Basketball / Poitūkohu

English → Māori

able, ability Noun, Transitive Verb, Neuter Verb

āhei ~tanga

alley-oop (basketball) Noun

kuru areupa (takenga mai: kuru - to shoot [basketball]; areupa [kupu mino] - alley-oop)

assist (in basketball) Noun

maka whaipiro (takenga mai: maka - pass, throw [ball]; whai - to get, acquire; piro - score)

athlete Noun


athletic scholarship, athlete's scholarship Noun

karahipi kaipara

backboard Noun


baseline Noun

paepito (takenga mai: pae - boundary; pito - end, extremity)

baseline throw in Noun

maka paepito

basket (basketball), net (netball) Noun

tūkohu (takenga mai: tūkohu - cylindrical basket)

basketball Noun

poitūkohu (takenga mai: poi - ball; tūkohu - cylindrical basket)

block (an opponent), screen (e.g. basketball, squash etc) Noun, Transitive Verb

taupare ~a (takenga mai: taupare - to obstruct, thwart, block, impede)

bounce (a ball) Intransitive Verb, Adjective, Noun


bounce pass Noun, Intransitive Verb

maka tupana (kupu kē atu: maka papa)

bye (e.g. in a sports tournament) Noun, Intransitive Verb

whakanā (takenga mai: whakanā - rest, remain still)

captain Noun

kaitaki (kupu kē atu: kaiurungi, kāpene [kupu mino])

carry (e.g. in ball sports) Noun, Transitive Verb

kawe ~a

catch (a ball) Noun, Transitive Verb

hopu ~kina

centre (basketball, netball) Noun

pouwaenga (kupu kē atu: topapū)

centre circle Noun

porohita pokapū (kupu kē atu: porohita waenga)

centre line, half way line, midcourt line Noun

pae weherua (kupu kē atu: rārangi weherua, pae waenga)

chest pass Noun, Intransitive Verb

maka poho

close victory, close win Noun

toa iti (takenga mai: ewhai ana i tā te oraitimō te narrow escape) (kupu kē atu: toa tata)

compete, competition, contest, tournament Noun, Transitive Verb, Adjective, Intransitive Verb

whakataetae ~tia (kupu kē atu: tātāwhāinga, tauwhāinga)

competitive spirit Noun

wairua whakataetae

contact, make contact Noun, Transitive Verb


contend, compete, vie, event, competition, match Transitive Verb, Noun

tauwhāinga ~tia (kupu kē atu: taupatupatu, whakataetae, tauwhaiwhai, tātāwhāinga)

cool down, bend and stretch body to relieve muscles Noun, Adjective, verb

whakamakaka ~tia

count (in a game) Noun

kaute (takenga mai: He kupu mino.) (kupu kē atu: tatau)

defender Noun

kaipare (takenga mai: pare - to turn aside, ward off, protect) (kupu kē atu: kaiārai)

defensive rebound Noun

turapa kaupare

dodge, evade Noun, Transitive Verb

karo ~a

double dribble Noun, Transitive Verb

tupanarua ~hia

double foul Noun, Intransitive Verb


draw (competition format) Noun

tātaitākaro (takenga mai: tātai - to arrange, set in order; tākaro - game, sport)

draw, tie (result of a game) Intransitive Verb, Noun

takarite (takenga mai: taka - to come around - as a date or period of time; rite - same, similar) (kupu kē atu: haupārua, kaute ōrite)

dribble (basketball) Intransitive Verb

tūpanapana ~hia (takenga mai: tupana - bounce, spring up)

elite athlete Noun

kaipara ikeike (takenga mai: ikeike - high, lofty)

elite competition Noun

tauwhāinga ikeike (takenga mai: ikeike - high, lofty)

extra time Noun

wā tāpiri (takenga mai: tāpiri - additional, extra)

final round, final, championship round Noun

whiringa toa

foul, offence, infringe, infringement Noun, Intransitive Verb

hara (takenga mai: hara - sin, offence) (kupu kē atu: hapa)

free pass, free throw (basketball) Noun

maka pātea (kupu kē atu: maka whiwhi)

