
tāroki ~a

preservative, preserve

tūingoa, tūmahi whiti


He matū ka whakaurua ki tētahi mea, pērā i te kai, i te rongoā me te papa rākau hei kaupare atu i ngā moroiti whakapopo, hei aukati rānei i te tauhohe kāore e hiahiatia ana, pērā i te tauhohe ōhikitanga. Mā te tāroki e tauroa ai te ora, te pai rānei o tētahi mea.

A substance that is added to products such as food, medicine and timber, to inhibit the actions of micro-organisms and undesirable chemical reactions such as oxidation. Preservatives extend the useful life of a product.

Tauira KŌrero

Rangahautia ngā momo mate tērā pea ka hua ake i te kaha whakamahinga o ētahi momo tāroki.

Whakamahia ai te tote e ngā mātua tūpuna hei tāroki i ētahi momo kai.

Ko te konutai pākawa ota (NaNO3) tētahi tāroki hei kaupare i te mahi whakapopo a te moroiti.

Takenga Mai

tā - causative prefix

roki (rokiroki) - preserve

Tauira KŌrero

Rangahautia ngā momo mate tērā pea ka hua ake i te kaha whakamahinga o ētahi momo tāroki.

Whakamahia ai te tote e ngā mātua tūpuna hei tāroki i ētahi momo kai.

Ko te konutai pākawa ota (NaNO3) tētahi tāroki hei kaupare i te mahi whakapopo a te moroiti.