He rōpū taiora kei roto i te kai. He rāpoi ngota roa te pūmua, ka hangaia ki te waikawa amino. Ko tā te pūmua he hanga pūtau hou, e ora ai te tinana o te kīrehe (ko te tangata anō hoki). Ko te mīti, te hēki, te tīhi me te ika ētahi kai he nui te pūmua kei roto. He pūmua motuhake te pūmua whākōkī, ko tāna mahi he whakatina i ngā tauhohe matū katoa o roto i te tinana. He raupapatanga waikawa amino motuhake tō tēnā pūmua, tō tēnā.
A group of nutrients in food. Proteins are long chain molecules made from amino acids. Protein enables humans and animals to grow new cells. Meat, eggs, cheese and fish are examples of food containing high levels of protein. Enzymes are a special type of protein which control all chemical reactions in the body. Each protein has a unique sequence of amino acids.
pū ‒ origin, source
pūhui ‒ compound
mua ‒ front
He aha ngā momo kai, he nui te pūmua kei roto?
Whakamāramatia ngā hua o te kai pūmua.
He pūhui whaiwaro te waikawa amino, koia te takenga o te pūmua.