Financial Literacy / Mātau Ahumoni

English → Māori

A list of vocabulary relating to finance - earning, saving, investing and spending money, and also general economic terms.

He rārangi kupu e pā ana ki te ahumoni - te whiwhi, te penapena, te haumi me te whakapau pūtea, tae atu anō ki ngā kupu e pā ana ki te ōhanga whānui.

account balance Noun

tapeke pūtea

account balance Noun

tapeke pūtea

accountant Noun


accounting Noun, Intransitive Verb

mahi kaute (takenga mai: mahi - work; kaute - to count [kupu mino])

accounts payable Noun

nama kia utua atu

accounts receivable, outstanding invoice Noun

nama kia utua mai

accounts, accounting statement Noun

puka kaute (takenga mai: puka [pukapuka] - book, document; kaute [kupu mino] - account)

advertise, promote, market, promotion Noun, Transitive Verb, Adjective

whakatairanga ~hia (takenga mai: whakatairanga - to elevate, raise up) (kupu kē atu: pānui hokohoko)

affordability index Noun

tauine tareka ā-utu (takenga mai: tauine - ruler, scale)

agribusiness Noun

pakihi ahuwhenua

annual income Noun

moniwhiwhi ā-tau

appreciation, increase in value Noun

pikinga wāriu (kupu kē atu: pikinga uara)

asset Noun

huarawa (takenga mai: hua - benefit, gain; rawa - resource, property)

audit, conduct an audit Noun, Intransitive Verb

tātari kaute (takenga mai: tātari - to analyse; kaute [kupu mino] - accounts) (kupu kē atu: arotake kaute)

auditor Noun

kaitātari kaute

automatic payment Noun

utu aunoa

balance sheet, account statement Noun

ripanga kaute (takenga mai: ripanga - spreadsheet; kaute [kupu mino] - to account for) (kupu kē atu: puka kaute)

bank account Noun

pūtea pēke

bankrupt, broke Noun, Intransitive Verb, Adjective

mone (kupu kē atu: pēkerapu [kupu mino], pakaru te pūkoro [kīanga ōpaki])

barter Noun, Transitive Verb


beneficiary (of a grant) Noun

kaiwhiwhi takuhe (takenga mai: whiwhi - to get, receive, obtain; takuhe - benefit, grant)

beneficiary (of a trust etc) Noun

kaiwhiwhi painga

benefit (payment of money) Noun


bitcoin Noun

monimoka (takenga mai: moni - currency, money [kupu mino]; moka - bit, binary digit)

bond (monetary) Noun

monihere (takenga mai: moni - money; here - to tie, restrict)

borrow, borrowed Transitive Verb, Adjective

mino ~a (kupu kē atu: tono moni taurewa)

borrower Noun

kirimino (takenga mai: kiri - person, self; mino - to borrow)

budget Noun

mahere pūtea (takenga mai: mahere – plan; pūtea – sum of money)

budgeting Intransitive Verb, Noun

whakamahere pūtea

business Noun

pakihi (kupu kē atu: umanga)

business network Noun

whatunga pakihi

business partner Noun

hoa pakihi

business plan Noun

mahere pakihi

business tax Noun

tāke pakihi

business tax Noun

tāke pakihi

business trust, trading trust Noun

tarahiti pakihi

buy, purchase Noun, Transitive Verb

hoko mai

buy, sell, purchase, trade, barter, exchange Noun, Transitive Verb, Adjective

hoko ~na ~nga

buyback Noun, Adjective, Transitive Verb


capital (finance) Noun

pūrawa (takenga mai: pū - to heap up, stack; rawa - resource) (kupu kē atu: haupū rawa)

capital equipment Noun

taputapu pūrawa

capital return, capital increase, capital growth, capital gain Noun

pikinga pūrawa (takenga mai: piki - to increase; pu - to heap up, stack; rawa - resource; pūrawa - capital [finance])

capital value Noun

wāriu pūrawa

capitalist economy Noun

ōhanga angahaorawa

carbon tax Noun

tāke waro

charitable Adjective


charitable enterprise Noun

hinonga ohaoha

charitable trust Noun

tarahiti ohaoha

charity Noun

rōpū ohaoha

circular economy Noun

ōhanga āmiomio

civic responsibility Noun

haepapa raraupori

coin Noun

moniuka (takenga mai: moni [kupu mino] - money; uka - hard, firm) (kupu kē atu: kapa)

