He tikanga, he kaupapa, he huarahi hoki te Para Kore e whāia ana kia whakaitia te whakapau i ngā rawa o Papatūānuku, kia whakaitia kia whakakorea rānei tā te tangata porowhiu i āna para. Mā te tika o te hoahoa me te hanga rawa, mā te tika o te whakaputa rawa, mā te kawenga tiaki taiao a te umanga, a te kaihokohoko me te hapori, mā te taumanu rawa, mā te hangarua anō hoki, e tutuki ai te kaupapa Para Kore.
Zero Waste is a philosophy, a journey, and a goal which aims to reduce the consumption of raw materials, and to reduce or eliminate the disposal of waste. The goal of Zero Waste involves sustainable design and production, producer, consumer and community responsibility, resource recovery and recycling.
Ko te mahi tiaki taiao tētahi kawenga nui a ngā wheketere i raro i te kaupapa o te Para Kore.
Mā te whai i ngā momo mahi o roto i te kaupapa Para Kore, e toitū ai tā te tangata whakamahi i ngā rawa o Papatūānuku.
He kawenga tā tēnā, tā tēnā i raro i te kaupapa o te Para Kore.