Ko ngā rawa e hangaia ai ngā mea katoa. He papatipu tō te matū, ka kī anō i a ia he mokowā. E toru ngā āhua o te matū: ko te totoka, ko te wē, ko te haurehu. Ka hangaia te matū ki te korakora ririki e kīia nei ko te ngota.
The material that everything is made up of. Matter has mass and takes up space. There are three states of matter: solid, liquid and gas. Matter is made up of very small particles called atoms.
matū - gist, kernel of a matter
Pēhea nei te whakarārangi i ngā matū māmā ki te Taka Pūmotu?
E 92 ngā matū māmā, ka kīia he pūmotu.