He tukanga ōkiko e wehea ai te totoka i tētahi ranunga wē. Mā te tātari e wehea ai te totoka e tārewa ana i te wē (pērā i te paru i rō wai), engari kāore e wehea te totoka memeha (pērā i te tote i rō wai). Ka ringia atu te wē kia heke atu ai mā te pepa tātari. Ko te mahi a te pepa tātari he pupuri i te totoka tārewa kia kore ai e puta, engari ka puta tonu atu te wē. Ka kīia tēnei ko te wē tātari.
A physical process of separating out a solid from a liquid mixture. Filtration will separate out a suspended solid (such as mud in water), but not a dissolved solid (such as salt in water). The liquid is poured through filter paper which does not allow the suspended solid to pass. Only the liquid is able to pass through, and is called the filtrate.