiao - environmentally friendly)

eco-product Noun

hautaonga tautaiao

eco~, environmentally friendly Adjective, Intransitive Verb

tautaiao (takenga mai: tau [tautoko] - to support; tau – befitting, calm, settled; taiao – environment)

electric motor Noun

pūkaha hiko

electrical device, appliance Noun

pūrere hiko

electronic waste, e-waste Noun

para tāhiko (kupu kē atu: ī-para)

enclosed incineration Noun

tūmata kōpani (takenga mai: tūmata - to burn, incinerate; kōpani - enclosed)

energy recovery Noun, Intransitive Verb

taumanu pūngao (takenga mai: taumanu - to take possession of, repossess, reclaim) (kupu kē atu: unu pūngao)

environment Noun


environmental abuse Noun

tūkino taiao

environmental controversy Noun

tautohe taiao

environmental crisis Noun

tairaru taiao

environmental disaster Noun

aituā taiao

environmental exploitation Noun

kaiapo taiao

environmental impact Noun

pāpātanga taiao

environmental policy Noun

kaupapahere taiao

environmental protection, environmental safeguard Noun

whakamaru taiao

environmental racism Noun

kaikiri taiao

environmental risk Noun

tūraru taiao

environmental well-being Noun

oranga taiao

ethical aspect Noun

āhuatanga matatika

ethical controversy, moral controversy Noun

tautohe matatika

ethical convention Noun

tikanga matatika

ethical dilemma, moral dilemma Noun

matawaenga matatika

ethical fashion, ethical clothing Noun

pūeru matatika

ethical investment, responsible investment Noun

haumitanga matatika

ethical lifestyle, ethical living Noun, Intransitive Verb

(kātū) noho matatika

ethical living Noun

noho matatika

ethical practice Noun

ritenga matatika (takenga mai: ritenga - customary practice, habit, the normal way of doing things)

ethical product Noun

hautaonga matatika

ethical production Noun

whakaputa matatika

ethical standard, moral standard Noun

paerewa matatika

ethical trade, fair trade Noun

tauhoko matatika

ethics, ethical, moral, morality Noun, Adjective

matatika (takenga mai: matatika - right, straight)

fabric, material, cloth, textile Noun

papanga (takenga mai: papanga rua - two-fold, of fabric)

ferrous metal Noun

konganuku whai rino

fibreglass Noun

kaka kōata (takenga mai: kaka – fibre; kōata – glass)

flammable gas Noun

haurehu muramura (kupu kē atu: haumura)

flammable waste Noun

para muramura

fluorescent bulb Noun

pūrama kōrekoreko (takenga mai: pūrama – light bulb; kōrekoreko – dazzle)

food recovery, food rescue Noun, Intransitive Verb

taumanu kai (takenga mai: taumanu - take possession of, repossess, reclaim) (kupu kē atu: pena kai)

food sustainability Noun

toitūtanga kai

food waste Noun

para kai

fossil fuel Noun

koranehe (takenga mai: kora - fuel; nehe - ancient times)

frosted glass Noun

kōata hukahuka

fuel Noun


fuel oil Noun


garden waste, plant waste, green waste Noun

para tipu (kupu kē atu: para māra)

gas Noun

haurehu (takenga mai: hau – wind, air; rehu – haze, mist, spray, fine dust)

gaseous waste Noun

para haurehu

gaseous waste Noun

para haurehu

glass Noun

karāhe (kupu kē atu: kōata, karaehe)

glass Noun

kōata (takenga mai: kōata [kōataata] - transparent) (kupu kē atu: karāhe)

global warming Noun

mahana haere o te ao

green architecture Noun

hoahoa whare kāriki

green culture Noun

ahurea kāriki

green energy Noun

pūngao kāriki

green house, green home

whare kāriki

green infrastructure Noun

tūāhanga kāriki

green product, green goods Noun

hautaonga kāriki

green production Noun

whakaputa kāriki

green scheme Noun

kaupapa kāriki

green waste Noun

para tipu

greenhouse effect Noun

kati mahana (takenga mai: kati - close in, barrier, trap; mahana - warm)

greenhouse gas Noun

haurehu kati mahana (takenga mai: haurehu – gas; kati – close in, barrier, trap; mahana – warm)