collateral, security (financial) Noun

huarawa taurangi (takenga mai: huarawa - asset; taurangi - to guarantee)

collective contract, collective agreement Noun

kirimana tōpū (kupu kē atu: kirimana takimaha)

collective responsibility Noun

haepapa kiritōpū (kupu kē atu: haepapa takimaha)

commercial goal Noun

whāinga arumoni (kupu kē atu: whāinga tauhokohoko)

commercial, commercialisation Adjective, Noun

arumoni ~tanga (takenga mai: aru - to pursue, follow; moni [kupu mino] - money)

commercialise Transitive Verb

whakaarumoni ~ngia (kupu kē atu: tāhoko)

commodity Noun

taongahoko kakapi (takenga mai: taonga - goods, property; hoko - to buy or sell; kakapi [whakakapi] - substitute, replace)

compound interest Noun

huamoni whakaputu (takenga mai: whakaputu - to pile up)

confidence and supply Noun

manatoko me te manapūtea (takenga mai: manatoko - to verify, validate, give credence to; manapūtea - fiscal authority)

conflicting values Noun

uara taupatupatu

consume, consumption, consumerism Noun, Transitive Verb

whakapeto ~hia ~nga

consumer demand Noun

popono kiritaki (takenga mai: popono - to covet, desire, hanker after)

consumer demand Noun

popono kiritaki (takenga mai: popono - to covet, desire, hanker after)

consumer price index, CPI Noun

tauine utuhoko (takenga mai: tauine - ruler, scale; utu - price, cost; hoko - to purchase, buy, sell)

consumer profile Noun

kāhua kiritaki (takenga mai: kāhua - form, appearance)

consumer responsibility Noun

haepapa kaiwhakapeto

contents insurance Noun

inihua taonga rōwhare

contract, binding agreement Noun

kirimana (takenga mai: kiri - skin, bark; mana - effectual, binding, authoritative)

controlled economy, command economy Noun

ōhanga whakamatua

cooperative business Noun

pakihi ā-ohu

cost of living index Noun

tauine utu noho (takenga mai: tauine - ruler, scale)

cost-effective, cost-effectiveness Noun, Adjective, Intransitive Verb

whaihua ā-utu (takenga mai: utu - cost, price, payment; whaihua - beneficial, worthwhile)

cost-effectiveness analysis, cost-benefit analysis Noun

tātaritanga whaihua ā-utu

credit account Noun

pūtea taurewa

credit card Noun

kāri taurewa

credit limit Noun

mōrahi taurewa (takenga mai: mōrahi - maximum, upper limit)

credit, loan Noun

moni taurewa (takenga mai: moni [kupu mino] - money; taurewa - to be unpaid, on loan) (kupu kē atu: pūtea taurewa)

crowdsource, crowdsourcing Noun

tahua takitini (takenga mai: tahua - fund, sum of money; takitini - crowd, many people) (kupu kē atu: puna takitini)

cryptocurrency Noun

moni whitirangi (takenga mai: moni [kupu mino] - currency, money; whiti - to transfer, cross over; rangi [ipurangi] - internet) (kupu kē atu: moni matihuna, moni matihiko, moni mariko)

current asset Noun

huarawa wātea (takenga mai: wātea - available)

cycle of poverty Noun

rawakore tāruarua (takenga mai: tāruarua - to repeat)

debit, withdrawal Noun

moni tango (takenga mai: moni [kupu mino] - money; tango - to take away, subtract)

debt, invoice, bill Noun, Intransitive Verb

nama (takenga mai: He kupu mino [number].)