free throw lane, keyhole, key (basketball) Noun

rohe kuru tautuku (takenga mai: rohe - area; kuru - to shoot [goal]; tautuku - penalty)

free throw line (basketball) Noun

pae kuru tautuku

fulltime Noun

wā mutunga

game sense Noun

aroā tākaro

goal (netball, basketball, soccer etc) Noun

ūhanga (takenga mai: ū - to land, strike home)

guard (basketball) Noun


gymnasium Noun

whare kori tinana (kupu kē atu: whare whakapakari tinana)

half time Noun

wā haurua

hand-eye coordination Noun

(te) reretahi o te karu me te ringa

hoop (basketball, netball) Noun

tarawhiti (kupu kē atu: tarawhiti, mōhiti, mōwhiti)

intentional foul Noun, Intransitive Verb

hara takune

interfere, interference (e.g. in a game) Noun, Transitive Verb

auwaha ~tia

jump ball (basketball) Noun

maka taupatu (takenga mai: maka - throw, pass; taupatu [taupatupatu] - to compete, vie)

jump shot (basketball) Noun

kuru hūpeke (kupu kē atu: tītere hūpeke)

knock out (competition format) Adjective

putarere (takenga mai: puta - exit; rere [ohorere] - suddenly)

lay-up (basketball) Noun

reikuru (takenga mai: rei - to leap, rush, run; rei - lay [kupu mino]; kuru - to shoot a goal)

lose, loss, defeat (e.g. a game) Noun, Neuter Verb


manager Noun


mark, oppose (in sport) Transitive Verb

āpititū ~tia (takenga mai: āpititū - to fight at close quarters)

mental training, mental strengthening Noun, Intransitive Verb

whakapakari hinengaro

obstruct, obstruction (netball) Noun, Transitive Verb, Adjective

hōtaetae ~tia

offensive rebound Noun

turapa kōkiri

opponent, opposition, adversary Noun


opposing team Noun

kapa hoariri

outplay, outsmart, outmanoeuvre, outfox, outwit Transitive Verb

rorerau ~tia

overwhelming victory, run away victory, huge win, blowout victory Noun

toa haukerekere (takenga mai: toa - to be victorious; haukerekere - to overwhelm, trounce, defeat)

paid, professional Adjective, Intransitive Verb

whaiutu (takenga mai: whai - to get, obtain; utu - payment) (kupu kē atu: ngaio)

participate, participation Noun, Transitive Verb

whai wāhi ~tanga

penalty shot, free throw (basketball) Noun

kuru tautuku

pivot (basketball) Noun, Intransitive Verb


play as a team, playing cohesion, teamwork Noun, Intransitive Verb

tākaro ngātahi (kupu kē atu: tākaro ā-kapa, kotahitanga ā-kapa)

player recruitment Noun, Intransitive Verb

taritari kaitākaro

playing season Noun

kaupeka tākaro

playing uniform, playing strip Noun

kahu tākaro

playmaker Noun

kaitaki tākaro (takenga mai: taki - to lead, bring along)

point (scoring unit in a competition) Noun

whiwhinga (takenga mai: whiwhi - to get, obtain)

point guard (basketball) Noun

kaiārai hautū (takenga mai: ārai - to obstruct, hinder, block out; hautū - to guide, lead, keep in time) (kupu kē atu: kaiārai kōmore)

pool (in a tournament draw) Noun

puna (whakataetae)

possession (of ball), in possession Noun, Intransitive Verb


power forward (basketball) Noun

poumua mārohirohi (takenga mai: mārohirohi - strong, powerful) (kupu kē atu: kauaro mārohirohi, poukaha)

practice, train Noun, Intransitive Verb, Adjective, Transitive Verb

whakangungu ~a (kupu kē atu: whakapakari, whakawai)

professional athlete, paid athlete Noun

kaipara whaiutu

qualifying round Noun

whiringa uru

rebound (basketball) Noun, Intransitive Verb

turapa (kupu kē atu: tāwhana)

recreational athlete Noun

kaipara runaruna (kupu kē atu: kaipara ā-rēhia)

referee, umpire Noun

kaiwawao (takenga mai: wawao - to part combatants)

replacement (player), reserve, substitute, sub, interchange (league) Noun, Adjective