greenwash, greenwashing Noun, Intransitive Verb, Adjective

nukakāriki (takenga mai: nuka - to decieve, dupe, mislead; kāriki - green)

groundwater Noun

wainuku (takenga mai: wai - water; nuku - earth)

guardianship, stewardship Noun


halogen bulb Noun

pūrama kōnakonako (takenga mai: pūrama – light bulb; kōnakonako – dazzling light, glare)

hazardous waste Noun

para mōrearea

heavy metal Noun

konganuku taumaha

hydraulic fracturing, fracking Noun

whakapiere waipēhi (takenga mai: whaka - causative prefix; piere - crack, fissure; waipēhi - hydraulic)

incandescent bulb Noun

pūrama ratarata

industrial waste Noun

para ahumahi

inorganic matter Noun

matū pararopi-kore

inorganic waste Noun


iron (metal) Noun


iron ore Noun

tokahuke rino

LED (light emitting diode) Noun

pūrama whāhutahi

landfill, rubbish dump Noun


leach mining, in-situ mining, in-situ leaching, in-situ recovery Noun

maina whakapākeka

leachate Noun

wai whakapākeka (takenga mai: pākeka – land that has been exhausted by cultivation) (kupu kē atu: wai papī)

lead Noun

konumatā (tohu: Pb) (takenga mai: konu [konganuku] – metal; matā – lead, bullet) (kupu kē atu: rēti [kupu mino])

lead acid battery Noun

pūhiko waikawa konumatā

light bulb, lamp Noun

pūrama (tohu: )

light pollution Noun

parahanga aho

liquid petroleum gas Noun

hauī (whakapotonga: LPG) (takenga mai: hau [haurehu] – gas; ī – ferment)

liquid waste Noun

para wē

lithium battery Noun

pūhiko konukōhatu

lithium ion battery, Li-ion battery Noun

pūhiko konukōhatu whai katote

low carbon emission Noun, Adjective

tukuwaro-iti (takenga mai: tuku - to release; waro - carbon; iti - small, little)

marine environment Noun

taiao moana

matter, chemical, substance, material Noun

matū (takenga mai: matū – gist, kernel of a matter)

metal Noun

mētara (takenga mai: He kupu mino.) (kupu kē atu: konganuku)

metal Noun

konganuku (takenga mai: konga [kongakonga] - fragment, chip; nuku - the Earth) (kupu kē atu: maitai, mētara [kupu mino])

metal rod, metal bar Noun

tia konganuku (takenga mai: tia - peg, stake; konganuku - metal) (kupu kē atu: tia maitai)

mild steel Noun

maitai waroiti (takenga mai: maitai - steel; waro - carbon; iti - small)

mine, mining Noun, Transitive Verb

maina ~hia (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)

mining industry Noun

ahumahi maina (kupu kē atu: ahumahi huke rawa)

mining waste, tailings Noun

para maina

motor, engine Noun

pūkaha (takenga mai: pū – source, origin; kaha – strength)

multiple reuse Transitive Verb, Adjective

tukurau ~tia ~tanga

natural environment Noun

taiao māori

natural pollutant Noun

parakino māori

neon bulb Noun

pūrama haukura

nickel cadmium battery, NiCad battery Noun

pūhiko konukōreko pūmā

nickel hydride battery, NiMH battery Noun

pūhiko konukōreko hauwai

noise pollution Noun

parahanga haunene (takenga mai: haunene - noisy)

non-biodegradable Noun, Adjective


non-ferrous metal Noun

konganuku rino-kore

non-point source pollution Noun

parahanga takenga whārahi (takenga mai: takenga - origin, source; whārahi - broad, wide, extensive)

non-recyclable Adjective, Noun


non–recyclable Adjective


oil Noun


open-cast mining, open-pit mining Noun

maina puare


tokahuke (takenga mai: toka – stone, rock; huke – dig up, expose by removing earth)

organic (containing carbon) Noun, Adjective

whaiwaro (takenga mai: whai - to have, possess; waro - carbon)

organic chemistry Noun

mātai matū whaiwaro

organic food Noun

kai tipumāori (takenga mai: kai - food; tipu - to grow; māori - natural) (kupu kē atu: kai parakore)

organic matter Noun

matū pararopi

organic waste Noun


ozone Noun

pekerangi (tohu: O3) (kupu kē atu: hāora-toru, ōkai-toru [kupu mino])

ozone layer Noun

paparanga hāora-toru

ozone, trioxide Noun

hāora-toru (tohu: O3) (kupu kē atu: ōkai-toru [kupu mino], pekerangi)