deficit, overdraft Noun, Intransitive Verb, Adjective


demand (for goods and services) Noun

popono (takenga mai: popono - to covet, desire, hanker after)

deposit (of money) Noun

monikuhu (takenga mai: moni [kupu mino] - money; kuhu - to put in, insert) (kupu kē atu: moni kōkuhu)

deposit money Intransitive Verb

kuhu moni (kupu kē atu: kōkuhu moni)

deposit, down payment Noun

moni tāpui (takenga mai: moni - money [kupu mino]; tāpui - to reserve, set aside)

depreciation, decrease in value Noun

hekenga wāriu

discount price Noun

utu whakaheke

discretionary income Noun

moniwhiwhi kōwhiti (takenga mai: kōwhiti - to choose)

disposable income, available income Noun

moniwhiwhi wātea

dividend Noun

utu whaipānga (takenga mai: utu - payment; whaipānga - to have a share, interest)

domestic market Noun

mākete taiwhenua

due diligence Noun

haurapatanga (takenga mai: haurapa - to search for diligently, to probe, delve)

EFTPOS card Noun

kāri utuhiko (takenga mai: kāri - card [kupu mino]; utu - to pay for; hiko [tāhiko] - electronic)

e-commerce Noun

ītauhoko (takenga mai: ī - he rite te whakahua ki te pū Ingarihi nei, te 'e' mō te electronic; tauhoko [tauhokohoko] - trade, commerce)

economic Adjective


economic change Noun

panoni ohaoha

economic community Noun

hapori ohaoha

economic crisis Noun

tairaru ohaoha

economic depression Noun

aumate ohaoha (takenga mai: au - current; au - e whai ana i tā te 'aupiki' me te 'auheke'; mate - sick, ailing, unwell)

economic development Noun

whanaketanga ohaoha

economic expansion Noun

aupiki ohaoha (takenga mai: aupiki - to ascend, success)

economic growth Noun

tipu ohaoha

economic impact Noun

pāpātanga ohaoha

economic incentive Noun

poapoa ohaoha

economic map, economic plan Noun

mahere ohaoha

economic policy Noun

kaupapahere ohaoha

economic recession Noun

auheke ohaoha (takenga mai: auheke - difficulty, failure, descent)

economic recovery Noun

mātūtū ōhanga

economic system Noun

pūnaha ōhanga

economic trend Noun

ia ohaoha

economics Noun

mātai ōhanga

economy Noun

ōhanga (kupu kē atu: taiōhanga)

electronic transaction Noun

kurutete tāhiko (takenga mai: kurutete - to exchange, swap)

employer Noun

kaituku mahi (kupu kē atu: kaiwhakawhiwhi mahi)

employment contract Noun

kirimana whiwhi mahi

employment, employed Noun, Intransitive Verb

whiwhi mahi

enterprise, entity Noun

hinonga (takenga mai: hinonga - doing, undertaking)

entrepreneur, entrepreneurial Noun, Adjective

rakahinonga (takenga mai: raka - agile, adept; hinonga - enterprise)

entrepreneurial skill Noun

pūkenga rakahinonga

entrepreneurial skills Noun

pūkenga rakahinonga

ethical investment, responsible investment Noun

haumitanga matatika

ethical trade, fair trade Noun

tauhoko matatika

excess demand Noun

popono tuhene

excess supply, oversupply Noun

whakaratonga tuhene

exchange system, system of exchange Noun

pūnaha kurutete

excise tax Noun

tāke whāiti (takenga mai: tāke - tax [kupu mino]; whāiti - narrow, specific)

expenditure, expenses Noun


family benefit Noun

takuhe whānau

family trust Noun

tarahiti ā-whānau

farmers' market Noun

mākete kaipāmu

finance, financial, monetary Noun, Adjective

ahumoni (takenga mai: ahu – tend, foster, oriented towards; moni [kupu mino] – money)

financial aspect Noun

āhuatanga ahumoni

financial benefit, monetary benefit Noun

painga ahumoni

financial incentive, monetary incentive Noun

poapoa ahumoni

financial influence Noun

awenga ahumoni

financial literacy, financial capability Noun

mātau ahumoni (takenga mai: mātau - knowledge; ahumoni - finance)

financial plan Noun

mahere ahumoni

financial risk Noun

tūraru ahumoni

financial year Noun

tau ahumoni

fiscal policy Noun

kaupapahere moni tūmatanui (takenga mai: moni - money [kupu mino]; tūmatanui - public)

fixed asset Noun

huarawa pūmau

fixed interest Noun

huamoni pūmau

free market, deregulated market Noun

mākete herekore (kupu kē atu: mākete waeture-kore)

