
tukatuka kupu

word processing

tūingoa, tūmahi poro


He momo taupānga rorohiko, arā, ko te waihanga, te takatā me te whakarākei tuhinga. Mā ngā pūrere tāuru pēra i te papapātuhi me te kiore e whakaurua ai he pūtohu, he tohu, he ata, he tohutohu rānei. Ka whakaaturia te tuhinga ki te mata o te rorohiko i te wā e whakamahia ana, ka puritia ki te pūrokiroki, ā, ka taea te tuku ki te pūrere tā.

A type of computer application, namely the creation, editing and embellishment of a document. By way of input devices such as the keyboard and mouse, characters, symbols, images and commands are inputted. The document is displayed on the computer screen when in use, it is stored in the memory device and is able to be sent to a printer.

Tauira KŌrero

E waia ana koe ki tēhea papatono tukatuka kupu?

Ka tīmata te ako tukatuka kupu i te tau whā i tō mātou kura.

Kua tino whai pūkenga ia ki te tukatuka kupu.

WhakamĀrama Āpitihanga

Koia nei ētahi āheitanga whānui o ngā papatono tukatuka kupu katoa:

Takenga Mai

tukatuka - to start up, proceed forward

Tauira KŌrero

E waia ana koe ki tēhea papatono tukatuka kupu?

Ka tīmata te ako tukatuka kupu i te tau whā i tō mātou kura.

Kua tino whai pūkenga ia ki te tukatuka kupu.

WhakamĀrama Āpitihanga