Plastic No. 3, PVC Polyvinyl Chloride Noun


Plastic No. 4, LDPE (Low Density Polyethylene) Noun


Plastic No. 5, PP (Polypropylene) Noun


Plastic No. 6, PS-E Polystyrene (Expanded Styrene) Noun

kirihou-6 (kupu kē atu: kirihou kōmāmā)

Plastic No. 7, plastic e.g. (SAN, ABS, PC, Nylon) Noun


Plastic No.1, PET (Polyethylene Terephthalate) Noun


Plastic No.2, HDPE (High Density Polyethylene) Noun


Plastic No.6, PS-E Polystyrene (Expanded Styrene) Noun

kirihou kōmāmā (kupu kē atu: kirihou-6)

packaging waste Noun

para tākai

packaging, wrapping Noun, Transitive Verb

tākai ~tia

permaculture Noun, Adjective

ahutoitū (takenga mai: ahu [ahuwhenua, ahumāra] - agriculture, horticulture; toitū - sustainable)

petrol motor Noun

pūkaha kōhinu

placer mining Noun

maina takere (takenga mai: takere - riverbed, channel)

plastic Noun, Adjective

kirihou (takenga mai: kiri - skin; hou - new)

plate metal Noun

papa maitai (takenga mai: papa - surface, anything broad, flat and hard)

point source pollution Noun

parahanga takenga whāiti (takenga mai: takenga - origin, source; whāiti - narrow, compact)

poisonous substance Noun

matū paihana (kupu kē atu: matū paitini)

pollutant Noun

parakino (kupu kē atu: para takakino)

pollute, pollution, polluted Noun, Transitive Verb, Adjective

parahanga ~tia (takenga mai: parahanga - rubbish, litter) (kupu kē atu: whakapoke)

polymer Noun, Adjective

waerau (takenga mai: wae – unit; rau –multitude, number)

product cycle, product life cycle Noun

huringa hautaonga

product stewardship Noun

kaitiakitanga hautaonga

pulp Noun


putrescible waste Noun

para kerakera (takenga mai: kerakera - putrid, foul)

radioactive waste Noun

para iraruke

raw material Noun

rawa taketake

recyclable Adjective

tauhangarua (takenga mai: tau - be possible; hangarua - recycle)

recycle Noun, Transitive Verb, Adjective

hangarua ~tia (takenga mai: hanga – make, build, fashion; rua – two)

recycled material Noun

rawa hangarua

recycled paper Noun

pepa hangarua

recycling centre Noun

taupuni hangarua (takenga mai: taupuni – place of assignation; hangarua – recycle)

recycling centre, recycling depot, resource recovery centre Noun

taupuni hangarua

refuse station, transfer station Noun

taupuni para

renewable resource Noun

rawa whakahou

repurpose Noun, Transitive Verb, Adjective

hangahou ~tia (takenga mai: hanga [hangarua] - recycle; hou - new, fresh)

resource recovery Noun, Intransitive Verb

taumanu rawa (takenga mai: taumanu - to take possession of, repossess, reclaim)

reuse Transitive Verb, Adjective

tukurua ~tia ~tanga (kupu kē atu: whakamahi anō)

seabed mining Noun

maina papamoana

sediment, sedimentary Noun, Adjective

parataiao (takenga mai: para – sediment, impurity, waste; taiao – environment) (kupu kē atu: parakiwai, waipara)

septic tank, sewage tank Noun

kura parakaingaki

sewage Noun


sewage sludge Noun

kene parakaingaki

sewage treatment Noun

whakatika parakaingaki

sewage treatment station, sewage treatment facility Noun

taupuni whakatika parakaingaki

sewage, sewerage, effluent Noun


sheet metal, metal sheet Noun

hīti maitai (takenga mai: hīti [kupu mino] - sheet; maitai - metal)

