He rauropi e hanga ana i tāna ake kai mā te tukanga ahotakakame i roto anō i ōna rau. Ko te nuinga o ngā tipu he uri nō Tāne Mahuta, nō Rongomātāne, nō Haumia-tiketike, ā, nō Tangaroa hoki ētahi. Ko ngā tipu ēnā kei te pūtake o ngā raupapa kame katoa. Mā te tipu e ora ai ērā atu o ngā rauropi, arā, ngā momo kīrehe katoa. Ko tētahi mahi nui a te tipu he miti i te hauhā (CO2) o te hau takiwā, he tuku i te hāora (O).
An organism which produces its own food through the process of photosynthesis. Most plants belong to the realm of Tāne Mahuta, Rongomātāne, Haumia-tiketike and Tangaroa. Plants are at the base of all food chains, providing sustenance to other organisms, such as animals. An important function of plants is to absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and to give off oxygen.