Ko ngā mōhiohio matihiko ka whakamahia e te rorohiko, ka puritia rānei ki te rorohiko. Ka whai wāhi atu ko te kuputuhi, ko te whakaahua, ko te kōnae oro, ko te ataata, ko te pūmanawa papatono. Ka hurihia ngā kōrero nei e te rorohiko ki te raraunga tāhūrua hei tukatuka i roto i tōna pūtukatuka matua, hei pupuri rānei ki ōna pūmahara.
Digital information that is used by or stored on a computer. This includes text, images, audio files, video and software programs. The information is converted by the computer to binary data for processing in its central processing unit or for storage on its memory devices.