He pūmotu te waro, māna rawa e ora ai ngā momo rauropi katoa. Ko ētahi o ngā āhuatini o te waro, ko te taimana me te matāpango. He maha ngā pūhui o te waro nā te mea he māmā noa iho te hono o te ngota waro ki ngā ngota o ētahi atu pūmotu. Hei tauira o te pūhui waro, ko te tioka, ko te pākeho, ko te hauhā (CO2) o roto i te kōhauhau, ko te waiwaro o roto i te hinu, te kapuni me te waro koranehe.
Carbon is an element and essential to all living things. Some of the allotropes of carbon include diamond and graphite. There are many compounds of carbon because carbon atoms easily form stable bonds with other elements. Carbon compounds include chalk and limestone, carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, and hydrocarbons in oil, natural gas and coal.