Kāore tētahi rorohiko, tētahi pūnaha rorohiko rānei e wātea ana ki te mahi i āna mahi. I te nuinga o te wā, hei whakaahua tēnei kupu i te rorohiko tūmau e raru ana.
When a computer or system is not available to fulfill its function. Usually this term is applied in reference to a server problem.
Kua wāteakore te tūmau o te kura, kei te whakatewhatewhatia ināianei kia kitea ai he aha koia te raruraru.
He poto noa iho te wāteakore, kei te whakaara anō te rorohiko tūmau.
Ko tētahi tohu o te pūnaha rorohiko horopū, ko te iti o te wā e wāteakore ana, arā, te wā koremahi.