He pūnaha kōtuitui whakahara tonu e hono atu ai tētahi rorohiko ki tētahi huri i te ao, e whakawhitia ai he kōrero, he puoro, he ataata he momo raraunga matihiko kē atu rānei. He maha ngā huarahi e tūhonoa ai tētahi rorohiko ki te ipurangi, pērā i te tukutuku ao whānui. Ko te whakawhiti īmēra tētahi atu whakamahinga nui o te ipurangi.
A massive network system which connects computers to each other around the world, in order for information, music, video or other digital data to be exchanged. There are a variety of ways a computer can link to the internet such as through the world wide web. The transmission of email is another important function of the internet.
ipu - container, vessel for holding anything
rangi - the heavens
ipurangi (whakaipurangi) - the head or source of a stream, a small storehouse
E tino piki ana te whakamahinga o te ipurangi i roto i ngā akomanga huri noa i Aotearoa.
He aha te wāhitau ipurangi o tō tāua rūnanga ā-iwi?
He ahokore te hononga ipurangi i te kura.