single use Noun, Adjective

mahinga tukutahi

smart battery Noun

pūhiko atamai

soil conservation Noun

whāomo oneone (takenga mai: whāomo [whāomoomo] – conservation; oneone – soil)

soil pollution Noun

parahanga oneone

soil well-being, soil health Noun

oranga oneone

solid waste Noun

para totoka

special waste Noun

para motuhake

stainless steel Noun

maitai waikura-kore (takenga mai: maitai - steel; waikura - rust)

steel Noun


steel, metal Noun


surgical waste, medical waste Noun

para poka (takenga mai: poka - operation [medical], surgery)

sustainable capacity, carrying capacity Noun

raukaha toitū

sustainable development Noun

whanaketanga toitū

sustainable farm, sustainable farming Noun, Intransitive Verb

pāmu toitū

sustainable material, sustainable resource Noun

rawa toitū

sustainable packaging Noun

tākai toitū

sustainable process Noun

tukanga toitū

sustainable product Noun

hautaonga toitū (kupu kē atu: hanga toitū)

sustainable product Noun

hanga toitū (kupu kē atu: hautaonga toitū)

sustainable production Noun

whakanaotanga toitū

sustainable source Noun

takenga toitū

sustainable technology Noun

hangarau toitū

sustainable, sustainability Noun, Intransitive Verb, Adjective

toitū ~tanga

synthetic fuel Noun

kora horihori

synthetic material Noun

matū horihori

thermoplastic Noun

kirihou rewarau (takenga mai: kirihou - plastic; rewa - to melt; rau - many)

toxic Noun, Transitive Verb, Adjective

tāoke ~tia (takenga mai: tā – prefix having causative force; oke – ill, ailing)

toxic residue Noun

toenga tāoke

toxic substance, contaminant Noun

matū tāoke

toxic waste Noun

para tāoke

trade waste Noun

para umanga (kupu kē atu: para tauhokohoko)

transfer station Noun

taupuni whakawhiti para (kupu kē atu: taupuni para)

transparent Adjective

kōataata (kupu kē atu: pūataata)

treated timber, preserved timber Noun

rākau whakauka (takenga mai: whakauka - to preserve, to be lasting)

unconfined aquifer Noun

mātāwainuku tūraha (takenga mai: mātā [mātāpuna] - source; wainuku - groundwater; tūraha - to be open, not confined)

underground mining Noun

maina rōnuku (takenga mai: rō [roto] - inside; nuku - earth)

upcycle Noun, Transitive Verb, Adjective

hangarewa ~tia (takenga mai: hanga [hangarua] - recycle; rewa - to be elevated, high up)

urea Noun

matū mimi (kupu kē atu: tiomimi)

vermicast Noun

paranoke (kupu kē atu: tūtae noke)

virgin pulp Noun

puru hangatahi

waste disposal Noun, Intransitive Verb

whiu para

waste hierarchy Noun

paparanga para (takenga mai: paparanga - layer)

waste management plan Noun

mahere whakahaere para (kupu kē atu: mahere para)

waste recovery Noun, Intransitive Verb

taumanu para (takenga mai: taumanu - to take possession of, repossess, reclaim)

waste reduction, waste minimisation Noun, Intransitive Verb

whakaiti para

waste, rubbish, refuse, trash Noun


wasteful, extravagant Noun, Adjective

ngutu hore (kupu kē atu: tōtōā)

wastewater Noun

waipara (takenga mai: wai - water; para - sediment, waste)

wastewater drain field, septic drain field Noun

āpure papī waipara (takenga mai: āpure - patch, circumscribed area; papī - to ooze, seep) (kupu kē atu: āpure waipara)

wastewater infrastructure Noun

tūāhanga waipara

wastewater service Noun

ratonga waipara

wastewater treatment Noun

whakatika waipara

wastewater treatment station Noun

taupuni whakatika waipara (takenga mai: taupuni - station; whakatika - to rectify, correct; wai - water; para - waste)

water conservation Noun

whāomo wai (takenga mai: whāomo [whāomoomo] – conservation; wai – water)

water pollution Noun

parahanga wai

water table Noun

kārewa wainuku (takenga mai: kārewa - surface [of water]; wainuku - groundwater)

worm farm, vermiculture Noun

pāmu noke (kupu kē atu: pāmu toke)

Zero Waste Noun

Para Kore