He wē e rere ana i te tinana mā roto i ngā ia-tuku, ngā ia-auraki me ngā ia-tōiti, hei kawe i ngā matū maha hei oranga mō ngā pūtautau, ngā whēkau me ērā atu hanga o te tinana. Ko tētahi atu mahi a ngā toto he kohi i ngā para o ngā pūtau, hei tuku mā ētahi whēkau ki waho o te tinana (pērā i te hauhā hei tuku mā ngā pūkahukahu).
A liquid which flows in the body through arteries, veins and capillaries, carrying a variety of substances to sustain the tissues and organs of the body. Another function of blood is to collect waste from cells for disposal by certain organs (such as carbon dioxide for disposal by the lungs).