He mahi kia mukua he kōnae o te rorohiko. Arā, he tuku i ngā kōnae kāore e hiahiatia tonutia ana me ngā kōnae tawhito ki te ipupara, mā konei e nui ake ai te wāhi wātea i te pukumārō o te rorohiko, waihoki e tere ake ai te haere.
An exercise to get rid of some of the files of a computer. This is achieved by sending files that are no longer required or are out of date to the trash, freeing up space on the computer's hard drive and thereby speeding up the computer's operation.
tahitahi - to sweep
Ka tahitahia atu ngā kōnae ipurangi taupua.
Ko te whakapiako i te ipupara tētahi wāhanga o roto i te tahitahi rorohiko.