He pūrere tāhiko, ko tāna, he pupuri, he tukatuka raraunga matihiko. He pūtāuru ō te rorohiko e taea ai e te kaiwhakamahi āna tohutohu te tuku ki te rorohiko. He pūmanawa ō te rorohiko hei tukatuka, hei rokiroki i ngā raraunga. He pūtāputa hoki ō te rorohiko pērā i tōna mata me ōna tukuoro.
An electronic device used for holding and processing digital data. A computer has input devices to enable a user to send their instructions. A computer has software which processes and stores data. A computer also has output devices such as its screen and speakers.
roro - brain
hiko - electricity
hiko (tāhiko) - electronic
E mahi ana ia i te nuinga o āna mahi kura i te rorohiko.
E hono ana tō rorohiko ki te ipurangi, kāore rānei?
Kua tino pōturi te haere o taku rorohiko i ngā rā kua taha ake nei.