free trade, free enterprise Noun

tauhoko herekore

fund, sum of money Noun

tahua (kupu kē atu: pūtea)

fund, sum of money Noun


funeral insurance Noun

inihua tangihanga

Goods and Services Tax, GST, sales tax Noun

Tāke Hokohoko

global commerce Noun

tauhokohoko ao whānui

global economy Noun

ōhanga ao whānui

global market Noun

mākete huriao (takenga mai: mākete - market [kupu mino]; huri - to go around; ao - world)

goods, product Noun

hautaonga (kupu kē atu: taonga, utauta, hokonga)

government superannuation Noun

penihana kāwanatanga

gross domestic product, GDP Noun

tapeke wāriu hokonga (takenga mai: takepe - total; wāriu - value; hokonga [hoko] - to buy or sell)

gross income Noun

moniwhiwhi peke (takenga mai: moniwhiwhi - income; peke - be all included)

hire purchase Noun, Transitive Verb

hoko harangote (takenga mai: hoko - to purchase, buy; harangote [harangotengote] - piecemeal or by instalments)

house insurance, home owners insurance, home insurance Noun

inihua whare

housing market, property market Noun

mākete whare

income tax Noun

tāke moniwhiwhi

income, revenue Noun

moniwhiwhi (takenga mai: moni [kupu mino] - money; whiwhi - to get, receive, acquire)

individual contract, individual agreement Noun

kirimana tōtahi (kupu kē atu: kirimana takitahi)

individual responsibility Noun

haepapa kiritahi (kupu kē atu: haepapa takitahi)

installment plan Noun

mahere utu harangote

instalment (payment) Noun

utu harangote (takenga mai: utu - to pay; harangote [harangotengote] - piecemeal or by instalments)

insurance claim Noun

kerēme inihua (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)

insurance company Noun

umanga inihua

insurance policy, insurance contract Noun

kirimana inihua (takenga mai: kirimana - contract)

insurance premium Noun

utuhoko inihua

insure, insurance Noun, Transitive Verb

inihua ~tia (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)

intellectual asset Noun

huarawa hirikapo

interest (finance) Noun

huamoni (takenga mai: hua – product, bear fruit; moni – money)

interest rate Noun

pāpātanga huamoni

intergenerational poverty Noun

rawakore tuku iho (kupu kē atu: rawakore whitireanga)

international market, foreign market Noun

mākete tāwāhi (kupu kē atu: mākete ā-ao)

international trade, international commerce Noun

tauhoko tāwāhi

invest, investment Noun, Adjective, Transitive Verb

haumi ~tanga (takenga mai: haumi - to reserve, lay aside, lengthen by addition) (kupu kē atu: whakangao)

investment account Noun

pūtea haumi

investment account, investment fund Noun

pūtea haumi

investment fund Noun

tahua haumi (kupu kē atu: pūtea haumi)

investment manager Noun

kaiwhakahaere haumitanga

investment period

wā haumi

investment plan Noun

mahere haumi

investment profile Noun

kāhua haumi (takenga mai: kāhua - form, appearance; haumi - to invest)

investment risk Noun

tūraru haumitanga

investor Noun


land trust Noun

tarahiti whenua

landlord, lessor Noun

kaituku rīhi

lay-by Noun, Transitive Verb

hoko tāpui (takenga mai: hoko - to purchase, buy; tāpui - reserve, set aside)

lease, rent Noun, Transitive Verb, Adjective

rīhi ~tia (takenga mai: He kupu mino.) (kupu kē atu: rēti [kupu mino])

leasehold title Noun

taitara rīhi

lessee, tenant, renter, leaseholder Noun

kairīhi (takenga mai: rīhi [kupu mino] - to lease)

liability (financial) Noun

pūnama (takenga mai: pū - heap, stack; nama - debt) (kupu kē atu: taunaha)

life insurance Noun

inihua mataora

linear economy Noun

ōhanga torotika

liquid asset Noun

huarawa māngohe (takenga mai: māngohe - soft, pliable)

living wage Noun

utu ā-haora whaiora

long term lease Noun

rīhi tautini

loss (finance) Noun


Māori economy Noun

ōhanga Māori

mark up Noun

whakapikinga utu

market Noun

mākete (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)

