He rōpū pūmotu, he rerekē ngā āhuatanga ōkiko me ngā āhuatanga matū i ērā o te konganuku. Hāunga te matāpango (tētahi o ngā āhuatini o te waro), kāore e pai te konu-kore ki te kawe iahiko, ki te kawe wera rānei. He haurehu te nuinga o ngā konu-kore i te paemahana ā-whare, engari he totoka te waro (C), te takawai (Si) me te pungatara (S).
A group of elements which have different physical and chemical properties from those of metals. Except for graphite (an allotrope of carbon), non-metals are not good conductors of electricity or heat. Most non-metals are gases at room temperature. Carbon (C), silicon (Si) and sulphur (S) are solid.