E hāngai ana ki ngā momo hangarau hou o roto i te rua tekau tau kua pahure nei, pēnei i te rorohiko, i te pū whakaahua, i te paparorohiko, me te waea pūkoro. Inā ko te iahiko me ngā mati e rua nei, te 0 me te 1, hei tohu, hei pupuri, hei tuku i te raraunga, ahakoa he kupu, he pikitia, he oro, he ataata rānei.
Relating to or involving new forms of technology in the preceeding 20 or so years, such as the computer, the digital camera, the tablet and the mobile phone. Electric current and the digits 0 and 1 are used to represent, store and transmit data, whether it be text, images, sound or video.
mati - digit
hiko - electricity
Mā te pūmatawai e huri ai te pikitia hei pikitia matihiko.
He aha ētahi o ngā pūrere matihiko e whakamahia ana i te whare hopu oro?
Arā kē te whānui o ngā momo pūrere matihiko hou e putaputa mai ana i ia tau, i ia tau.