Ko te huri i ngā hua ahuwhenua, ahumāra hoki hei kai. He iti noa iho ētahi momo tukatuka kai pērā i te kuoro wīti kia puta ai te puehu parāoa. He matatini ake ētahi momo tukatuka pērā i te huri i te kikokau hei tōtiti. Mō te tōtiti, he maha ngā tāpiringa pērā i te kongakonga parāoa, i te tāroki me te amiami.
Transforming agricultural and horticultural produce into food. Some types of food processing are minimal, such as grinding wheat to produce flour. Some food processing is more complex, such as turning beef into sausages, which often includes the use of many additives such as bread crumbs, preservative and herbs.