He tukanga tautohu tangata, mā te āta ine i ōna āhuatanga ā-tinana motuhake, pērā i tōna makaurangi matimati. Ka whakamahia te ine-koiora hei ara whakahaumaru i te rorohiko, i tētahi pūrere atamai kē atu rānei.
A process for identifying a person by the careful measurement of unique bodily features such as their fingerprint. Biometrics can be used as a security procedure on a computer or other smart device.
ine - to measure
koiora - bio, biology
Ko te ine-koiora tētahi momo maukati kia kore ai tētahi e uru atu ki te rorohiko, ki te waea pūkoro rānei a tangata kē.