He momo pūmanawa ka tāutaina atu ki te rorohiko, ki te waea atamai, ki pūrere matihiko kē atu rānei, e taea ai e taua pūrere te whakatutuki tētahi tūmahi whāiti. Hei tauira, ko te huinga papatono a Microsoft (Word, Excel me ētahi atu), ko ngā pūtirotiro tukutuku pērā i te Chrome, ko ngā taupānga pāhopori pērā i te Atapaki me te Tīhau.
Types of software that are loaded onto a computer, a smartphone or other digital device which enable the device to perform specific tasks. Examples include the suite of Microsoft products (Word, Excel etc), web browsers such as Chrome, and social media applications such as Snapchat and Twitter.
E putaputa mai ana ētahi taupānga reo Māori papai rawa.
Tīkina atu te taupānga o te papakupu He Pātaka Kupu kia noho mai ai ki tō waea pūkoro.
He aha rā ētahi taupānga tito puoro e mōhio nā koe e hoa?