Ko te tūāpapa mōkitokito e hangaia ai ngā rauropi katoa. Ko te karihi tētahi wāhanga matua o te pūtau. Kei te karihi ngā ira motuhake o te rauropi e puta ai ōna āhuatanga tuku iho. Arā ētahi rauropi kotahi anake te pūtau, pērā i ētahi huakita me ētahi hekaheka – ka kīia he pūtautahi. E hia miriona kē ngā pūtau o ngā tipu me ngā kīrehe (te tangata anō hoki), nō reira ka kīia he pūtautini.
The microscopic building block of all living organisms. A cell has a nucleus containing the unique genetic material of the organism which shapes its inherited characteristics. Some organisms, such as some bacteria and fungi, have only one cell and are called unicellular. Plants and animals (including humans) have many cells and are called multicellular.