He momo haurehu, māna rawa e ora ai ngā rauropi katoa. E pātata ana ki te 20% o te hau takiwā, he hāora. He wāhanga anō te hāora o te wai (H2O), arā, ka hono atu ngā ngota hauwai e rua ki te ngota hāora kotahi. Ka puta te hāora i te tukanga ahotakakame o ngā tipu.
A gas which is vital to all organisms. Approximately 20% of air is made up of oxygen. Oxygen is also one of the elements which combine to make water – two hydrogen atoms are joined to each oxygen atom to form a molecule of water. Oxygen is produced by the process of photosynthesis in plants.
hā - breath, breathe
ora - alive
ōkihena (kupu mino)
He aha te wāhi ki te hāora i te ngingiha?
Tāngia he hoahoa hei whakaatu i te whakaputaina o te hāora i te tukanga ahotakakame o te tipu.
Ko te mahi nui a ngā pūkahukahu, he whakawhiti i te hāora ki ngā ia-toto.