(kaitākaro) whakahiri (takenga mai: whakahirihiri - assist, relieve)

replacement bench, substitute's bench Noun

pae whakahiri (takenga mai: whakahiri [whakahirihiri] - to assist, relieve)

roll (basketball) Noun, Transitive Verb, Intransitive Verb

huri (takenga mai: huri - to turn)

round robin (tournament draw) Noun, Adjective

whiringa whakapau (takenga mai: whiringa - round, heat [in a tournament]; whakapau - exhaustive)

round, heat (stage of a competition) Noun

whiringa (takenga mai: whiriwhiri - to select, choose)

screen and roll, pick and roll (basketball) Noun

taupare me te huri

seed, seeding, grading (sport) Noun, Transitive Verb

māhiti ~tia ~nga (takenga mai: māhiti - to sort, separate, grade, select)

self-belief Noun

whakapono whaiaro

semi-final, penultimate round Noun

whiringa whāiti

semi-professional athlete Noun

kaipara utuiti (takenga mai: utu - payment; iti - small)

shoot (a goal by throwing), shot Transitive Verb, Noun

kuru ~a (takenga mai: kuru - to throw) (kupu kē atu: tītere)

shooter, goal shoot (netball) Noun

ringa kuru (takenga mai: ringa - hand; kuru - to shoot [a goal]) (kupu kē atu: kaikuru ūhanga, ringa tītere)

shooting guard (basketball) Noun

kaiārai kuru

sideline throw in, throw in Noun

maka paetaha (takenga mai: maka - throw, pass; paetaha - sideline)

skills training Noun, Intransitive Verb

whakapakari pūkenga

slam dunk, jam (basketball) Noun, Transitive Verb

haukuru ~a (takenga mai: haukuru - to smash, strike hard)

small forward (basketball) Noun

poumua poto (kupu kē atu: kauaro poto, poupaku)

social aspect, social dimension Noun

taha whakawhanaunga (kupu kē atu: taha pāpori, taha pori)

sports field, playing field, playground, court Noun

papa tākaro (kupu kē atu: papa hākinakina)

sports nutrition Noun

taiora hākinakina

starting lineup, starting team, run on team Noun

aroākapa (takenga mai: aroākapa - front rank, front row [of kapa haka etc])

strapping tape Noun

tākai whakapiri (takenga mai: tākai - bandage; whakapiri - to adhere, cling, stick)

strategy Noun


strengthening plan Noun

mahere whakapakari

tactic Noun


talent, natural talent Noun


teacher, coach Noun

kaiwhakaako (kupu kē atu: kaiako, pouako)

teammate Noun


teamwork Noun, Intransitive Verb

mahi tahi (ā-kapa) (kupu kē atu: tākaro ngātahi)

technical foul Noun, Intransitive Verb

hara ā-ture

technique Noun

tūkawe (takenga mai: tū - manner, sort, type; kawe - to carry)

three point line (basketball) Noun

pae whiwhi-toru (whakapotonga: pae whiwhi-3)

three point shot (basketball) Noun

kuru whiwhi-toru (whakapotonga: kuru whiwhi-3) (kupu kē atu: tītere toru piro)

throw, pass Noun, Transitive Verb

maka ~ia ~nga (kupu kē atu: whiu)

time out Noun


total (of points), final score Noun


trainer, strength trainer Noun


training plan, training programme Noun

mahere whakangungu

trophy, championship award Noun

tohu toa

unpaid athlete, amateur athlete Noun

kaipara utukore

unpaid, amateur Adjective

utukore (takenga mai: utu - payment; kore - nil, not)

unsportsmanlike Adjective

taurekareka (takenga mai: taurekareka - dastardly, dishonourable) (kupu kē atu: tūtūā)

utility player Noun

kaitākaro rakarau (takenga mai: raka - adept, skilful; rau - many)

vice captain Noun

kaitaki mātāmuri (takenga mai: mātāmuri - secondary)

warm-up Noun, Intransitive Verb, Transitive Verb, Adjective

whakamahana ~tia

win, winner, victory, victorious, champion Noun, Intransitive Verb, Adjective


wooden court, wooden surface Noun

papa (tākaro) rākau