Ko te kapo me te pupuri i tēnei mea te oro ki te kōnae matihiko, mātua rā ko te puoro. Ko tā te tukanga hopu oro, he huri i ngā ngaru oro e hopukina ana hei raraunga tāhūrua, ā, ka tiakina ki te kōnae hei whakarongo anō mā te tangata ā tōna wā, hei whakarākei rānei māna. Ka mātua tutuki mā tētahi pūrere pērā i te taupuni hopu oro.
Capturing and holding sound in a digital file, in most cases music. The process of recording sound involves the conversion of the captured sound waves to binary data and saving to a file so it can be listened to again or enhanced at a future time. This is mainly achieved by using a device such as an audio work station.