market force Noun

ānga mākete

market value Noun

wāriu mākete

medium of exchange Noun

hangawhiti (takenga mai: hanga - object, thing; whiti - to transfer, cross over) (kupu kē atu: hanga kurutete)

minimum wage Noun

utu ā-haora mōkito

mixed economy Noun

ōhanga angarua (takenga mai: anga - to face a certain direction; anga - framework, structure; rua - two)

monetary asset Noun

huarawa tahua

monetary policy Noun

kaupapahere ahumoni

monetary system Noun

pūnaha moni

monetise, monetisation Noun, Transitive Verb

whakamoni ~hia ~tanga (takenga mai: whaka - causative prefix; moni [kupu mino] - money)

money, currency, cash Noun

moni (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)

mortgage Noun

mōkete (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)

need, to be needed Noun, Passive Verb

matea (takenga mai: mate - to be in want of, need)

net income Noun

moniwhiwhi more (takenga mai: moniwhiwhi - income; more - plain, without appendages)

no claims bonus Noun

hua tonokore

non-commercial Adjective

arumoni-kore (kupu kē atu: huamoni-kore)

non-profit organisation Noun

whakahaere monihua-kore

non-profit, not for profit Noun


note (money) Noun

monitā (takenga mai: moni [kupu mino] - money; tā - to print) (kupu kē atu: moni pepa)

note (money) Noun

monirau (takenga mai: moni [kupu mino] - money; rau - leaf)

online market Noun

mākete tuihono

online shopping Noun

hoko tuihono

overhead (finance) Noun

utu whakahaere (takenga mai: utu - cost; whakahaere - to operate, administer)

paywave Noun

utu whakaparo (takenga mai: whakaparo - to hover)

pension, superannuation Noun

penihana (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)

peppercorn rental, nominal lease Noun

rīhi kongakonga (takenga mai: rīhi [kupu mino] - lease, rent; kongakonga - crumb, something insignificant)

personal values Noun

uara whaiaro

philanthropy, philathropic Noun, Adjective

tukuoha (takenga mai: tuku - to give; oha - generous,munificent, gift)

physical asset Noun

huarawa ōkiko

pocket money, cash Noun

moni pūkoro

point of sale, POS Noun

wāhi hoko

poor, underprivileged, poverty Noun, Adjective

rawakore ~tanga (kupu kē atu: pōhara [kupu mino])

poverty index Noun

tauine rawakore (takenga mai: tauine - ruler, scale; rawakore - poor)

poverty, poverty-stricken, destitute, extremely poor Noun, Intransitive Verb, Adjective

tuakoka (kupu kē atu: rawakore)

price trend, cost trend Noun

ia utu

principal (finance) Noun

tahua more (takenga mai: tahua - fund; more - without appendages, plain)

private superannuation, personal superannuation Noun

penihana tūmataiti

producer responsibility Noun

haepapa kaiwhakaputa

professional indemnity insurance Noun

inihua pare whiunga ngaiotanga (takenga mai: pare - to ward off; whiunga - penalty, punishment)

profit Noun

monihua (takenga mai: moni - money [kupu mino]; hua - benefit, accrue, gain)

profit Noun

monihua (takenga mai: moni [kupu mino] - money; hua - benefit, accrue, gain)

property market, real estate market Noun

mākete papanoho

provisional tax Noun

tāke tārewa (takenga mai: tāke [kupu mino] - tax; tārewa - unresolved, deferred, set aside)

public liability insurance Noun

inihua pare taunaha tūmatanui (takenga mai: pare - to ward off, avoid, protect; taunaha - liability; tūmatanui - public)

purchaser, seller, vendor Noun


purchaser, sellor, vendor Noun

kirihoko (takenga mai: kiri - self, person; hoko - to buy or sell) (kupu kē atu: kaihoko)

rebate Noun

monihoki (takenga mai: moni - money; hoki - to return)

