Koia anake te reo e mārama ana ki te rorohiko, ko te 0 me te 1 ōna pūtohu. Ka tuhia e te kaihanga papatono he pūmanawa ki tētahi reo papatono pērā i te Java, ā, mā te papatono whakahiato o roto i te pūtukatuka matua e huri hei reo rorohiko. Ka kīia te reo rorohiko he reo tāhūrua.
The only language which can be understood by a computer, consisting only of the characters 0 and 1. The programer writes software in a programming language such as Java, and the compiling programme from within the central processing unit turns this to computer language. Computer language is a binary language.
He uaua rawa atu te reo rorohiko hei tuhituhi, hei pānui mā te tangata.
He wā moroiti rawa atu hei huri mā te pūtukatuka matua i te reo papatono hei reo rorohiko.
He reo tāhūrua te reo rorohiko.