āhei ~tanga Tūingoa, Tūmahi Whiti, Tūmahi Oti
able, ability
mark, oppose (in sport) (takenga mai: āpititū - to fight at close quarters)
game sense
starting lineup, starting team, run on team (takenga mai: aroākapa - front rank, front row [of kapa haka etc])
auwaha ~tia Tūingoa, Tūmahi Whiti
interfere, interference (e.g. in a game)
foul, offence, infringe, infringement (takenga mai: hara - sin, offence) (kupu kē atu: hapa)
hara ā-ture Tūingoa, Tūmahi Poro
technical foul
hara takune Tūingoa, Tūmahi Poro
intentional foul
double foul
haukuru ~a Tūingoa, Tūmahi Whiti
slam dunk, jam (basketball) (takenga mai: haukuru - to smash, strike hard)
lose, loss, defeat (e.g. a game)
opponent, opposition, adversary
hopu ~kina Tūingoa, Tūmahi Whiti
catch (a ball)
hōtaetae ~tia Tūingoa, Tūmahi Whiti, Tūāhua
obstruct, obstruction (netball)
huri Tūingoa, Tūmahi Whiti, Tūmahi Poro
roll (basketball) (takenga mai: huri - to turn)
playing uniform, playing strip
guard (basketball)
point guard (basketball) (takenga mai: ārai - to obstruct, hinder, block out; hautū - to guide, lead, keep in time) (kupu kē atu: kaiārai kōmore)
shooting guard (basketball)
elite athlete (takenga mai: ikeike - high, lofty)
recreational athlete (kupu kē atu: kaipara ā-rēhia)
semi-professional athlete (takenga mai: utu - payment; iti - small)
unpaid athlete, amateur athlete
professional athlete, paid athlete
defender (takenga mai: pare - to turn aside, ward off, protect) (kupu kē atu: kaiārai)
utility player (takenga mai: raka - adept, skilful; rau - many)
captain (kupu kē atu: kaiurungi, kāpene [kupu mino])
vice captain (takenga mai: mātāmuri - secondary)
playmaker (takenga mai: taki - to lead, bring along)
referee, umpire (takenga mai: wawao - to part combatants)
teacher, coach (kupu kē atu: kaiako, pouako)
trainer, strength trainer
opposing team
athletic scholarship, athlete's scholarship
(sports) club (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
dodge, evade
pivot (basketball)
playing season
count (in a game) (takenga mai: He kupu mino.) (kupu kē atu: tatau)
carry (e.g. in ball sports)
shoot (a goal by throwing), shot (takenga mai: kuru - to throw) (kupu kē atu: tītere)
alley-oop (basketball) (takenga mai: kuru - to shoot [basketball]; areupa [kupu mino] - alley-oop)
jump shot (basketball) (kupu kē atu: tītere hūpeke)
penalty shot, free throw (basketball)
three point shot (basketball) (whakapotonga: kuru whiwhi-3) (kupu kē atu: tītere toru piro)
training plan, training programme
strengthening plan
mahi tahi (ā-kapa) Tūingoa, Tūmahi Poro
teamwork (kupu kē atu: tākaro ngātahi)
māhiti ~tia ~nga Tūingoa, Tūmahi Whiti
seed, seeding, grading (sport) (takenga mai: māhiti - to sort, separate, grade, select)
maka ~ia ~nga Tūingoa, Tūmahi Whiti
throw, pass (kupu kē atu: whiu)
baseline throw in
sideline throw in, throw in (takenga mai: maka - throw, pass; paetaha - sideline)
free pass, free throw (basketball) (kupu kē atu: maka whiwhi)
maka poho Tūingoa, Tūmahi Poro
chest pass
jump ball (basketball) (takenga mai: maka - throw, pass; taupatu [taupatupatu] - to compete, vie)
maka tupana Tūingoa, Tūmahi Poro
bounce pass (kupu kē atu: maka papa)
assist (in basketball) (takenga mai: maka - pass, throw [ball]; whai - to get, acquire; piro - score)
possession (of ball), in possession
free throw line (basketball)
centre line, half way line, midcourt line (kupu kē atu: rārangi weherua, pae waenga)
replacement bench, substitute's bench (takenga mai: whakahiri [whakahirihiri] - to assist, relieve)
three point line (basketball) (whakapotonga: pae whiwhi-3)
baseline (takenga mai: pae - boundary; pito - end, extremity)
wooden court, wooden surface
sports field, playing field, playground, court (kupu kē atu: papa hākinakina)
basketball (takenga mai: poi - ball; tūkohu - cylindrical basket)
3x3 basketball, three on three basketball
centre circle (kupu kē atu: porohita waenga)
power forward (basketball) (takenga mai: mārohirohi - strong, powerful) (kupu kē atu: kauaro mārohirohi, poukaha)