refund Noun

whakahokinga moni

regulated market, controlled market Noun

mākete whakamatua

rent review, lease review Noun, Intransitive Verb

arotake rīhi

rental housing, rental accommodation, lease housing Noun

wharenoho rīhi

responsible business Noun

pakihi haepapa

retail price, purchase price Noun

utu kaihoko

salary Noun

utu ā-tau

self-employed, self-employment Noun, Intransitive Verb, Adjective

mahikuhu (takenga mai: mahi - work; kuhu - do on one's own)

sell Noun, Transitive Verb

hoko atu

sentimental value Noun

uara whēnakonako (takenga mai: uara - value; whēnakonako - to be wistful, yearn, long for; whēnakonako - nostalgic)

settlor, creator of a trust Noun

kaihanga tarahiti

share (finance) Noun

pānga (takenga mai: pā - be connected with) (kupu kē atu: hea [kupu mino])

share market Noun

mākete pānga

shareholder Noun

kaiwhaipānga (kupu kē atu: tangata whaipānga)

sickness benefit Noun

takuhe tūroro (kupu kē atu: takuhe hāura)

simple interest Noun

huamoni tūpā (takenga mai: tūpā - flat, level)

small enterprise Noun

hinonga iti

social enterprise Noun

hinonga pāpori

socially responsive business Noun

pakihi aropori (takenga mai: aro - take heed, pay attention to; pori [pāpori] - social)

socioeconomic index Noun

tauine ohapori (takenga mai: tauine - ruler, scale)

sole trader business Noun

pakihi kiritahi

subsidy Noun

pūtea āwhina (kupu kē atu: pūtea tautoko)

sum insured Noun

rahinga inihua

supply and demand Noun

(te) whakarato me te popono

supply, provision Noun, Transitive Verb

whakarato ~a ~nga

tariff, trade tax Noun

tākehoko tāwāhi (takenga mai: tāke - tax; hoko [tauhokohoko] - trade, commercial; tāwāhi - overseas, abroad)

tax avoidance Noun

pare tāke (takenga mai: pare - to avoid, ward off, fend)

tax concession, tax break Noun

whakamāmā tāke (takenga mai: whakamāmā - to ease, relieve, lighten)

tax evasion, tax dodge Noun, Intransitive Verb, Adjective

karo tāke

tax, taxation Noun, Transitive Verb

tāke ~ngia (takenga mai: he kupu mino)

term investment Noun

haumitanga wā tūmau (takenga mai: tūmau - fixed, constant)

third party insurance Noun

inihua kiritoru (takenga mai: kiri - person, self; toru - three)

thriving economy Noun

ōhanga tōnui

trade, commerce Noun, Intransitive Verb, Adjective


trademark Noun

mokopakihi (takenga mai: moko - tatooing on the face or body under traditional protocol; pakihi - business)

trickle-down Noun, Intransitive Verb, Adjective


trust (formal entity) Noun

tarahiti (takenga mai: he kupu mino) (kupu kē atu: tarati [kupu mino], rōpū kaitiaki)

trustee Noun

poutarahiti (takenga mai: pou - stalwart, dependable person)

unemployment benefit Noun

takuhe koremahi

unemployment, unemployed Noun, Adjective, Intransitive Verb


value Noun, Transitive Verb

uara ~tia

value (monetary) Noun

wāriu (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)

value adding Noun, Adjective

whakapiki uara

vehicle insurance, auto insurance Noun

inihua waka

virtual system of exchange Noun

pūnaha kurutete mariko

wage Noun

utu ā-haora

want, desire Noun, Transitive Verb

hiahia ~tia (kupu kē atu: matawara, minaka, pīrangi)

wealth, wealthy, rich Adjective, Noun


welfare dependency Noun

whirinaki tokoora (takenga mai: whirinaki - to depend on, rely on; toko - support; ora - life, well-being; tokoora - welfare) (kupu kē atu: pararau tokoora)

welfare state Noun

whenua tokoora

welfare, social welfare Noun

tokoora (takenga mai: toko - support; ora - welfare, well-being; Te Tari Toko i te Ora - Department of Social Welfare)

wholesale price Noun

utu hokorau

wholesaler Noun

kaihokorau (takenga mai: hoko - to buy or sell; rau - many) (kupu kē atu: kaihoko waenga)

worker, employee Noun


working capital Noun

pūrawa wātea (takenga mai: wātea - to be available)