Ka kīia he pūmotu ngā momo ngota katoa. Kāore e taea te wāwāhi tētahi pūmotu ki tētahi matū māmā ake. E 92 ngā pūmotu māori, i tua atu i ēnei ko ētahi i hangaia kē mai e te tangata (engari kāore ēnei e tino mōhio whānuitia ana). He huhua ētahi o ngā pūmotu i te taiao, pērā i te hauwai (H), te waro (C), te hauota (N), me te hāora (O). Ko ētahi, kāore i te pērā rawa te kitea i te taiao, pērā i te rino (Fe), te konutai (Na) me te konupora (Mg). Ko ētahi, he uaua kē te kitea, pērā i te konukita (Cr) me te haukura (Ne). Ko ētahi, he tino onge, pērā i te konutangaroa (Np).
Each different type of atom is referred to as an element. An element cannot be broken down into a simpler substance. There are 92 naturally occuring elements, the rest are made artificially (although these are not widely known). Some elements occur abundantly, such as hydrogen (H), carbon (C), nitrogen (N) and oxygen (O). Some occur moderately, such as iron (Fe), sodium (Na) and magnesium (Mg). Some occur rarely, such as chromium (Cr) and neon (Ne). Others, such as neptunium (Np), occur only in minute amounts.
pū ‒ origin, source
motu ‒ anything isolated
E hia te tau iraoho o te pūmotu hauota?
Rārangihia mai ngā pūmotu mātāmua e rua tekau.
E pātata ana ki te 75% o ngā pūmotu katoa, he konganuku.