small forward (basketball) (kupu kē atu: kauaro poto, poupaku)
centre (basketball, netball) (kupu kē atu: topapū)
talent, natural talent
pool (in a tournament draw)
knock out (competition format) (takenga mai: puta - exit; rere [ohorere] - suddenly)
lay-up (basketball) (takenga mai: rei - to leap, rush, run; rei - lay [kupu mino]; kuru - to shoot a goal)
shooter, goal shoot (netball) (takenga mai: ringa - hand; kuru - to shoot [a goal]) (kupu kē atu: kaikuru ūhanga, ringa tītere)
free throw lane, keyhole, key (basketball) (takenga mai: rohe - area; kuru - to shoot [goal]; tautuku - penalty)
outplay, outsmart, outmanoeuvre, outfox, outwit
social aspect, social dimension (kupu kē atu: taha pāpori, taha pori)
sports nutrition
strapping tape (takenga mai: tākai - bandage; whakapiri - to adhere, cling, stick)
draw, tie (result of a game) (takenga mai: taka - to come around - as a date or period of time; rite - same, similar) (kupu kē atu: haupārua, kaute ōrite)
tākaro ngātahi Tūingoa, Tūmahi Poro
play as a team, playing cohesion, teamwork (kupu kē atu: tākaro ā-kapa, kotahitanga ā-kapa)
total (of points), final score
hoop (basketball, netball) (kupu kē atu: tarawhiti, mōhiti, mōwhiti)
taritari kaitākaro Tūingoa, Tūmahi Poro
player recruitment
draw (competition format) (takenga mai: tātai - to arrange, set in order; tākaro - game, sport)
taupare ~a Tūingoa, Tūmahi Whiti
block (an opponent), screen (e.g. basketball, squash etc) (takenga mai: taupare - to obstruct, thwart, block, impede)
screen and roll, pick and roll (basketball)
unsportsmanlike (takenga mai: taurekareka - dastardly, dishonourable) (kupu kē atu: tūtūā)
tauwhāinga ~tia Tūmahi Whiti, Tūingoa
contend, compete, vie, event, competition, match (kupu kē atu: taupatupatu, whakataetae, tauwhaiwhai, tātāwhāinga)
elite competition (takenga mai: ikeike - high, lofty)
toa Tūingoa, Tūmahi Poro, Tūāhua
win, winner, victory, victorious, champion
overwhelming victory, run away victory, huge win, blowout victory (takenga mai: toa - to be victorious; haukerekere - to overwhelm, trounce, defeat)
close victory, close win (takenga mai: ewhai ana i tā te oraitimō te narrow escape) (kupu kē atu: toa tata)
trophy, championship award
technique (takenga mai: tū - manner, sort, type; kawe - to carry)
basket (basketball), net (netball) (takenga mai: tūkohu - cylindrical basket)
tupana Tūmahi Poro, Tūāhua, Tūingoa
bounce (a ball)
dribble (basketball) (takenga mai: tupana - bounce, spring up)
tupanarua ~hia Tūingoa, Tūmahi Whiti
double dribble
rebound (basketball) (kupu kē atu: tāwhana)
defensive rebound
offensive rebound
goal (netball, basketball, soccer etc) (takenga mai: ū - to land, strike home)
unpaid, amateur (takenga mai: utu - payment; kore - nil, not)
half time
extra time (takenga mai: tāpiri - additional, extra)
time out
competitive spirit
whai wāhi ~tanga Tūingoa, Tūmahi Whiti
participate, participation
paid, professional (takenga mai: whai - to get, obtain; utu - payment) (kupu kē atu: ngaio)
whakamakaka ~tia Tūingoa, Tūāhua, Tūmahi
cool down, bend and stretch body to relieve muscles
bye (e.g. in a sports tournament) (takenga mai: whakanā - rest, remain still)
whakangungu ~a Tūingoa, Tūmahi Poro, Tūāhua, Tūmahi Whiti
practice, train (kupu kē atu: whakapakari, whakawai)
contact, make contact
whakapakari hinengaro Tūingoa, Tūmahi Poro
mental training, mental strengthening
whakapakari pūkenga Tūingoa, Tūmahi Poro
skills training
whakataetae ~tia Tūingoa, Tūmahi Whiti, Tūāhua, Tūmahi Poro
compete, competition, contest, tournament (kupu kē atu: tātāwhāinga, tauwhāinga)
gymnasium (kupu kē atu: whare whakapakari tinana)
round, heat (stage of a competition) (takenga mai: whiriwhiri - to select, choose)
final round, final, championship round
qualifying round
semi-final, penultimate round
whiringa whakapau Tūingoa, Tūāhua
round robin (tournament draw) (takenga mai: whiringa - round, heat [in a tournament]; whakapau - exhaustive)
point (scoring unit in a competition) (takenga mai: whiwhi - to get, obtain)