Ko te wāhi e rokirokitia ai he raraunga matihiko ki tētahi rorohiko, pērā i te whakaahua, i te ataata, i te puoro me te tuhinga kōrero. Ka puritia hoki ngā papatono hei kōnae.
The storage place of various forms of data on a computer, such as photographs, video, music and written documents. Programs are also held as files.
kōnae - small basket woven from flax
Huakina te kōnae kei reira ngā tuhinga mō tō tātou marae e noho ana.
Mā te whai i te kawa takiuru e tīkina atu ai ngā tuhinga kei tēnā kōnae.
He aunoa te pūrua i ngā kōnae kei te pūnaha rorohiko a te kura i te mutunga o ia rā.