Ko te whakamahinga o te mātauranga tuku iho o ngā tīpuna me te mātauranga pūtaiao whānui hei hoahoa, hei waihanga i tētahi tukanga, i tētahi pūnaha, i tētahi pūrere, i tētahi hanga rānei, e tutuki ai tētahi mahi whaitake. Ko tā te hangarau, he whai kia māmā ake, kia pai ake, kia toitū ake rānei te whakatutuki i ngā mahi o ia rā. He mahi auaha tonu te hangarau.
The use of traditional knowledge passed down from the ancestors and wider scientific knowledge to design and create a process, a system, a device or an object for the purposes of completing a useful task. The aim of hangarau is to find ways for everyday tasks to be completed more easily, more efficiently and more sustainably. Hangarau is a creative endeavour.
hanga - to make, create, build, fashion
rau - many, numerous
E hiahia ana ia ki te whai i te mahi hangarau koiora ina mutu tana kura.
Koia nei te reanga i tino hohoro ai te tipu o te hangarau matihiko.
He kaha taku kuia ki te whātoro atu i tōna ringa ki ngā hangarau hou e putaputa mai ana, pērā i te paparorohiko me te waea pūkoro.